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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#151 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
The pension crisis is not new and fixing it has long been a Democrat priority. Congress passed legislation in 2014 to allow insolvent pensions to pare benefits within limits to prevent bailouts by the taxpayer. However, President Obama’s Treasury Department blocked the Central States Pension Fund’s plan to use the law in 2016. The media framed this denial as an attempt to force a straight bailout, and here we are.

At the time, the responsibility to cover the fund’s projected insolvency would have fallen to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), which had its own insolvency issues. The Central States fund was paying $3.46 in benefits for every dollar it took in due to an aging former workforce and employer withdrawals:

Legislators thought they fixed this problem late in 2014 when they attached bipartisan legislation to the so-called “cromnibus” spending bill. The pensions amendment allowed trustees for financially troubled multiemployer pension plans to cut vested benefits, provided they could demonstrate to Treasury that doing so would prevent the plan from going bust. The idea was that the cuts would prevent a far worse fate — a Central States bailout by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which would pay only pennies on the dollar (and which had solvency problems of its own). According to a recent PBGC report, “it is more likely than not that PBGC’s multiemployer fund will be exhausted by 2025.”

Joshua Gotbaum, former director of the PBGC, called the Treasury Department’s decision an “act of political cowardice” that will result in “more and deeper benefit cuts” to Central States beneficiaries.

The PBGC board of directors consists of the secretaries of Labor, Commerce, and Treasury, with the secretary of Labor as chair. It is not supposed to be funded by taxpayers and covers payments to failed employer pensions. From their website:

In fiscal year 2020, PBGC paid for monthly retirement benefits, up to a guaranteed maximum, for more than 984,000 retirees in more than 5,000 single-employer plans that cannot pay promised benefits. Including those who have not yet retired and participants in multiemployer plans receiving financial assistance, PBGC is responsible for the current and future pensions of more than 1.5 million people.

The PBGC handles multi-employer and single-employer plans through separate programs. The current legislation will provide $86 billion from general funds to be kept separate from the funds it uses for general operations. Perhaps the most disturbing facet of this is that there are no conditions placed on the pensions that will fix the underlying problem.

The legislation requires the troubled plans to keep their grant money in investment-grade bonds, and bars them from commingling it with their other resources. But beyond that, the bill would not change the funds’ investment strategies, which are widely seen as a cause of their trouble.

Think Think Think
DrMaddVibe Offline
#152 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
The Emperor Is Naked and Senile Too

It’s weird that our elite betters of eliteness and betterness refuse to acknowledge that the emperor not only forgot to dress himself today but that he’s actively drooling. Check out President Asterisk trying to figure out who the Secretary of Defense is. Not that SecDef is an important job anymore or anything. His gig now is mostly to rid the ranks of extremists who don’t think men can change into women through the power of activists demanding everyone else pretend they can. But still, the president ought to, you know, know who he is. 

It would be nice to have a CINC who isn’t manifestly senile. Which * is. And it matters – right now we have an alleged president who might start WWIII by pressing the wrong button thinking it’s his remote and that he’s changing channels from Matlock to Murder, She Wrote. 

I’ve never been much taken by the threat that, “History will judge you harshly!” It’s one of those hacky flexes by people who don’t actually believe that history is a thing – at least not before 1619, or maybe when Obama got crowned – that is along the same line of lame rhetoric as the “Have you no decency/principles/honor?” move employed by people who inevitably have no decency/principles/honor. Who cares what history thinks? It’s impossible to give a damn what people today think, much less future people jetting around in flying cars and munching on Soylent Green. But history will totally judge our garbage elite harshly for pretending that Señor Sundowner has still got his “A” game instead of his “R” one.

We now have an entire media blissfully watching Dictator Demento stagger about with a trail of spit stretching from his piehole, pretending he’s George Washington wrapped up with Abe Lincoln and Tommy Jefferson on top. Wait, they’re all racist monsters now, right? Sorry to trigger the weak-minded among you. Okay, well, just assume some other analogy that doesn’t make simps literally shake.

You’d think they might mention that the guy is manifestly in decline, since we all see it. But they won’t. It’s bizarre. No, the emperor’s new clothes are fantastic. Look at that tailoring on his bib!

They are so serene in their sense of entitlement to our attention and obedience that they feel no shame in telling you stuff that is obviously, indisputably untrue – and if you point out the reality, then you’re an insurrectionist of insurrection or something.

This is an increasingly common ploy by the trash ruling caste that controls our culture. They lie to your face then get irate when you point out how they are lying to your face, as if the real crime is not accepting the bullSchiff as opposed to bullSchiffing you. It happens all the time.

The prezzy is totally not senile.

Men can become women. Women can become men. They can be both, or neither.

Global warming is totally a thing that will kill us all in 2000, I mean 2005, I mean 2010, I mean 2015, I mean 2020, I mean shut up, racist.

Systemic racism is a thing, and you’re even more racist by denying you’re racist.

Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham are funny and sexy.

Now, this tactic presents some problems in the long term. In the short term, brazen lies can work because Americans are nice people and they are not used to people just outright lying to them, so they scratch their heads and wonder if they are missing something even though what they are being fed seems all wrong. But they catch on eventually, and lies upon lies breeds cynicism. And cynicism is bad for liars in the long term because it decreases their ability to fool people since people soon assume that they are fibbing every time they open their lie-holes.

Nobody trusts the elite, and no one should. It’s taken any claim to our trust and laid waste to it like Brian Stelter, who is a potato, lays waste to a Golden Corral ham tray. When the withered old zombie all the smart people claim won the election from the padded basement where his handlers locked him starts up one of his inane-o-logues, we all tune out long before his orderlies drag him away to be fed mush and Thorazine.

So, how does this go? How does this all play out?

You’d think, if you have ignored the last couple decades of American culture, that those close to Joe Biden who care more about Joe Biden’s dignity and welfare than their own selfish interests, would act to conclude this shameful tableau. But there are no people close to Joe Biden who care more about Joe Biden’s dignity than their own selfish interests, so they’ll all try to ride this elderly nag until he drops. Maybe literally. But to get them to act voluntarily, he’ll have to be in a coma – well, more of one than usual – before the refs call the 25th Amendment penalty and send Sleepy Joe back to Delaware and his friend Nutsy the Squirrel, who lives in the sycamore in the backyard and sometimes talks to him.

Likely, at some point, the rest of the elite will decide that the masquerade has gone as far as it can and the ruling caste no longer benefits by pretending Ole Gropey is A-OK. The elite is ruthless when it senses one of its own has outlived his usefulness – remember Emmy-winning American hero Andrew Cuomo? He’s toast, and his girl-grabbing wasn’t even near as gross as Grandpa Badfinger’s antics. Oh, and Cuomo killed a few thousand normal people but hey, he made some liberal women who knowingly hung out with male Democrat politicians uncomfortable and that’s convenient for getting him out of the way, so sayonara, sucker.

We all know Biden’s senile. The people who should have told us do too, but instead of telling us the truth they are lying to us, even though they know we know they are lying to us. Ask yourself what else they are lying about.

Wait, I’ll help you out – the answer is “Everything."

DrMaddVibe Offline
#153 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Remember waaaaay back in Post#1 of this thread...yeah. It was all out there and all of the Xiden supporters were cheering and screaming "F*CK TRUMP!" like little DeNiro was so cute then wasn't it? Nobody for a second actually thought about the harm a brain dead Obama meat puppet would be to your livelihood, your grandkids lives and the future of our nation. Nope. Nobody likes to think about who's paying for the party and can we afford it. Like the old adage, drunken sailors are going to keep the drunk rollin'...not really fair to drunk sailors as they'd never be able to keep a tab like our government does. With the 1.9 TRILLION in "covid relief"...what a joke that porkulus bill was! Here comes more "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD" money grabs. You Lefties keep on spend, spend spending.

