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Last post 1 day ago by DrMaddVibe. 1819 replies replies.
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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
bgz Offline
#301 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
You sound mad... you mad?
Brewha Offline
#302 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,254
It's just his vibe....
tonygraz Offline
#303 Posted:
Joined: 08-11-2008
Posts: 20,372
Bad vibrations !
Brewha Offline
#304 Posted:
Joined: 01-25-2010
Posts: 12,254
No - Mad Vibes...

I think he is going for that whole Mad Dog Tannin thing.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#305 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Delaware US Attorney Blocked Hunter Biden Warrants and Subpoenas in Order to Protect the Joe Biden 2020 Election Effort

Baselines are always important when reviewing information; I cannot stress this enough. When the corrupt instititional officials within the DOJ and FBI need to justify their corrupt activity, or get out in front of any exposure of their corrupt activity, they consistently run to two media outlets, The New York Times and Politico. [State Dept use CNN, Intelligence Community use Washington Post] This is the one constant you will notice in all reporting.

That is the baseline for Politico writing today about U.S. Attorney David Weiss intentionally burying information about an investigation of Hunter Biden in the summer and fall of 2020 in order to protect the candidacy of Joe Biden. USAO Weiss of Delaware stopped the investigation of Hunter Biden, stopped issuing grand jury subpoenas, and stopped the issuance of search warrants in order to keep the public from knowing that Hunter Biden was under a criminal investigation.
~ Two Tiers of Justice ~

Contrast that –now confirmed– defensive activity, with these exact same DOJ and FBI officials leaking everything they could about investigations of Donald Trump, or anyone in Trump’s orbit, even when those investigative statements were false, in order to undermine his candidacy and presidency.

This glaring contrast is one of the most brutally obvious examples of political manipulation within the DOJ as an institution. Two solid and confirmed tiers of justice.

POLITICO (with the DOJ spin) – Last summer, federal officials in Delaware investigating Hunter Biden faced a dilemma. The probe had reached a point where prosecutors could have sought search warrants and issued a flurry of grand jury subpoenas. Some officials involved in the case wanted to do just that. Others urged caution. They advised Delaware’s U.S. Attorney, David Weiss, to avoid taking any actions that could alert the public to the existence of the case in the middle of a presidential election.

“To his credit, he listened,” said a person involved in the discussions, reported here for the first time. Weiss decided to wait, averting the possibility that the investigation would become a months-long campaign issue.

Since taking office, President Joe Biden has left Weiss — a Republican appointed by Donald Trump on the recommendation of Delaware’s two Democratic senators — in place. That puts him in one of the most sensitive positions in the Justice Department, deciding how to proceed with an investigation of the president’s son that has proven politically fraught on several fronts.

Of course there is no reason for Joe Biden to remove USAO Weiss… by his action and inaction, Mr. Weiss has shown his intention to protect the installed occupant of the White House from any corrupt investigative scrutiny. Additionally, David Weiss now holds a get-out-of-jail leverage card against any action by the DC machine. This is the way of the swamp.

However, and I share this with full intent and seriousness, these examples of corruption within the DOJ and FBI that continue piling up upon each-other will not end well for these institutions. You cannot have the American people see this many examples of ‘two-tiered justice’ and simultaneously expect the American people to have any confidence in the rule of law.

This is not going to end well. I’m not sure exactly how this is going to end, but I am certain that a bulging and tenuous powder-keg of unstable nitroglycerine exists in the minds of the overwhelming majority of Americans.

When the justice system of a nation is subverted for one-sided political benefit by a small group of institutional elites, and it happens so openly and brazenly while the participants act with such incredible hubris, there will -eventually- be a response in direct proportion to the severity of the corruption.

The administration efforts to have the allied communication platforms control information is a sign of desperation and fear. The regime knows that something very bad is possible because the scale of their corruption is too vast to continue hiding. The evidence is leaking out everywhere. They are exposed, naked and vulnerable. Their grip on the control aspect is tenuous at best.

History tells us there will eventually be a reckoning of biblical proportions; and it will be very, very uncomfortable for everyone.

And the Lefties will have no opinions on this because once again the duality, if held up for them to defend they choose to ignore and hide from facts.
bgz Offline
#306 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
I read your comment first to see if I could deduce what the article is about.

All I got is WooOoOoOoOoOoOoOoo!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#307 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735

Shades of Clinton: Joe Biden used private email to send government information to Hunter

Emails on laptop seized by FBI show State Department information flowing from VP to son regarding release of American prisoner.

In a communications backdoor reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's infamous private server, President Biden used a personal email account during the Obama years to send information he was getting from the State Department as vice president to his globetrotting, foreign-deal-making son Hunter Biden.

Messages, sometimes signed "Dad," from the email account [email protected] were found on a Hunter Biden laptop seized by the FBI in December 2019 from a Delaware computer shop owner.

