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Last post 23 years ago by tailgater. 18 replies replies.
nothing's happening, so
#1 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
let us talk about how far from the tree the acorns fall. any questions?
tailgater Offline
#2 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Apparently, not very far. Bush's daughter getting in trouble with alcohol is a good indication... I assume that's what you're talking about Rick?
#3 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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of course. but i am waiting for some scathing response from the far wrong.
Charlie Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Oh, in otherwords cast bait upon the water and let the fish bite! The first daughters are going to have to learn that they are not like normal college students and ease up the extra curricular activites! Charlie
jjohnson28 Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
Posts: 7,914
Richard,I quite frankly am ashamed of you!Why is this even News?I mean if you can "Blow off" B.C. gettin' his nut in the oval office,why would Bush's daughters party foul even concern you?I gottsa know?
#6 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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clinton was over 21. lewinsky was over 21. everyone is entitled to a coffee break in their own office. constantly comparing everyone to clinton is not an answer, he's gone. he did what he did but he's history. i think of shrub as the weakest link, and look at what a parent he must be if both of his kids are not only drinking heavily by all reports, but using false id's. how would you feel as a parent if that happened to your kids. don't you know kids that get into all sorts of trouble and wonder why their parents don't discipline or correct them or do whatever it takes to start them off on a better path than these girls seem to be heading. if he can't get respect from his own family, how do you expect me to have any. i have always maintained shrub is barely adequate to be a leader of anything, and it seems like he has trouble taking care of his primary responsibility, parenting. i really don't think i could deal with any answer like "well it's only rumor about the dtrs, it's only rumor that he was a heavy drinker, it's only rumor that he was a coke head, it's only rumor that he never showed up for flying training." he graduted yale with a straight c average. if he were a dentist with those grades, would you let him drill your teeth. if he were a medical dr with those grades, would you go to him with some illness. he's a cutie, a joke teller, a good old boy, in the worst sense of the phrase. he has no substance. he is everything bad that was said about him, and world leaders are treating him with disdain and the disrespect he deserves.
Charlie Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
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So you go around checking your MD, DDS, and DVM's report cards before you go to see them? Where do they keep those posted on the wall in the office? All I see are diplomas and the like, not report cards! Come on and get off the "Bush" for a while. He has done nothing like the Clinton Administration as far as dishonesty and coverups! And despite visiting the Redwood Forrest and pledging to protect them, the "leftist" and the Media claim that is not enough. More than Fat Bill ever did. All he visited in California, were the Golf Courses!
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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see, you all keep comparing him to clinton. compare him to somone of merit, fdr, truman, jfk, johnson, nixon, who would come to your house, bring a great gift, rave about your home, compliment your wife, but steal an ashtray on the way out.
Charlie Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
JFK might try to steal your wife, not an ashtray! But he would smoke a cigar with you and not use it in some kinky way! Charlie
unklebill Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-1999
Posts: 729
Char: A kinky use of a cigar is better than no use of a cigar.

I really feel that the Pres. has let us down on this one. This is about responsibility and setting an example. The girls have shown no remorse or regret and the family has not peeped one word. It is like no one cares that this happened. This is sending a horrible message to the nation's young people. I guarantee you every teenager knows what happened, and know nothing is happening to her. They will surely see this as a validation of underage drinking.

Someone in the family needs to stand up and denounce that behavior, and set an example for the nation to follow. Bring some integrity back to the White House.

It is the Presidents role to parent responibly, and for him to shirk this responsibility in front of the nation is unconscionable.
gdurfor Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2001
Posts: 288
Leave the kids alone. Kids will be kids, they seem like normal college students. Not like Chelsea who was always flying off with mom and dad on the publics dime.
I guess when there's no corruption in the oval office the press needs to find something on the first family.
The Bush's are normal folks with normal kids unlike the previous residents.
Charlie Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
I agree with gdufr on the Bush family being a normal group of people and yes, there has been dignity in the White House for the last 100 days or so! The media has to create negative news by going after the girls. I say let the family hangle the situation, and if I had not done the same thing maybe I would not understand. They are college students and a fake id..........hello, what is so corrupt about that as they are available on each and every college campus in the land! Charlie
#13 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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kids will be kids. BS. kids are not suppossed to get drunk, kids are not suppossed to use fake id's. kids are suppossed to have respect for themselves and the law. i don't remember the need to get smashed when i was in college. and charlie, tell me an example or two of dignity in the white house in the lst 100 days.
gdurfor Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2001
Posts: 288
Kids do push the limits. I know I got drunk in college. Maybe you were a saint but I believe most kids off on their own for the first time do dumb things they
may or may not regret later.
As for dignity in the White House we don't knee pad gate or fire travel office(to put in your pals) gate.
W's a moral man unlike the previous occupant who needed the word "is" defined. W's biggest plus is he isn't a f****** lawyer which makes him a more ethical person.
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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i think he isn't a lawyer because he couldn't pass a bar. sorry, but you did give me a great straight line.
Todog Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 05-05-2001
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The only difference between Clinton and any other President in our history is that he got caught!!! As for his Daughter, Chelsea, I think she was a good first child cosidering the idiots that she had for parents and has turned into a fine young woman. With regard to the Bush siblings, who in this forum hasn't done something similar? Again, the situation is magnified by the press because of the stature of the girl's father!
Charlie Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
Agree with Todog, and Rick, if you havent noticed the change in the Whitehouse, then I am afraid that there is no way to change your mind! For one thing-Honesty, Integrity and not putting a "spin" on everything that happens, or running a poll on the public opinion, and biggest thing of dignity is NO ROOMS FOR RENT IN THE WHITEHOUSE! Charlie
#18 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
but we can get you a room at the vp's house. (it's not really his house, he has only a four year lease)
(subject of course to medical review)
tailgater Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
This is the biggest NON issue in years. NEWSFLASH! College girls get fake ID and drink alcohol. Come on Rick and Bill, can't you do better than that? Sorry that Dubya's brother is a Governor rather than a Drug addict. Sorry that his daughters are beautiful and have friends outside the secret service perosonel. Sorry that the new President is HUMAN with REAL FAMILY issues. You guys make me laugh. You disrespect the new President because of human shortcomings, yet you somehow supported the last sweathog who used his "higher intelligence" to lie, steal, cheat and deceipt. I drank in college. I had a fake ID. I even smoked a little pot back then (I DID inhale). So what? If I got caught using a fake ID, they would turn me away. Bush's daughters had the cops involved because of who they are. They need to learn to deal with that. And as for "setting a bad example", that's the biggest load of **** of all. On one hand, you claim that Bush should have better control of their kids, and on the other hand you somehow feel that your kids and teens everywhere will now drink because of Bush's daughters. What happened to that superior dicipline you taught your own? I guess it really does take a village... You guys have no substance. You just want to whine. Give me something with some meat on it next time, because you FAILED miserably this time boys...
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