While Biden campaigned on a $2 trillion, climate-focused infrastructure package, he has not produced a specific proposal since taking office. House and Senate Democrats are building a framework.

The price tag could be in the $2 trillion to $4 trillion range and like the House infrastructure bill that passed in 2020, will center on green energy jobs and moving the nation toward zero carbon emissions.

The legislation will include improvements not only to roads and bridges but also water infrastructure and expanding access to broadband technology.

Democrats haven’t decided how to pay for the bill but are mulling a gas tax or reversing energy tax breaks and some of the Trump-era tax cuts.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, could not provide details about the bill when reporters asked her about it on Thursday but suggested it will be a significant package.

“We’ll have to pay for some of it,” Pelosi said. “But there's no question. The most expensive maintenance of our infrastructure is no maintenance. It only just gets worse. So we see this as a tremendous opportunity all across America, creating jobs, promoting commerce, cleaning the air, improving quality of life. And we hope that it will be bipartisan.”
ZRX1200 Offline
#154 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
Posts: 60,731
We care about infrastructure, but it MUST be prevailing wage!!!

RayR Offline
#155 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Prevailing wage was a racist Progressive New Deal policy to keep non-union black workers from competing with union labor for government contracts.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#156 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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In a preemptive strike measure the DPRK is telling Creepy Joe that his unwelcome touching and sniffing isn't wanted or needed!!!

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo Jong, criticized ongoing military drills in South Korea and warned US President Joe Biden to stay away, rebuffing the administration's diplomatic efforts, Reuters reported.

"We take this opportunity to warn the new US administration trying hard to give off powder smell in our land," Kim said in a statement carried by state news agency KCNA. "If it wants to sleep in peace for coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink at its first step."

This comes after White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that the Biden Administration had reached out to Pyongyang.

"We obviously have a main — a series of — a number of channels, as we always have had, that we can reach out through," Psaki said in a press briefing Monday.

Gran'pa "Buy A Shotgun" President can't catch a break. Maybe he needs to cancel all activities after the White House Early Bird Special
DrMaddVibe Offline
#157 Posted:
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FBI issues reminder about counterintel threats ahead of Swalwell vote

An FBI official has previously defended the House Democrat, telling outlets that Swalwell was “completely cooperative."

The FBI issued a significant reminder Thursday that members of Congress are routinely warned they may be targeted by foreign adversaries and they are encouraged to alert the bureau if they spot suspicious activity by their associates.

The bureau's statement comes as Republicans seek to punish Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) for doing exactly what it suggested: cooperating with a 2015 investigation into evidence that he was targeted by a woman suspected of being an agent of the Chinese government.

“Members of Congress are routinely provided with defensive briefings to raise awareness of the potential for them to be targeted by foreign adversaries,” a senior FBI official said Thursday. "As part of this briefing, they are encouraged to alert the FBI about any suspicious activity and to cooperate with any investigation.”

Republicans, led by GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, are seeking to remove Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee over his 2012-2015 interactions with Christine Fang, the accused foreign agent. Fang helped fundraise for Swalwell’s campaign in 2014 and once placed an intern in his House office. But when Swalwell was briefed on concerns about Fang in 2015, he says he immediately cut off contact and cooperated with the bureau’s probe.

An FBI official has previously defended Swalwell, telling outlets in December that Swalwell was “completely cooperative” and “under no suspicion of wrongdoing,”

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy intends to force a vote on Swalwell’s committee post Thursday afternoon, contending that the Democrat’s interactions with Fang disqualify him from holding the sensitive assignment. Swalwell wouldn’t be eligible for a security clearance in the private sector and shouldn’t therefore be granted access to national security secrets through the intelligence panel, McCarthy argued at a Thursday press conference.

Asked to explain his push against Swalwell, McCarthy fell back on classified information he says he received in an FBI briefing last year. “I cannot talk to you about what I was given in a classified briefing,” he said, adding that the public record of Swalwell’s relationship with Fang should be enough to disqualify him.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who unilaterally appoints the Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee, has stood behind Swalwell, saying she has “no concerns” about his actions.

House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff also defended Swalwell Thursday, issuing a statement of support in a “Dear Colleague” letter aimed at rallying the Democratic caucus to his side. Schiff noted that Republicans — including the panel’s current ranking GOP member Devin Nunes of California and then-Speaker John Boehner — were briefed on the matter in 2015 and raised no concerns about Swalwell’s ability to continue serving on the committee.

“It’s disturbing that Leader McCarthy is attempting to weaponize classified counterintelligence briefings as a political cudgel, and use them to smear a House colleague in the process,” Schiff said. “Members face real counterintelligence risks from sophisticated actors, and bad faith political attacks on Members will only make it more difficult to respond.”

Members of Congress are not required to receive security clearances to access classified intelligence, though calls to strip members of the House Intelligence Committee of their access to classified information have become well-worn political weapons in recent years.

Fang first interacted with Swalwell when he held a city council post in California, one of several back-and-forths she reportedly had with local officials across the country. She maintained those contacts until 2015, when intelligence officials’ alarm grew about her relationship with Swalwell, and they offered him a “defensive briefing.” Those briefings are meant to alert the targets of potential foreign operations in order to protect information from falling into the wrong hands.

Swalwell told POLITICO in December that he feared the initial Fang story, which he said he first learned Axios was pursuing in mid-2019, was planted to damage him after he emerged as a prominent Trump critic during a short-lived presidential bid.

“The timing feels like that should be looked at,” he said at the time.

Anyone still a believer in the FBI?

You can't make this stuff up.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#158 Posted:
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Putin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov later called Biden’s comments “very bad,” on Thursday, adding, “He clearly does not want to improve relations with our country, and we will be proceeding based precisely on this,” as New York Times reported.

What a dope we have in the White House.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#159 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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No learning from History and opening a two front assault the Biden administration got it's ass handed back to it from Putin...and in Alaska...

"The United States delegation came to Anchorage committed to laying out the principles, interests, and values that animate our engagement with Beijing," the official said. "We have continued on with our planned presentation, knowing that exaggerated diplomatic presentations often are aimed at a domestic audience."

On Friday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry pushed back on the assertion that its delegation was "grandstanding" and claimed the US "made provocations first."

"The opening remarks are just an appetizer, and the main course later is the big event," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a daily briefing.

In his opening remarks, Blinken initially said the US intends to defend the "rules-based order" without which there would be a "much more violent world" and said that Chinese activities in places like Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as its cyber attacks on the US and economic coercion of US allies, "threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability. That's why they're not merely internal matters, and why we feel an obligation to raise these issues here today."

China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi pushed back, warning the US against meddling in China's "internal affairs," contesting the US right to speak for other countries, charging that the US is the "champion" of cyber attacks, mocking US domestic stability and challenging America's own record on human rights.

"We believe that it is important for the United States to change its own image, and to stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world," Yang said, in extended opening remarks. "Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States," Yang said. "According to opinion polls, the leaders of China have the wide support of the Chinese people."

Yang challenged the US claims to global leadership saying that "the US does not represent the world, it only represents the government of the United States," before State Councilor Wang Yi weighed in to say China would not accept "the unwarranted accusations from the US side."

Even CNN from the basement won't hide headlines for President Gump.

Essentially China called out the DNC with their BLM and ANTIFA thugs out for the crap they wanted to whip up and it blew back in their faces. The Left brought this upon them with their incessant message of racism and divisiveness.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#160 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
I haven't laughed so hard since Hildebeast fell.

