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Last post 23 years ago by usahog. 33 replies replies.
Change the name......
thumper Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 01-23-2001
Posts: 25
Based on what I hear from you "guys" I really think we need to change the name of thi board to "I'm a republican" and screw you if you don't like the way I think! I don't know about you folks, but my money has spent real well the last four years and my investments, especially the techs, are up more than 154%. Mr. Busch (and his father) have a long way to go to better the last administration. I know none of you guys have screwed his secretary, or even thought about it. Comments Welcomed
jcrimmins Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
I second the motion to change the name of the board to "I'm a Republican". All in favor??
jcrimmins Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
I hate to beat a dead horse, but the truth is that Clinton inherited the good economy from past Republican presidents. The recession that we are now seeing is mainly due to Clinton policies. Clinton is one of the worst presidents ever. A disgrace!
Long live W.
thumper Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 01-23-2001
Posts: 25
I am going to check back with you guys in acouple of years, based on your theory anything good or bad Mr. Busch does will be by the good graces of a Democrat.
jcrimmins Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
Actually, none of my theories involving Democratic presidents are positive. Sorry. I lived with eight years of Clinton BS, now it's time to celebrate. "Bush" is a damn fine president.
"Busch" is a beer. Once again, it's great to be an American.
Charlie Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Clinton and his administration is the most corrupt American Administration in Presidential history. They will keep on shocking us with revalations of theft, money laundering, pandering and just down right disgraceful actions for years to come. Remember he inherited the upswing and had very little to do with the economy, other than stealing some funds here and there.
Charlie Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Damn, sure could use spell check!
jjohnson28 Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Thumper you are totally intitled to your own opionion but Jack is correct in stating Bush is a damn fine president.Busch is a Beer.But just for the record Thumper are you saying you don't like BUSH????LOL.
jjohnson28 Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Damn Jack,beat me to the the busch thing,but I did a little research.Thumper you stated that "Mr. Busch (and his father) have a long way to go to better the last administration".The truth is Mr. Busch,his father and his grandfather have been part of American history for as long as I can remember.Not only that but their stock no matter what the Clinton administration has done,has done pretty well in it's own right.Even you must agree with my last statement.If you need futher proof see.
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
the problem with this pretender to the presidency is that he is a dope. bush couldn't find water if he fell out of a boat. he has been surrounded by all his father's old cronies (i believe that is the word) so that we have bush sr's regime again. do you really think he has any idea what is going on? if you recall the last time we had a bush in office, the ecomony stunk. if clinton is so bad, how come the economy improved. is anyone suggesting that bush sr was so smart the economy grew for 8 years after he left office? in the next four years, the disparity between the rich and the filthy rich will be closed. we are heading towards an aristocracy where the presidents are heirs to the throne regardless of their mental fitness. everyone knows the election was fixed in florida to continue the bush dynasty. the most corrupt presidency in recent time was nixon's where his vice president agnew was kicked out of offices and ford was picked, not elected. than nixon resignss for the good of nixon and our non elected president selects a vice president, also not elected. now we have the top two leaders hand picked and not elected. nixon is pardoned, by the president he selected, for a hell of a lot more than committing adultry. this lying under oath nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to discrdit him by an industry set up to destroy any attempt by the left to improve the country. it is however, a better solution than what was done to get rid of jfk. the only worse presidency was of course reagan. he was so out of the loop, that we sold arms to iran to buy drugs, through noriega, to obtain money for the contras in complete violation of the law. no lying under oath for reagan. he just did not remember. no one thought that the president should be invilved, what the hell, he is only in charge. why was admiral poindexter, who took what he hoped would be an overdose of valium, allowed to smoke his pipe during the committee hearings? was it so he could puff and think, what are they going to ask me next. i have never seen anyone allowed to smoke in our office building. i believe those building in washington all belong to us. why was north pardoned? he committed treason. he dealt with a foriegn power against the law. what about the money illegally collected by contra supporters after north would give his little speech and than leave the room. is that worse than dumb gore collecting foriegn money. at least gore is probably too anxious to be the next president and is too dumb to realize the stupidity of doing what he did. north is no fool, he knew axactly what he was doing. if your response is to label me, it will show a lack of thinking and a need to put me in a group. i am not a republican or a democrat. i am not a conservative or a liberal.
jcrimmins Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
Ricardo: How could you post that drivel on the "I'm a Republican" board?? Go get your own board!!!
