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Last post 23 years ago by tailgater. 20 replies replies.
rem_KM Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 05-14-2000
Posts: 101
Tonight on the news they said if (God forbid) something were to happen to Vice President Cheney, then G.W. Bush would be our President....
As far as honor and dignity being restored to the Whitehouse, bad news for those who think they know the truth about all there is to know, John Wayne NEVER fought in a war. IMAGE. SPIN. Bill Clinton ain't peeing down my back and convicing me it is rain and neither is GW. If any of you think you know the complete truth about what goes on in Washington DC and the world around us, bad news Bunky, that ain't warm rain you are feeling. God save us from them all.
It's like my departed daddy always said, "There are two types of people in this world, the ones that think there are two types of people in this world, and the ones that think that those people are full of SH#T!"
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
welcome stranger. i don't know you, but i like your walk. i can't believe there might be 2 of us who understand reality.
jcrimmins Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
You have just entered another dimension. A dimension of false reality. You've just walked into "The Twilight Zone". (Rick and KM: Will you guys go hug a tree!! Sorry Rick, just kidding.)
tailgater Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Reality? RICK, you spent the later half of 2000 defending the most self gratifying individual to ever occupy the Whitehouse. Yes, there have been egomaniacs in there before. Sure, the other former presidents have been involved directly or indirectly with scandals and wrongdoings. We all understand that. But to defend a "president" that put HIMSELF before the COUNTRY should not be considered being in touch with reality. You might as well say that since treason and espionage happens, we shouldn't prosecute those that commit it. Afterall, it's REALITY. Murderers and thieves should be left to roam the's reality. You see where I'm going here. Just face it, Clinton chose to do the things he did for PERSONAL GAIN. The presidents of past at least had the "decency" to manipulate the truth in order to achieve some sort gain for the country, be it political or otherwise. The acts themselves may be worse than Clintons, but the MOTIVES were indeed more just, and our country's integrity has never before been dealt such a blow (pun not intended...)
tailgater Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Who cares if John Wayne ever went to war? And oh yeah, the comment about Bush becoming president if something happens to Cheney...can't you identify humor when you hear it? GW has to shake his "dumb" stigma much like his dad had to shake "Wimp". It goes with the territory. I think the best jokes to come out of all this do indeed focus in on Dubyas perceived stupidity. When the Mark Rich case evolved to a claim of "Quid pro quo", one democratic defender said that Bush would never claim that because he didn't know what it meant! Now that's funny!
Charlie Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Rick and KM, you guys may think you walk the walk, etc............but maybe stumbling through the world of the pious liberal would be more in tune than "walking the walk and talking the talk"! GWB is our President who happens to have picked an outstanding and brilliant man to be the Vice President-whoops, what a change from past VP's!
unklebill Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729
Go hug a Klansman!!!!
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i don't understand the hug a tree thing, but i not only don't understand the hug a klansman, i resent it and i think if you read it again unklebill, you will recognize it as one of the nastiest remarks i have seen on this board. if you don't, the problem is yours, not mine.
Charlie Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Rick, I agree with you on the "go hug a....."! It is not the most intelligent remark to make regarding a post! If that is all they have to say, why say it?
unklebill Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729

I realize the mere mention of a Klansman is offensive to some.
For clarification the comment was directed at the ultra-conservative among us as an analogy that on one end of the spectrum might be a person who hugs a tree and on the other end a person who hugs a Klansman. As an act of contrition to the ultra-conservatives among you, I will enlist for community service at Bob Jones U. And inquire about sensitivity training while there. For the ultra-liberals among you: Stop being so offended about everything...Go hug Jesse Jackson.
If you are truly offended, I am amazed because it was just a joke. I realize that none of you likely hug Klansmen any more than you hug trees. Grow skin guys. The tears will make your cigars moist and unsmokeable.
#11 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
wrong answer
jcrimmins Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
Charlie and Rick: The "hug a tree" remark was made due to my lack of intelligence. You've got me! Or maybe it was a joke. I can't tell. I'm not very smart. I hoped that you would be tipped off by the "just kidding" remark after the comment.
jcrimmins Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
BTW, Unklebill. I wasn't offended by the "Go hug a klansman" comment. I understood the joke. I thought it was funny in an absurd way. Some people need to lighten up! This is friendly banter, not life and death!
jcrimmins Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 04-26-2000
Posts: 787
One more thing while I'm on a roll. This thread is titled "President?". I find the question mark very offensive. GWB is my President and yours. Deal with it or move out of the country! Have I reached the correct level of pomposity yet??