Was listening to Hannity on the radio this afternoon and he said that this latest blunder made Gerald Ford seem like he was a gymnast!!!!

F^ck the guy and the idiots that voted for him!
RayR Offline
#161 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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I think Kamala greased those stairs.
Gene363 Offline
#162 Posted:
Joined: 01-24-2003
Posts: 30,935
Trump walked into North Korea alone.

Biden won't address Congress guarded by 5,000 troops.
MACS Offline
#163 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015
Gene363 wrote:
Trump walked into North Korea alone.

Biden won't address Congress guarded by 5,000 troops.

Can't let CSPAN show him mumbling incoherently.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#164 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
RayR wrote:
I think Kamala greased those stairs.

She would waste the "lip gloss" on stairs.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#165 Posted:
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A Detailed and Disturbing Overview: Joe Biden Looks Seriously Unwell

Something is very wrong with Joe Biden—mentally, medically, strategically—or all three.

Of course, he’s long been known as a tone-deaf gaffe-meister. Swearing on live mics. Patronizing politically. As head of administration transparency for Barack Obama, Biden closed the meetings.

Last year, as a candidate for the Democrat nomination, Joe spent much time looking lost in his own Delaware basement. All presidents since 1952 have used teleprompters, few more than Biden’s boss, Obama, who once comically used one standing in the dusty poop of a rodeo arena.

Those machines can be tricky, and the user is expected to appear to speak spontaneously and genuinely from the heart while robotically reading aloud every single word written by someone else scrolling before your eyes. Recall 2016 when Hillary Clinton, likely the worst modern presidential candidate, went on autopilot and even read aloud her parenthetical script directions “(PAUSE FOR APPLAUSE).”

Biden did overcome a childhood stutter. No easy task, but essential for politicians since the invention of radio. Biden’s problems, however, aren’t stuttering. He often appears confused, lost, unsteady, unprepared. Last fall he clearly had no idea what he wanted to say, so at times gave the teleprompter operator on-camera directions—“No, go back.” At one appearance Biden lost track of where he was, standing with his back to the camera.

He shunned spontaneous contact even with cooperative reporters, hardly taking questions. Aides, cupping his elbow for leverage, steered the 77-year-old (now 78) briskly through crowds. Before reducing personal appearances, Biden rambled, often without a point beyond being heard. One time when Jill Biden was speaking and gesturing, Biden put her hand in his mouth. Presumably, he was being silly, but it was a bizarre, worrisome action. Last month she interrupted one joint interview to finish her husband’s wandering answer.

Biden’s campaign days often ended by 9 a.m., while 73-year-old Donald Trump was doing four or five major rally speeches in multiple states daily. You might argue Biden’s absence was strategic to give an imploding Trump the full media spotlight. But it’s not the image of a sharp, fully competent chief executive confident and eager to lead the free world on the world stage.

At one town hall in Iowa, Delaware resident Biden asked audience members how the infrastructure was there in Ohio. Easterners do seem susceptible to confusing Iowa and Ohio. But that’s a dumb mistake casting doubt on mental acuity if you’re campaigning to be president of all Americans. Especially four years after your coastal party lost the election by ignoring most of the Heartland.

In office, Biden has been no model of action beyond photo-op signings. While a masked Kamala Harris stands stoically behind him, the oldest man to become POTUS sits at an empty impromptu desk with an immense presidential seal and his notes. On one Zoom conference with Democrats Biden offered to take questions. Boom! The video feed was instantly terminated. At another event the president couldn’t remember his defense secretary’s name, standing right next to him. While memory losses can occur ordinarily, they are also early signs of dementia, according to medical studies.

When Biden did get out of the White House, he had last week’s disastrous trip up the stairs of Air Force One, where he stumbled not once, not twice, but thrice. As my colleague Nick Arama and others have chronicled here, inept aides, who might have credibly dismissed the awful image as something that happens to everyone sometimes, blamed the wind. The wind? The President of the United States, who must face Xi Jinping, Kim Jung-un, and those murderous mullahs, was felled by the wind? This’s the best line Biden’s band of experienced aides can devise?

You saw much media attention last week on Biden’s exclusive network interview with a handpicked former Bill Clinton aide. It was taped Wednesday but not broadcast until Thursday. What you likely missed in the avalanche of adulation was a tiny italic note on ABC’s transcript—“Edited for Clarity.”

So, in those intervening 24 hours, Joe Biden’s potential confusions, mumblings, mistakes were edited for clarity? Seriously? By whom? Former presidential aides had never heard of such a thing. ABC didn’t answer an email request for clarification. But media does not clean up a president’s words for him. White House officials do not allow anyone else to play with presidential words. And you don’t let the White House change what’s on tape either, certainly not without a full public explanation.

Thursday’s scheduled live news conference should preclude such tinkering.

More importantly, exactly what did Biden confuse? Americans have a right to know without sympathetic media covering for him. And what might that reveal about his mental state? Most Americans know some elderly, even care for them. They understand old folks accidentally fall, forget daily details, confuse names. They’re sympathetic. It’s called aging; it happens to those of us who survive.

But elderly grandparents do not have the nuclear launch codes. They cannot send loyal sons and daughters in harm’s way for decades in distant lands on mission-creep operations. During his almost daily media encounters, Trump underwent nonstop scrutiny. He said and did many controversial things in those 1,461 days. But No. 45 launched no new military conflicts.

Biden has not held a solo news conference in his first two months, a modern record. Another dodgy piece of circumstantial evidence raising concerns about his cognitive condition among ordinary Americans, who may disagree on policies but covet confidence in any leader. Not to mention worried allies and opportunistic adversaries, who may see an opening.

Reminder: In 1962 the world came closest to Armageddon when the Soviet Union moved nuclear missiles into Cuba after Premier Nikita Khrushchev determined that John Kennedy was a weak president.

Biden’s first news conference is Thursday. But by seeking to hide what has become obvious infirmities, aides have not served him well so far. And media seem reluctant to press that issue hard. This has now gone beyond politics. The concerns must be addressed forthrightly.

Don’t hold your breath, though. Political coverups are just too tempting. Ask Andrew Cuomo.

Chum is in the water.

It's always been there with President Slingblade. The DNC knew too. Now, their supporters are still in denial.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#166 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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I'm just posting the link.

Go there to see the lies with your own eyes.

Think ...Is AOC going to go there and cry like she did with the Obama cages?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#167 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
President Santa to the rescue!!!!!

Scoop: ICE securing hotel rooms to hold growing number of migrant families

The Biden administration has awarded an $86 million contract for hotel rooms near the border to hold around 1,200 migrant family members who cross the U.S.-Mexico border, DHS officials confirmed to Axios.

Why it matters: It's a sign of growing numbers of migrant families trying to come to the U.S. — in addition to already overwhelming numbers of kids crossing the border without their parents or legal guardians. Both trends appear to be straining government resources.

The contract through Endeavors, a Texas-based nonprofit, is for six months but could be extended and expanded. The hotels will be near border areas, including in Arizona and Texas.

ICE oversees the custody of migrant adults and families who cross the border illegally after they are apprehended by border patrol agents. The agency is already transforming its family detention facilities into rapid-processing centers with the goal of releasing families within 72 hours.

Regardless, the contracts with hotels point to the agency not being able to keep up with the growing numbers of families in its custody.

The big picture: Immigration agencies have used hotels in the past — as recently as last year for unaccompanied minors who the Trump administration was quickly expelling under an emergency public health order.

Hotel rooms are likely a safer option than border patrol stations, but do not have to follow the same safety protocols that official government detention spaces do.