Charlie Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Wow, Rick doesnt seem to think too highly of some great Republican leaders!!!!!!!!!!!! We could of course fire back with Kennedy(Ted, Jack or Bobby),Clintons(Bill or Hillary or Roger) and any of their pack of followers, Lyndon Johnson(his many oil deals in Texas and blackmailing of Senators for votes), and oh who can forget Al "I didnt know it was a fundraiser" Gore! We havent even touched on the Democratic Congressmen that have been "shady" or caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Paige attacks(both male and female)and "Stampgate", Travelgate, Watergate(whoops wrong party) and Whitewater, etc, etc!
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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whose we? the post was and is what "I" think. i did mention dumb gore in the middle of my rant. i don't think too highly of most politicians. they were originally suppossed to serve a few years for their friends and neighbors and than return to their farms or jobs. being a represntative was not suppossed to be a career. these people live off the public money worse than any welfare recipient. they do not raise their salaries. they pass a resolution that says if they don't vote against a raise, it will be enacted. "wow! i didn't vote for a raise." what the hell is strom thurman doing being allowed to vote. nothing wrong with the gentleman, but he can't hear or think. and this constant reference's to the esteemed gentleman or lady. for the most part, they are neither. if you listen carefully, the phrase is "request unanimous consent to revise etc." that means they will bulls**t for a few minutes and revise their diatribe to look like they spoke eloquently on the floor of the house when published in the congressional record and than refer to the speech they didn't make when they go home to talk to their constituents. go, serve one term and go get a job where you have to pay for your haircuts. no one could get away with the s**t they pull on a regular job, you would be fired, not investigated by the other employes, scolded and told to go back to work, all is forgiven. (and don't forget to overlook the stuff i have been getting away with.)
#14 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
incidently, i am smoking a cohiba lancero and having a cappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles and nutmeg on the cream. if i wasn't in such a good mood, i might really be pis**d.
tailgater Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Rick. Typical democratic blather. Jump back to Nixon when in doubt. At least HE knew what was good for the country once his antics were revealed. But that is not the point of my post. It's the economy, stupid (to coin a phrase from Bubba himself). Anyone who thinks that Bill Clinton created the great economy is foolish. Name ONE THING that he personally did to stimulate the economy. Any economist can tell you how the economy goes in cycles, and there are times when government can capitilize on that cycle and extend the good periods. How? Ask Greenspan. He has been the single biggest factor in this extended strong market. I just hope he lives long enough to do the same for Bush. The other way to improve the economy is to support businesses. Do the democrats, as a group, support business? NO. Do they support labor unions? Yup. Do higher taxes help the economy? No. Then shouldn't an across the board tax cut help stimulate growth AND investments? You betcha. It is a FACT that people give MORE when taxed LESS. MORE to investments, MORE to charities, and MORE to the economy by way of spending. I am from the Liberal Black Hole known as Massachusetts. High on taxes and low on charitable contributions. DO THE MATH. Democratic spending HURTS the economy. Fortunately, Clinton was vastly UNSUCCESSFUL in his efforts to create higher taxation and socialism against a REPUBLICAN house and senate. His two biggest attributes are 1. He is certainly charasmatic and 2. He is woefully inept. Look at his campaigns to get elected: Healthcare reform. (Did he and Hillary succeed?) and then it was "family values". I still laugh hysterically at that one. Failure is the greatest achievement he gave this country.
Charlie Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Rick, ok I instead of we..........and I am envious of the Cohiba since I am in my office in Southern Cal and you cannot smoke in buildings thanks to the esteemed Al Gore's good friend, Rob Riener and his holier than thou politics.
Charlie Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Way to go Tailgater! Dont forget all the good that the democrats have promised the minorities that so soundly support them. I believe GWB has appointed more minorities on his cabinet than even Billy Boy!
jcrimmins Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
Rick: How would you have felt when Al Gore took away your right to smoke? It was right around the corner. Thank God for GWB and the Republicans (aka Patriots) of the world. It's time to make America great once again. It's time to open up a can of Texas whoop-ass! LOL
usahog Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Ditto Gater!!! Ditto Jack!!!! and Richard when are you moving in with Bill & Hill?? sheeeeeeeesh cannot blame it on the Cohiba for the narrow minded Tunnel Vision you put to words there Richard!!!!! maybe the cappuccino??? Laterzzzzzzz Hog
#20 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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mr char5353: you are welcome in my office at anytime and i will have a cohiba for you. out of deference to my son, who is a singer, i don't smoke cigars in my office. the first time i realized how good a cigar smells was about 15 years ago, when someone came in my office with a good cigar. i fell in love with smoke. it drifts to and fro, it changes shape, and it falls gently on the nose. there is such a thing as love at first sight, and or smell.