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
i understand the hug a tree is a joke directed at environmentalists. no problem. it is funny and could be funnier if i was told to go f*** a tree if i liked them that much. maybe you don't understand that the klan would go to someone's house, take out one of the residents, and hang him or her. there is no humor in this.
unklebill Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729
"I realize that none of you likely hug Klansmen any more than you hug trees." You see, it is an analogy to a spectrum. The spectrum represents two divergent political views. The spectrum does not advocate Klansmen nor those that sodomize fauna. Perhaps all the Klansmen need is a hug to turn them around. Perhaps if they had more hugs when they were small they would be different. You see they are the victims in all this. Society owes them reparations!..... and while I'm at it: HERBOSEXUALITY IS A SiiiiiiN!
abennett23 Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2001
Posts: 126
First of all this is a cigarlovers sight, need I remind you that all the "Liberal" Treehuggers in California are the same lawmakers who do not allow smoking in public, private, or anywhere else for that matter. As far as the klansman thing, I live in TN (not a klansman and yes i do wear shoes) And i got the Analogy right away, apparently we must be politically correct, lets see how about "go hug a Tobacco grower" (opposite of tree hugger??)
tailgater Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Actually, RICK, Uncle gave the RIGHT answer. "Grow some skin" is the only suggestion you should actually heed. If you fail to see the humor, so be it. To be "Offended" by an OBVIOUS joke is OK, but ya gotta roll with it baby. Why is it that you liberals (yes, I said "you liberals" and meant to categorize yourself amongst them) feel that deliberate humor can be offensive? Uncle did not initiate a thread to boost white supremacy. Instead he mocked the very idea of such beliefs. Yet, you are offended. By golly, why don't you just sue him or something? Afterall, your rights have obviously been violated. If you are uncomfortable, switch to boxers. They have more room than the panties you currently occupy...
BrentM01 Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
A typical Republican response to an otherwise funny analogy. Why is it that the term "Liberal" is used so widely on this board. Are most or all of you liberalphobics? The republican view on this board does not waiver in its ability to move either right or left. These are the same people who say that it is time for us as a people to come and work together as Americans living on the same soil. What ever happened to freedom of speech? I find it quite distasteful when anyone cannot see 2 sides to an issue. Black is black and white is white according to the "rules" most of you obviously live. I for one was raised to understand that I am entitled to my opinion (and yes, I remember the opinion joke), but do I also have the same right to chastise someone for their their obvious differences of thought? Perhaps the real issue on this board is one of education and morality. It also seems most of you can't seem to let go of the 'Slick Willy' years. Is this deliberate or out of not having anything else intelligent to say about our nations welfare? How long do we have to listen to this inane banter of which has nothing to do with life as we know it at this point in time? I for one don't choose to look back, I choose to look ahead.......Brent
Charlie Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
I guess I need to apoligize to all of you guys for getting a little sensitive, since I live in California and have suffered through the "Tree Huggers" passing of the anti smoking laws and have two Senators that I would gladly trade for Governor Jesse Ventura(a cigar smoker)along with some other assorted nuts and "fruits" that think of cigar smokers as diseased people-I should be a lot more thick skinned! In fact I am! We are all friends on this site to one degree or another....light one up and relax! Charlie
tailgater Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Brent, good response. The term "liberal" is used as a verbal punch. Even the liberals themselves take offense to being called one, so it is fun to swing one in from the left, so to speak. Although you most likely know what the definition of liberal is, one of their traits is to cry foul when there is a PERCEIVED intollerance. This was the case earlier. As for 2 sides to an issue, to what were you refering? Yes, the Republican presence is strong on this site but with few exceptions the banter has been either tongue in cheek or somewhat educated. Extreme sides are always drawn early during a debate. When intelligent discussion moves towards the middle, that is where the post ends up. If we started there, this would be a boring site. I want MORE folks who lean to the left to post here. But we don't need people taking offense and implying that some are intollerant. This is NOT the POLITICALLY CORRECT board, afterall.
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