By the numbers: The number of migrant family members caught crossing the southwest border more than doubled between January and February — rising from 7,000 to nearly 19,000, according to the most recently released agency data.

Border officials continue to use a Trump-era order to quickly return many families to Mexico. But Mexico has limited capacity to take in migrant families and won't accept some with young children, according to administration officials.

42% of families were expelled to Mexico last month — down from 64% in January and 91% in October, according to the data. More than 13,000 family members who crossed the U.S. border illegally have been allowed into the country since the start of January, many released into border communities.

The Biden administration does not use the order to expel unaccompanied children, as the previous administration did.

What to watch: The Biden administration has been pressuring the Mexican government to increase its own immigration enforcement, to help slow the number of Central Americans making their way through the country to the U.S.-Mexico border, the New York Times and Washington Post have reported.

The U.S. is also giving more than 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Mexico.

Give, give and give more till you bleed out of your eye sockets.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#168 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Want to see how a war breaks out?

Just a snippet on an eye-opening article that many don't dare try to understand nor want to learn about. It was almost there within grasp of the planet Earth.

"But there’s a bigger play here than interfering in Israeli politics by denying Bibi a preelection photo op with Israel’s peace partners in the Gulf. Their larger goal is to weaken or dismantle the Abraham Accords, which by assembling a treaty structure that binds Israel together with the Gulf states structurally interferes with the administration’s stated goal of realigning the United States with Iran—and therefore against Israel and the Gulf—by reentering Obama’s nuclear deal.

But isn’t peace in the Middle East the collective dream of the Beltway policy establishment, left and right? Trump, love or hate him, got Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan as well as the UAE to normalize relations with Israel, the first peace agreements with the Jewish state since Jordan signed in 1994—and Biden said he wanted to build on the Abraham Accords. But as it turns out, “peace” has a very particular meaning for American policymakers. For the Middle East hands in the Biden administration, what matters most is completing the project many of these Obama alumni helped initiate while serving under Biden’s former boss—realignment with Iran.

Trump didn’t just withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, which undergirded Obama’s realignment strategy, he also designed a strategic architecture to counter Iranian influence—the Abraham Accords. To bind Israel and the Arab Gulf states, the Trump White House had to bracket the issue that previously kept these traditional American allies apart—the Palestinians. That alone earned Trump the wrath of Washington’s wise men.

For decades the professional peace processors warned that there could be no stability in the Middle East unless there was a comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian issue. By giving the Palestinians unbridled veto power, the Beltway establishment also ensured their job security. As long as the Palestinians said no, the peace processors were still in business. Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner wondered why the wise men held them in contempt for making peace. What they didn’t understand was that making peace meant the wise men were fired."

DrafterX Offline
#169 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,644
Biden sucks.... Mellow
DrMaddVibe Offline
#170 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
I'm convinced there will be no redemption with this administration. None.

This is the double barrelled middle finger to your Constitution and the rule of Law. This is an assault on your pocketbook, your savings, your morality and the belief structure that you're setting up the next generation for success. The water is circling the drain and Xiden is breaking off the handle.

Sucks is just too simple a term. It's not jus what he does (and why he picked whom he picked as a running mate!) it's what he's always done. It's acceptable now.
RayR Offline
#171 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Santa Joe and his merry elves. 🎅🏻 🧝🏻‍♀️ 🧝🏻
Sex offenders gone wild.
Kids in cages piled in like cordwood
It's all so....PROGRESSIVE
Don't ya think?Think
DrMaddVibe Offline
#172 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
RayR wrote:
Santa Joe and his merry elves. 🎅🏻 🧝🏻‍♀️ 🧝🏻
Sex offenders gone wild.
Kids in cages piled in like cordwood
It's all so....PROGRESSIVE
Don't ya think?Think

I heard the Xiden Administration is going to give McDonalds 3.2 Billion dollars to fix the ice cream machines at each and every location for good so illegals can enjoy dessert with their stimmy McDinners.
RayR Offline
#173 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Santa Joe and his merry elves from hell has stimmy's for all the bad little border jumpers....

Report: Here's How Much Illegal Immigrants Are Getting in Stimulus Checks Thanks to Biden
By Samantha Chang
Published March 23, 2021 at 8:56am

The United States is still in the throes of a recession and countless Americans are unemployed, but millions of illegal aliens could receive $4.38 billion under the Democrats’ pork-filled coronavirus relief bill.

Steven Camarota is the director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, a nonpartisan think tank.

He said the left-wing talking point that illegal immigrants won’t receive stimulus checks because they don’t have Social Security numbers is false.

“We estimate that there are 2.65 million illegal immigrants who have Social Security numbers that allow them to receive stimulus checks,” Camarota said Monday in a seven-page report. “We estimate that 2.1 million of these individuals have incomes low enough to qualify for checks, and they have 1.1 million U.S.-born dependent children.

“As a result, illegal immigrants could receive an estimated $4.38 billion in cash payments from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.”

Read On....
DrMaddVibe Offline
#174 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
See you have to nail down politicians with railroad spikes. Their words are slippery lies believed by rubes.

President Biden looks set to break his tax increase promise, with new legislation aimed at increasing taxes for people earning half of what he originally suggested.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday clarified that President Biden’s proposed tax hike would apply to people who earn $200,000 per year if they are married to someone who makes the same amount.

Psaki said at her daily press briefing that the proposed $400,000 threshold for tax increases applies to “families” rather than individuals.

That number is a significant departure from the one given during his interview Wednesday, where the president vowed not to raise taxes on those earning less than $400,000:

Biden’s interview statement appeared to indicate the cutoff would be $400,000 in individual income.

“Yes, anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to a significant tax increase,” Biden told George Stephanopoulos.

Biden added, “If you make less than $400,000, you won’t see one single penny in additional federal tax.”

With Democrats holding a slim majority in the House and the Senate split 50-50, Biden acknowledged the idea of tax increases is unlikely to garner much bipartisan support:

“I may not get [Republican support], but I’ll get the Democratic votes for a tax increase. If we just took the tax rate back to what it was when [George W.] Bush was president — [when] the top rate paid 39.6 percent in federal taxes — that would raise $230 billion. Yet they’re complaining because I’m providing a tax credit for child care for the poor, from middle class?” Biden said.

The proposal is also a departure from the plan Biden revealed in the lead up to the presidential election, which saw tax increases start to phase in for individual earners making more than $400,000.

Biden used that $400,000 figure multiple times throughout the campaign.

“Nobody making under 400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised, period, bingo,” Biden said in May.

“I will raise taxes for anybody making over $400,000. … No new taxes [for people making less than $400,000], there would be no need for [any],” he said in August.

He also repeated the lie on social media.

It’s common for politicians to promise tax hikes in a way so voters don’t think they’ll apply to them in particular, and Biden knows that well.

It's only a matter of time when they're forced to admit that everyone is going to have to pay more so they can do more.

The DNC is a terrorist organization.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#175 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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I know the obvious analogy..."Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same ever...was...."

Wait, What – Biden Says He Wants to Return to Trump Border and Immigration Policy that Existed Before

Just the quote, you tell me what it means – because it sounds like Biden is advocating for the Trump “remain in place” policy that Biden previously eliminated.

The question is about the border crisis. “what more can be done sir?”