#21 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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mr tailgater: "there you go again" i told you i am not a democrat, and i don't blather. how much more are you going to give away to charity? how much more are you going to invest? you must have some big plans for the few dollars you might get in tax refunds. you don't remember when soc sec tax was on the first $25,000 you made. they used to raise the percent one year, and raise the amount taxed the following year, just to confuse people. if you gross $50,000, you are paying about $%3,500 a year in soc security tax, and your employer is paying the same. that's $140,00 principle in 20 years. it ought to be worth more than $250,000 at the end of 20 years. you will get back, maybe $11,000 a year starting when you are probably 80 when your turn comes. box cars, you lose. do you know congress and the senate do not have to contribute to this fund? this is where real tax relief is. forget the 2% that the accidental president talked about allowing you to invest on your own during the "debates"
what will you invest in at $70. a year.
"He is woefully inept. Look at his campaigns to get elected" you must be joking. he got elected twice with all the bad press he got because of his women chasing, which, of course, he deserved. but if he could run again, he would be elected again. i don't think i would by a used car from clinton either, but my business has done well, in spite of or because of him. what he did do was give the country a sense of a future. jfk didn't do much, but we expected things to go well and we had a pride in our country and it's direction. that's why the economy flourishes, great expectations. the youngster is in office a few months, and the market drops. the country is expecting the worst. but he did bomb baghdad, at least someone told him to. he doesn't know where baghdad is. let's talk again in a few years, i would like to eat my words with raw crow.
Charlie Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
He might not know where Baghdad is, but he did bomb it without an opinion poll!!!!! And that was a good point about Mr. Gore and smoking, even though he used to get a lot of money from the tobacco lobby!
jcrimmins Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
Gore supported the tobacco lobby until it was in his best interest to turn his back on them. He probably milked them for every dime he could get. Good thing that the Chinese came along to fund him!
tailgater Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
You denounce your democratic demons from deep within, but your tendencies are still fiscally liberal, Rick. Yes, hope for the future helps the economy. That hope, however, has more to do with how the liberal media portrays the politician, then what the politician actually stands for. It is a fact that the major networks are extremely biased towards the left. It is also fact that the GOP are portrayed as hate mongers. The feable minded public follow like the sheep that they are and believe that Ashcroft will bring back slavery or something heinous like that. Sorry, but the high tax of socialism is over! I don't want the government to give my money to lazy slobs. I don't want tax relief only for "non-profit" organizations like the Rainbow Coalition so they can pad the purse of Jesse's whores. The hypocritical liberals are a JOKE. Clinton just happened to be the punch line...
tailgater Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Rick. I re-read your post. You scoff at the idea that Americans might possibly know better what to do with their own money than the government does. That, sir, makes you a democrat even if you don't like the candidates, for that is what they stand for: Higher taxation, bigger government, total control. Don't belittle the amount that an average citizen will save with the tax cuts. That is the "negative" way to view it. That would be like saying that giving $20 to a charity is a waste of time because it is so little. But if 1 million people gave 20 bucks...voila! Your way, we would give 20 million in taxes to Uncle Sam and that charity would only see $20,000. Why pay the government to control our lives? Learn me in your truths, Rick. What is the up-side to over taxation?
#26 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
to all: great discussion's from everyone. no nasty remarks. no vularity except a few ***. no name calling. my eyes are open a little more and i hope we have all seen some different light. not necessary to win here, but to exchange ideas. now a drink, stoly and 7, boodles, and tonic, ashai beer. napolean 5 star, or in my case, a cappucciano and a very nice cigar from cliff l. my thanks. (soon to be trouble on the cigar board)
bill from chapaqua Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 02-16-2001
Posts: 10
Nothing better than a good cigar after a "hard" day at the office. I've read all of the posts with much interest. I don't know what the big deal is with high taxes. It's not like people actully pay what they owe anyway, with all the loopholes and such. Stop crying and bleed the system like our leaders have prompted you to do. Live for the day, who knows when you'll be impeached or something...
