From master composer to master blender, Avo Uvezian got into cigars through the world of music. Avo composed his cigars like his music with complex, unique layers delivering a quality premium. Every AVO cigar is crafted with passion and enthusiasm that shows through until the end of each carefully created handmade. AVO Cigars are a thing worth remembering.

Utilizing the most refined tobaccos out of the Dominican Republic, AVO cigars are known for having a classic and distinct mellow to medium-bodied flavor profile.  AVO Classic is a perfect example of the blend, a terrific cigar with a smooth taste and wonderful aroma. In 2016, AVO released the follow-up to their popular Syncro Nicaragua blend with AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata, a medium to full-bodied firecracker blend with loads of flavor including wood, leather, cinnamon, and a slightly sweet finish. Try any AVO cigar and see what you're missing. 

AVO Mega-Sampler  20 CigarsQuickviewAVO Mega-Sampler 20 Cigars
Units Available: 1Bid to Win: $1.00QuickBuy: $134.50Closes In: View Lot  Add to Lot Watch
AVO Mega-Sampler  20 CigarsQuickviewAVO Mega-Sampler 20 Cigars
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