BIDEN: “A lot more. We are in the process of doing it now. Including making sure that we reestablish what existed before; which was,

they should stay in place and make their case from

their home countries. Thank you”

The sad irony in this is that perhaps some of the delusional left actually thought Xiden was up to the task. His platform was advocating eliminating immigration policies and ignored the facts that he was part of the kids in cages human rights violation. Now, because of his own words that effectively meant..."Come on in!!!" he's backtracking and wants to go back to a policy of the Trump Administration that actually worked! Yeah, Orangeman NOT BAD. Anyone that doesn't realize that a high percentage of those wanting to claim political amnesty to migrate to the USA are denied on false claims and they don't have to be in this country to file for that! They're also not here to just pick vegetables and clean motel rooms either! Designing a perceived new voting bloc based on giving away citizenship really means we are a nation without borders and THAT'S A NEW WORLD ORDER POLICY! A globe without borders! Better wake up before this clown decides to reverse everything he's done and make his party and supporters hold the bag.
DrafterX Offline
#176 Posted:
Joined: 10-18-2005
Posts: 98,644
I tried to tell everybody.... Not talking
RayR Offline
#177 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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They never listen, they love being bamboozled by wannabe dicktators. Not talking
DrMaddVibe Offline
#178 Posted:
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Deputized to ‘fix’ border, VP Kamala Harris has no plans to visit — but Donald Trump may go ‘soon’

Former President Donald Trump might visit the US-Mexico border "soon" but VP Kamala Harris currently has no plans to go there.

Deputized to “fix” the migrant surge crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris has no plans to visit the US-Mexico border — but Donald Trump may go there “soon,” according to an aide to the former president.

Harris was tapped by President Biden to lead talks with Latin American countries about the crisis earlier this week and is now focused on diplomatic efforts to reduce the wave of Central American immigrants seeking refuge in the US.

“The vice president is not doing the border,” spokeswoman Symone Sanders told reporters Friday.

“You can expect she will be speaking with leaders from the region in the near future,” Sanders said.

Meanwhile, the former president is considering a visit to the overwhelmed boundary “soon” as he eyes a comeback on the public stage — but first wants to give Biden space to “fail on his own,” Trump aide Jason Miller said on “The Michael Berry Show” Thursday.

“I think there’s a very fine line between calling someone out on policies and then appearing to do something that’s showboating or give Joe Biden an opportunity to point and say, ‘See this isn’t serious, look at President Trump down at the border making a scene out of this’,” Miller said on the podcast.

“And so not immediately but I could see a trip at some point in the future here. But it is something that president Trump is really concerned about,” Miller said.

The White House is backing a plan to send $7 billion to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to help alleviate the poverty and violence that has refugees fleeing the Northern Triangle countries en masse.

Federal agents apprehended more than 100,000 people at the border last month alone, the highest number in two years. President Biden has warned migrants not to come, citing COVID-19 restrictions.

Many have not heeded the message, hoping for better odds of being granted asylum under the new administration, after Biden reversed Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy and halted construction on a border wall.

Psaki brushes off report that most families aren’t deported at Mexico border

Unaccompanied minors are not being turned away, however, with nearly 12,000 children currently in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services, according to a report.

President Biden is also in no rush to head south; he said earlier this week he plans to get an in-person look at the situation “at some point.”

While Washington dignitaries keep their distance from the border, The Post has documented the conditions up close in a series of reports about the harrowing journey made by migrants, who told stories of being held for ransom at Texas stash houses by unscrupulous smugglers.

The White House spokeslady...(is that the correct term?) reached out to media to clairify that the VP doing the border means visiting it. While she became giddy with sexual desire in doing all of Mexico Biden called 1st dibs on the children. It's a manufactured crisis riiight? Kids in cages that look like Jiffy Pop in their blankets all socially distanced. The asylum lie being peddled is just code for catch and release. We're not talking about rainbow trout either.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#179 Posted:
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The Associated Press agrees with President Biden’s White House that the situation along the U.S. southern border is not a “crisis,” and it instructed staffers not to use the dreaded c-word when reporting thousands of unaccompanied children have attempted to enter the country.

Journalist Julio Ricardo Varela tweeted a series of images from an internal memo the AP distributed warning staffers not to call the situation a crisis. The Associated Press confirmed its authenticity in a statement.

“That is indeed is a memo from AP Vice President and Editor-at-Large for Standards John Daniszewski,” an AP spokesperson said to Fox News.

. . . . One of the memo’s “tips” revolved around the word “crisis,” which the newsgathering service warned reporters not to use.

“The current events in the news – a sharp increase in the arrival of unaccompanied minors – is a problem for border officials, a political challenge for Biden and a dire situation for many migrants who make the journey, but it does not fit the classic dictionary definition of a crisis,” the memo said.

“Therefore, we should avoid, or at least, be highly cautious, about referring to the present situation as a crisis on our own, although we may quote others using that language,” the memo continued. “If using the word ‘crisis,’ we need to ask of what and to whom.”

. . . . Associated Press style and guidelines are used by news organizations across the globe and often set the tone of the way news is characterized.

Reich Minister of Propaganda Goebbels would probably sneer with approval at what the vaulted Associated Press has been reduced to.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#180 Posted:
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Israel, in first comment, says troubled by US position ahead of Iran talks
US envoy to Iran Malley says goal is to return to nuclear deal, without calling to strengthen it.

Mixed messages from the Biden administration on the Iran nuclear deal days before indirect talks commence in Vienna between the sides are “very troubling,” senior Israel officials said Sunday.

They expressed their concerns after US Special Envoy for Iran Rob Malley, in an interview with PBS on Friday, spoke about a return to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action without any additional elements that would make it “longer and stronger,” as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.

“The goal is to see whether we can agree on what steps the United States needs to take to come back into compliance with the nuclear deal and what steps Iran has to take to come back into compliance with the nuclear deal,” Malley said.
Regarding the Trump administration’s maximum-pressure campaign against Iran, he said the US is “going to have to lift those sanctions that are inconsistent with the deal that was reached with Iran… so that Iran enjoys the benefits that it was supposed to enjoy under the deal.”

Malley repeatedly spoke of equivalence between the US and Iran in their behavior, referring to “mutual distrust” between the countries.

“It’s not a matter of who has the greater weight,” he said. “It’s whether both sides are prepared to carry the burden that they have to come back into compliance.”

Malley warned against the US or Iran being too firm in their stances.

“If either side takes a maximalist position and says that the other side has to do everything first before it’s going to move one inch, I think it’s hard to see how this succeeds,” he said.

Malley acknowledged that Iranian nuclear scientists have more information and experience than in 2015 due to their continued violations of the JCPOA. But he did not suggest any solutions, saying only that there will be “difficult discussions about what we need to do so that we and others… are satisfied that Iran is back in compliance with the commitments that it made.”

A senior Israeli official said: “If this is American policy, we are concerned.”

The interview “raised eyebrows” at the highest echelons in Israel, the source said, because “in the past, the Biden administration talked about a ‘longer and stronger’ deal – like they were looking for something else – and that’s not [in the Malley interview]. It’s all about returning to the 2015 deal.”

“Nowhere in the entire interview does Malley say the goal is to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons,” the source said. “Nowhere does he accuse the Iranians of any bad behavior… Nowhere in the interview does he talk about the importance of consultations with American allies in the region.”

“In the old deal, snapback sanctions disappear in 2025,” the source added. “In 2030, all nuclear restrictions end. Even the Europeans say it’s terrible that Iran is developing uranium metal. That becomes legal in 2030. Is that the deal they want to go back to?”

As for the equivalence Malley drew between the US and Iran, the official scoffed: “He’s acting like he’s from the UN, saying both sides have distrust of each other.”

The official speculated that the Americans may see “a moment of opportunity because there is no government in Israel,” and they could think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not have a robust response to the talks with Iran. However, Netanyahu will be giving major public speeches in the coming weeks, on Holocaust Remembrance Day and Remembrance Day for the Fallen of Israel’s Wars, occasions on which he has brought up Iran in the past.