BrentM01 Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
I gotta go with Rick on this one folks. Busch is an idiot. I really wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but when I saw him struggling through the debates I couldn't reach any other conclusion. I am neither a Democrat or a Republican but without Buschy's daddy, GW wouldn't be ANYWHERE. He can't think on his feet much less anywhere else. Am I to feel comfortable with a man leading our country who can't even speak the language?, I don't think so.This guy is told what to say with cue cards for heaven sake. I said this earlier in the year when we were right in the middle of all this crap and all you Republican's huddled together and gave everyone grief. BTW, Nixon was one of the BEST foreign policy leaders of our time. The only difference between him and any other politition is that he got caught, pure and simple. I also think it's kind of funny that we hadn't even heard anything about Iraq for the past 8 years and now all of a sudden that a Busch is back in office,they're a threat? Maybe his daddy is afraid he didn't finish his business over there? I have lots of friends in Texas who could do a hell of a better job in the White House than GWBuschy. Change the name of this Forum to the Republican Forum!!!
jcrimmins Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
I second Brent's motion to change the name of this forum to "The Republican Forum". All in favor, say ay!!
I think that GWB will do a great job. He has already surrounded himself with intelligent people. I guess he could have surrounded himself with yes-men (Janet Reno,etc.) and double agents (Chinese, etc.), like the past President.
tailgater Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Brent, we don't ask that you become a Republican. It's OK to have differing opinions. But don't let the media guide your every thought and don't let the democrats run your life and spend your money. Dubya is not the polished speaker that his opponent was. So what? The mark of a great leader is to surround yourself with great people. People who have constructive input rather than simply going along with all the lies. Clinton is no doubt a great communicator. Had he put people in place to keep him in line he could have gone out with dignity. Now, however, this great country has lost worldwide respect. It's OK to dislike GW, but let him earn your ridicule. Stumbling on words is called human error, not stupidity. Let's put PRIDE back into this country of ours. We were built on SELF RESPECT, but we lost our way. Don't let the democratic machine take your money and make a socialist nation out of the good ol' USA. I know that sounds campy, but so what? Dubya wasn't my first choice, but I'm PROUD to say he's our leader. I haven't been able to say that for about 8 years now...
BrentM01 Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
I too applaud his ability to surround himself with good people and I agree totally it is time for our country to band together as one. Do I feel as good as I did when I was younger and had a copy of the Constitution on my desk, a Presidential Physical Fitness award signed by President Kennedy and an American Flag on my wall. No, I don't, but I damm sure want to regain that feeling again. The patriotism I felt THEN doesn't compare to how I feel now but, I hold out hope as does everyone else that we can regain that feeling of liberty again. It will take all of us, regardless of bias, whether Democrat, Independent or Republican. When the screaming and yelling about liberalism dies down we might then take the time to take stock of ourselves and perhpas question our motives. Until then, I hold out great hope for us.....Brent
Charlie Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Wow, some thread!!! We have been over this before and will again in the future; however, we will live with Clinton and his legacy for years to come, as they continue to uncover "hints" of foulplay. Funny, Nixon was disgraced for what would have been nothing more than a press conference Q & A today! How times changed. Nixon was the best foreign policy President of our times and he was forced out of office for less than what Al Gore (remember him) did as Vice President.
I think that GWB will continue to work both sides of the aisle and move us in a positive direction-a refreshing change from the last 8 years of Billy Boy.
usahog Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Dignity, I See allot of Dignity here from all side's...
I miss spell words and I also Type alot of Every other Word with a Cap.. does this make me an Idiot.. I think Not!!! Rick I want to appologize for that previous post as narrow mindedness... you have some good Issues as does everyone on this post.. Brent you do also.. and Jack and JJ.. but slowing down and rereading the whole thing in General I see allot of Common Folks discussing what they would like the future to hold and hoping that the man in power now can do this for the country who has had egg on its face the past 8 yrs.. everyone here has agreed about that... and Dignity is coming out in rare form... Brent dont put your Flag Away or your constitution off your desk.. those are what made this country and that is exactly what is going to bring it back to uniformity... It's Time Gentlemen to Hold your head up and be Proud you are an American again... our founding father's would want it no other way!!! Great Post's All...
usahog Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Sorry Gater & Char53 Didnt mean to leave you guy's out in anyway to that previous post... Hog
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