Blinken and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi spoke on Friday, and the topic of Iran came up, though they did not discuss Malley’s comments.

Blinken presented a gradual approach with Iran that would lead to a “sharpened” JCPOA, an official privy to the call said, adding that opinions are split within the Biden administration.

Israelis’ impression from Blinken is that the Biden administration “is not pinning its hopes” on the talks in Vienna this week and is “not expecting a breakthrough.”

“They understand Iran is leaning toward refusing any new declarations or plans… Iran has a tough stance of returning to the JCPOA and removing all sanctions,” the official said.

Israeli officials continue to ask Americans to ensure that “anytime, anywhere” inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency are included in the deal, which is something that Malley said will be part of the talks. In addition, Israelis emphasize the need to curb aggression by Iran and its proxies in the region.

National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat has not spoken to his US counterpart, Jake Sullivan, since early March, when they held a strategic dialogue on the topic of Iran.

The senior official said the talks focused on “looking at the facts and where we are, not about what needs to be done moving forward.”

1346 miles apart, jus sayin'

The Sajjil program’s success indicates that Iran’s long-term missile acquisition plans are likely to focus on solid-fuel systems. They are more compact and easier to deploy on mobile launchers. They require less time to prepare for launch, making them less vulnerable to preemption by aircraft or other missile defense systems.

Iran could attempt to use Sajjil technologies to produce a three-stage missile capable of flying 3,700 km (2,200 miles). But it is unlikely to be developed and fielded before 2024.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#181 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Ever see a headline and just go "Did I really read that?!?"

Oh, FFS...sure did.






Trump was so bad how? Which one of his children were doing something like this?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#182 Posted:
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Has Biden already betrayed the trust of pro-Israel Democrats?

A shift towards the Palestinians and anti-Israel international organizations, coupled with an ominous silence about a drift to Iran appeasement, are all recreating Obama’s “daylight” strategy.

It’s only been 11 weeks since Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States. With the president preoccupied with domestic politics and waging rhetorical warfare on his Republican opponents, it’s clear that foreign policy is a low priority for the new administration. And with Biden diving headfirst into partisan scrums—accusing Republicans of being racists with brazenly false accusations about a Georgia voting law and promoting an infrastructure bill that is more of a liberal project wish list than it is about rebuilding bridges and highways—there seems to be little space or oxygen left for a debate about his intentions abroad.

It’s also true that the pro-Israel community is determined to avoid any unnecessary battles with Biden. Though some supporters of Israel have registered justified complaints about many of Biden’s appointees, including both Obama administration alumni and those with more radical connections and beliefs, for the most part, the organized Jewish world is prepared to work with the president’s team. They know that while Obama’s staffers are far less sympathetic to Israel than their counterparts in the Trump administration, they believe that cooperation will yield better results than open opposition.

That makes perfect sense. It’s also true that of all the possible 2020 Democratic contenders, Biden was the friendliest to Israel. Though that was a low bar, it’s nonetheless true that his longstanding ties to the pro-Israel community mark him as more likely to treat the Jewish state as an ally, which is more than his old boss President Barack Obama generally did.

All that adds up to a general willingness to give Biden a chance. And with Israel’s government still paralyzed by a two-year-old political stalemate, relations between the two nations are also seemingly on hold.
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But that doesn’t mean that Biden and his handlers haven’t already tipped their hand.

A number of key moves by Biden on both the Palestinian and Iranian fronts have already undermined confidence not only in his judgment but in his intentions.

With respect to the Palestinians, it was to be expected that Biden would walk back many of Trump’s historically pro-Israel policies. While Biden begged off on any attempt to move the U.S. embassy back to Tel Aviv from Jerusalem, which would both violate U.S. law and spark a battle that would be a huge and unnecessary distraction from his domestic priorities, the new administration has made it clear that the kind of closeness between the two nations that existed prior to Jan. 20 isn’t in the cards.

The least of it was the State Department’s overruling of the Trump-era declaration that the West Bank was disputed rather than “occupied” territory. This will encourage unrealistic Palestinian hopes that the Jewish state will cede territory in the heart of the Jewish homeland that a broad consensus of Israeli voters have consistently labeled as not so much ill-advised as insane. This lip service to the theoretical possibility of a two-state solution that the Palestinians have repeatedly shown no interest in reasserts policies that have failed time and again.

The same is true of the message that Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered to Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi last week when he spoke of the need to deliver the same “equal rights” to the Palestinians that Israelis enjoy. The main obstacle to those rights remains Palestinian intransigence rather than any actions on Israel’s part. Yet Blinken’s trolling disguised as human-rights advocacy will only do more to annoy Israelis than to endanger them. Nor will it do much to help the Palestinians persist in their century-old war on Zionism to which they are hopelessly addicted.

Far more troubling are the signals that show that Biden is prepared to ignore the Taylor Force Act signed into law by former President Donald Trump into law in 2018. The act forbade U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority so long as they were, as they have continued to do, funding terrorism via pensions and salaries to those who shed Israeli and American blood.

The administration first said it just wished to give the Palestinians $15 million to help the P.A. fight the coronavirus pandemic. But now it turns out that it may have allocated up to $100 million in aid to Mahmoud Abbas’s terror-backing kleptocracy, with most of this kept from the public.

Biden is giving Abbas $75 million in economic aid to Abbas as a “confidence-building” measure. Supposedly Blinken wants to give the P.A. a chance to prove itself trustworthy in spite of the fact that for the 27 years of its existence, it has consistently shown the opposite. More to the point, handing over U.S. taxpayer cash to Abbas’s Fatah thieves and thugs is a flagrant violation of law since it helps the P.A. continue its terrorist funding. But the same media that cried foul at what they claimed was Trump’s running roughshod over the law have no problem with Biden treating open violations of it as a thing of no consequence.

Equally troubling is the way Blinken’s State Department is reverting to neutrality, if not hostility, towards Israel when it comes to international organizations that engage in anti-Semitic targeting of Israel.

Biden has restored funding to UNRWA, the U.N. refugee agency that has not only helped keep the 1948 Palestinian refugees and their descendants homeless but is dedicated to keeping their war against Israel going, doing far more harm than good. And the new administration has not only rejoined the viciously anti-Israel U.N. Human Rights Council that Trump had rightly boycotted but also embraced the toxic organization’s endorsement of the Durban Conference, a historic anti-Semitic hate-fest.

Most ominous is the administration’s moves towards a new round of appeasement towards Iran. We knew that Biden wanted to revive Obama’s dangerously weak Iran nuclear deal, though he and Blinken have rightly spoken of the need to strengthen it—a foreign-policy imperative that Trump made a priority by pulling out of the old pact and reimposing sanctions. Biden’s approach to Iran has been much like that of Obama’s terrible negotiating strategy. Iran has refused to put itself back into compliance with the original deal, and Biden and Blinken appear ready to start making concessions merely to get Tehran back to the negotiating table.

But the worst is the supine attitude Biden has taken to what may well be the most dangerous foreign-policy event in recent years: the agreement Iran struck with China that will effectively circumvent sanctions on the Islamist republic. The United States has the power to force China to abandon its attempt to buy oil from Tehran and to make other investments there, as well as institute military cooperation. All Biden needs to do to spike this potential game-changer is to tell the Chinese they must choose between doing business with Iran or the United States. But a week-and-a-half has passed since the announcement, and Washington has contented itself with nothing but mealy-mouthed expressions of a desire for all these countries to have good relations.

If this is allowed to stand, it’s a signal that Biden hasn’t the courage or the will to stick to his promises on stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons. More to the point, it may show that his foreign-policy team thinks that, like Obama’s negotiators, such a development is not a big deal.

All of this means that it’s not too early for the pro-Israel community to start speaking up loudly and angrily about the implications of all these moves, especially the indifference to the Iran-China deal.

It’s one thing for the organized Jewish community to be slow to anger and to pick their fights with the new administration carefully. It’s quite another to sleepwalk through Biden’s first year in office only to eventually wake up and realize that the danger is already here, and it’s too late to do anything about it.

Well, they had a nice ride but the voting bloc divided itself and well...with the DNC it's 100% or nothing.

Let's hope the new Latin American wave is paying attention.
RayR Offline
#183 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Yep, that Biden is fixin to start a war somewhere.
HockeyDad Offline
#184 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,269
Pro-Israel Democrat is just an idea not an actual thing.
Stogie1020 Offline
#185 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,463
Like him or hate him, DJT did more to establish long term stability in the ME than any other President in recent history. The end-around the PA by encouraging financial alliances with moderate Arab nations was a brilliant move, and one that will establish the baseline for future moves.

Biden would be wise to leave it alone rather than try to wreck it in the name of "Trump-Bad" syndrome...
RayR Offline
#186 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Biden is going to need a war as a smokescreen to cover up the Great Biden Depression.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#187 Posted:
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HockeyDad wrote:
Pro-Israel Democrat is just an idea not an actual thing.

So what you're really saying is that its more like Palestinian statehood?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#188 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Stogie1020 wrote:
Like him or hate him, DJT did more to establish long term stability in the ME than any other President in recent history. The end-around the PA by encouraging financial alliances with moderate Arab nations was a brilliant move, and one that will establish the baseline for future moves.

Biden would be wise to leave it alone rather than try to wreck it in the name of "Trump-Bad" syndrome...

The Xiden Administration has already erased those. Page 3. It was predictable. They ran on it!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#189 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Whew...the Speaker says we're on a "good path" with regards to the crisis at the southern border.

It's all better than Trump's kids in cages movement she helped lead.
Stogie1020 Offline
#190 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,463
DrMaddVibe wrote:
So what you're really saying is that its more like Palestinian statehood?

What is really concerning to me is that the largest influencer (IMO) of Congressional US-Israel policy in the US is AIPAC, and their methodology depends on group gatherings and citizens lobbying of members of Congress. None of this can happen right now due to Covid, so there is very little momentum to push back against these reversals by Biden.

AIPAC is commonly referred to as one of the most powerful lobby groups in Washington (on par with NRA, big Pharma, etc.), but only has a handful of actual registered lobbyist. 99.9999% of their lobbying is done grassroots style by ordinary citizens.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#191 Posted:
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Posts: 55,735
Stogie1020 wrote:
What is really concerning to me is that the largest influencer (IMO) of Congressional US-Israel policy in the US is AIPAC, and their methodology depends on group gatherings and citizens lobbying of members of Congress. None of this can happen right now due to Covid, so there is very little momentum to push back against these reversals by Biden.

AIPAC is commonly referred to as one of the most powerful lobby groups in Washington (on par with NRA, big Pharma, etc.), but only has a handful of actual registered lobbyist. 99.9999% of their lobbying is done grassroots style by ordinary citizens.

Trust me, I understand your concern and I'm not even Jewish. I was goofing with HD on that post. I can see how someone could misunderstand that. My eyes are focused on Israel being the lone place in the ME that isn't ran by tyrants, war lords, kings or fanaticism. They're by themselves in that region. One of 45's hallmarks was getting Saudi Arabia and the UAE to recognize Israel. Everyone wants to forget just how huge that is/was. I say was because you can see the disdain this administration displays towards them. It's shameful and disgusting. One step forward...three stumbles back.
Stogie1020 Offline
#192 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,463
All good, I never thought you were supporting our Dear Leader.

I think the phrase should be "three steps forward, one Biden back"...
DrMaddVibe Offline
#193 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
What he's doing is setting America back so hard I really wonder if this is the tipping point.

I don't even want to think like the Intel Analyst I was...seeing the leaders and organizations that must be salivating at our perceived weakness and desire to help them damage ourselves. It was tough up against the Iron Curtain and the jungles of Central/South America...but this? Ugh...I don't know how they sleep at night.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#194 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Let's just stay in the region for a bit if I may...

Biden Administration to Restore Aid to Palestinians

"The Biden administration said on Wednesday it is restoring millions of dollars of economic and humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, reversing the Trump administration’s decision to cut the funds.

The total $235 million in assistance includes funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or Unrwa, which assists Palestinian refugees, along with economic and humanitarian assistance.

The Trump administration had previously cut aid to the Palestinians over their refusal to enter into peace talks with the Israelis and to signal U.S. displeasure with the way that the U.N. refugee agency was run."

That was yesterday's news. Yesterday as in April, 7th 2021. Let's look at another headline from yesterday. Sherman, set the Wayback Machine to around 1943....

Photographic Evidence Shows Palestinian Leader Amin al-Husseini at a Nazi Concentration Camp

Only three of the seven men pictured survived World War II and its immediate aftermath. The two German officials in uniform were both directly involved in the Holocaust. Before and after their trip to the camp, Adolf Hitler met separately with each of the foreign guests, who included the Palestinian leader al-Husseini, the former Iraqi Prime Minister Ali al-Kailani, the Croatian Ustasha ideologue Mile Budak, and the Indian Hindu leader Subhas Chandra Bose. So who were they?

Mile Budak was the ideologue of Croatia’s ethno-radical, anti-Semitic Ustasha party, which ran a Nazi satellite state formed in 1941. On the left is Dr. Fritz Grobba, a former envoy to Kabul, Baghdad, and Jidda. He was a Protestant and not a member of the Nazi Party. He had been in charge of the Middle East in the German Foreign Office since early 1942.

Grobba and the two Arab leaders pictured had supported the anti-British coup in Iraq, which was followed by the al-Farhud pogrom in mid-1941. In it, 179 Jews were killed and many stores looted. Masterminds like al-Kailani and al-Husseini wanted to signal, there in a 2,500-year-old community, how Arabia’s Jews should be treated.

In the second photo is the politician Arthur Seyss-Inquart, who presided over Hitler’s Anschluss of Austria in 1938 and two years later served as commissioner for the occupied Netherlands. In the process, he oversaw the deportation of 100,000 Jews to death camps and the enslavement of half a million Dutch people, half of whom were forced to go to Germany as slave laborers.

On the other hand, both Arab leaders continued their anti-Jewish and Islamist policies unimpeded after the end of the war: al-Kailani until 1965 and al-Husseini until 1974. Outside of Israel, Nazism had hardly been delegitimized in the Middle East, and its adherents often came to power after the war ended. The Iraqi al-Kailani staged a coup in Baghdad but failed. He was sentenced to death, then exiled to Beirut.

Al-Husseini also found himself in Beirut, where he was active in the World Islamic Congress, which he founded in Jerusalem in 1931 (he opened a Berlin branch a year later). With robust backing, he rose to become the first “Global Grand Mufti.” A mufti is a religious and legal authority who hands down rulings on everyday issues to believers in his jurisdiction. His late half-brother Kamil was the previous grand mufti of Jerusalem. Al-Husseini received the title in 1921, and in order to preserve and expand his transregional “Mideast-Europe” legacy after 1945, he chose as his representatives Said Ramadan for Europe, in Switzerland, and Yasser Arafat in the Middle East. The Mufti advised Arafat in 1968 to take over the Palestine Liberation Organization (which he headed until 2004) and “to liberate Palestine,” operating out of Gaza with Fatah troops.

What has History taught us? A tiger doesn't change their stripes. A terrorist organization is still a terrorist organization. Now, it's more what's the word the kids use today...Fluid. Yeah, now a terrorist organization is more fluid. It still has the same outcome. It just roams the planet now and picks and chooses who it strikes. Look at President Slingblade go...trying to influence friends and add to his power base. Its at America's better interests to WTFU. These kind of people don't just sit on their cash...know what I mean?


"Following the initial Nazi victories in North Africa, Hitler ordered Arabs trained in desert warfare and al-Kailani to take part. Erwin Rommel’s army rolled into Egypt and was poised to invade Palestine and Iraq. On April 28, both Arabs—the Mufti carried the pan-Arab flag on his car, the Iraqi had himself addressed as az-Za’im الزعيم, Fuehrer—signed a secret letter with Berlin and Rome for joined struggle until final victory, and for liquidation of the Jewish home in Palestine. To be clear, this always meant killing Jews: This was a quadrilateral, Palestine-oriented genocide pact for “Jew-free Arab lands or empires,” signed by the two Arab leaders and by the Axis foreign ministers."

Anyone really think the Palestinian plan will help Israel?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#195 Posted:
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Posts: 55,735

Kamala Harris' run from the border

Another day, another several thousand migrant families and unaccompanied minors for our border security personnel to deal with. (Or to not deal with in many cases, sadly.) So what happened to our point person on the border crisis “seasonal uptick?” It’s been nearly three weeks since President Biden either appointed or anointed Kamala Harris to take charge of the situation. Surely an historic figure like the Vice President must have things nearly wrapped up by now, right? I mean, how hard could it be? As it turns out, however, the veep has had too many other pressing items on her plate to attend to so she hasn’t even made a physical visit to any portion of the border, to say nothing of announcing any successes or even plans. As Miranda Devine points out today at the New York Post, not all of Harris’ public duties appear to be focused on getting any actual work done.

It’s humiliating for the president that almost three weeks since he appointed Kamala Harris as his border point-woman she still hasn’t visited the disaster zone, come up with a plan or held a press conference on the migrant crisis.

Instead, she’s visited a water- treatment plant in California and a bakery in Chicago, where the press pool reported on her sweet tooth last week.

“Her favorite is German chocolate, and [she] gets that for her birthday each year, and her staff had pre-ordered a slice for her. The bakery’s specialty is caramel cake, and she said she was looking forward to that too.”

Riveting stuff.

A water treatment plant and a bakery? Are those perchance hotspots for illegal aliens seeking jobs?

You can say what you will about the Vice Presidency being an office that’s not worth a bucket of warm piss if you like, but the veep traditionally has some sort of official duties to attend to. They would generally be assigned to at least attend some weddings or funerals not deemed important enough for the POTUS to go in person. But for a person who is allegedly in charge of overseeing one of the worst border crisis situations in living memory, Kamala Harris doesn’t seem to have a very busy schedule.

Don’t look for any help from the official website of the Vice President. All of the stuff from Mike Pence’s time in office has been understandably archived, but today the page is nothing but a lengthy biography of Harris’ life, interspersed with artfully framed photos (of Harris) and inspiration quotes (from Harris). The only bit of actual business to be found is a link at the bottom to use if you’d like her to nominate your child to one fo the nation’s military academies. Back when Joe Biden was Barack Obama’s Vice President they published daily schedules for both men. Obama described publishing the schedules as “just one more way we’re opening up the White House.”

There is no link to any schedule on the veep’s page or really much of anything else for that matter. Similarly, there is no hint of where you can find Harris’ schedule at the White House home page. They don’t even have Biden’s schedule posted.

But if they did have the Vice President’s recent calendar of events posted, what might we find? If you do a current news search on Kamala Harris you find all manner of items. They include a tour of her recently remodeled home at the Observatory, the aforementioned trip to a Chicago bakery (where business really picked up afterwards, by the way), and the release of her official portrait, which is described as “stunning.”

To be fair to Harris, she did have a phone call with the President of Mexico last week where the subject of immigration came up. But beyond that, her official duties seem to mostly entail scheduling softball interviews with friendly press outlets. What is she doing with her time? Isn’t she supposed to be the point person on the southern border?

In the linked op-ed article, Devine suggests that when Joe Biden tapped Harris to handle things at the border, he knew he was handing her “a poison chalice.” The suggestion here is that the relationship between Biden and Harris is souring, as insiders refer to her as “the heiress” and suggest that she’s just waiting around for Biden to quit or be removed. While the latter may have the ring of truth, the idea that Biden believes he could somehow escape responsibility for the disaster at the border by putting Harris in charge doesn’t hold water. Even if she fails spectacularly (or simply does nothing as she’s seemed to thus far), the fault still lies with the person at the top of the food chain. For better or worse, Joe Biden created this crisis and he will bear responsibility for it. Casting the blame on his absentee VP isn’t going to resonate with anyone.

Suckers voted for this!
RayR Offline
#196 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Give the girl a break, she's probably scared that she may catch the RONA if she visits those dirty Biden cages, and it doesn't make for as good a photo op like posing with chocolate cake. Besides, she knows Wokie Joe is setting her up to take the blame for the border fiasco and she's got more important stuff to do like encouraging BLM/ANTIFA riots and plotting how to deep six old Joe.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#197 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
She's vaccinated and wears a mask.

What is she afraid of again?

Oh...Fauci moved the goalposts again. No sports. Damn them to hell. Super spreaders. We're all gonna die. Blood blood blood. God can't save you. He said he can work a deal for me though.
Krazeehorse Offline
#198 Posted:
Joined: 04-09-2010
Posts: 1,958
Get ready for a shortage of vaccine so they can shut things back down this summer.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#199 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Krazeehorse wrote:
Get ready for a shortage of vaccine so they can shut things back down this summer.

I think we're going to hit the wall with people that still want it and the supply they have on hand...I heard they were stopping the J&J vaccine. Something about blood clots and people dying. Don't know what that's all about.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#200 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
You really have to wonder when the Biden supporters are going to get fed up with the inaction or the wordsplay.

They sure were bloviating loudmouths with Trump. Say...same people were with W too. Quiet with the Kenyan King as well. Anyone can see the pattern.

Migrant family holding center virtually empty as Biden spends millions on hotels

A massive immigration holding center in Texas is hardly being used amid the worsening border situation as the Biden administration instead opts to dole out multimillion, taxpayer-funded contracts to house families in hotels.

The Biden administration has spent $87 million to put families in seven hotels across Arizona and Texas rather than place them in similar permanent family facilities, according to two people familiar with the administration’s plans.

Sources said the Karnes County Family Residential Center is far better equipped to hold hundreds of families even amid the coronavirus pandemic but claimed Biden officials are making a “PR play” and are concerned about the “optics” of holding people at a facility that is operated by a for-profit group. Hotels holding families are overseen by the Family Endeavors nonprofit group and are not required to be licensed because they are not holding people more than 72 hours.

"You're sacrificing treatment of the very people you're saying you want to protect," the first person said.

Karnes cost $57 million and is under a five-year contract between the county and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as a state-licensed facility to hold up to 835 people who arrived at the border as part of a family group. It is technically a detention facility, but unlike other facilities that hold adults, it is designed with classrooms and recreational spaces for children and comes with amenities not seen in jails or prisons.

At present, Karnes is less than 20% full, two people confirmed.

Now you know why the Covid1984 spike is happening.

PS: Ditto for this group too!

You wanted this...embrace it like the wet steaming colostomy bag full of holes it is!
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