Some of the messages from the vice president to his son obtained by Just the News were deeply personal, others were political in nature, and still others clearly addressed business matters, often forwarding information coming from senior officials in the White House, the State Department and other government agencies.

For instance, in late November 2014 the U.S. embassy in Istanbul sent an email to the State Department that was then forwarded to senior advisers to Joe Biden, including national security expert Michael Carpenter, providing an early alert that an American named Martin O'Connor was about to be released from detention in Turkey.

"The lead attorney for Mr. O'Connor reports that the court granted the detention appeal and he expected Mr. O'Connor to be released from jail today, barring any unforeseen problems," the U.S. embassy in Instanbul wrote in an email that got forwarded to top Obama administration security and diplomacy officials, including current Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland. "Mr. O'Connor will not be allowed to leave the country until his next hearing which is set for December 11, 2014. The lawyer expressed confidence that he will be able to leave after that hearing. The attorney is handling his release arrangements, pick up and temporary housing near his law firm's office. Istanbul consular plans to speak with Mr. O'Connor after his release."

State Department officials forwarded the information to the vice president's office, where Biden aide Colin Kahl (now President Biden's Undersecretrary of Defense for Policy) sent it to Joe Biden's private email. The vice president then sent it to his son Hunter Biden with the subject line "Fwd: Mr. O'Connor Being Released from Detention today."


 Fwd Mr OConnor Being Released from Detention today.pdf

A former senior Obama administration official confirmed to Just the News that some administration officials knew of the [email protected] email address for Joe Biden and used it from time to time. "I saw it used to communicate with his family and friends or to pass information to them," the official told Just the News, speaking only on condition of anonymity because of fear of reprisal.

The emails obtained by Just the News show numerous Obama administration officials communicated or were aware of the private email address or had their information sent to it, including current Secretary of State Tony Blinken.

In January 2013, Blinken emailed Joe Biden at his private email recounting a colleague's conversation about the Pulitzer-winning journalist, author and screenwriter Richard Ben Cramer's last minutes before dying. At the time, Blinken was Joe Biden's national security adviser.

"Called to say that he was with Richard Ben Cramer in the hospital before the latter passed and they were talking about you till the end," Blinken wrote the vice president and his family, including Hunter Biden. "Richard apparently said he was gratified the country is finally finding out what he knew about your leadership and talents many years ago."


 Fwd Mark Zwonitzer.pdf

Beyond establishing that Joe Biden sent government information to his son, the existence of the private email address also raises questions of federal law, as Hillary Clinton's email server showed. Biden had an obligation to preserve any emails involving his government work under federal records law, even if he used a private email address.

"The Presidential Records Act required Joe Biden to make sure that any of his gmail account emails, including these emails to Hunter Biden, were forwarded to a government account so they could properly be handled by the National Archives," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. "No wonder the Obama White House wanted to protect Hillary Clinton from the consequences of [her] email shell game!"

"We might know more beginning next year," added the veteran public records watchdog, "when Judicial Watch and the public can begin filing FOIAs for Obama White House emails."

The White House press office did not respond to a call and email from Just the News seeking comment Tuesday. George Mesires, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, also did not respond to an email seeking comment.

Hunter Biden on a few occasions reached out directly to his father on the private email address to ask for help, the memos from the laptop show. In January 2012, for instance, Hunter Biden forwarded a request to have the vice president prepare a video message for an event honoring Texas Democratic activist Ben Barnes.

"We are working on it," the vice president wrote his son in reply.

On another occasion in June 2014, Hunter Biden suggested someone he wanted to see appointed as a detailee to the Treasury Department. "Before you fill the positions, pls talk to me," Hunter Biden wrote his father.

The vice president responded, "Call me right away, Dad."  

Politics, including the potential for Biden to run for president in 2016, were sometimes the subject of emails coming to and from the [email protected] account.

Former U.S. Sen. Ted Kaufman, who succeeded Biden as a Delaware senator after serving decades as his chief of staff, sent an email Nov. 3, 2014 that included a Wall Street Journal article negative to Hillary Clinton, a potential 2016 challenger to Biden before the vice president declined to run that year. The article was entitled "Hillary Clinton's Wall Street problem."

"In case you missed it," Kaufman wrote Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's late son Beau. The subject line read, "Excellent."



When a poll came out showing Beau Biden was still popular as attorney general in Delaware, the vice president used his private email to applaud.

"Strong," he wrote, signing it with his name "Joe."

Sometimes, Vice President Biden's messages to his son took a more personal note, like the day the Wall Street Journal broke the story in October 2014 that Hunter Biden had been discharged from the Navy over a positive cocaine test.

"Good as it could be," Joe Biden wrote in an email chain that included the article forwarded to the vice president's email address by White House staff. "Time to move on, Love Dad."

The vice president also flashed some of his trademark self-deprecating humor, once forwarding an astronomy story suggesting a planet be named for him. From his private email, Joe Biden wrote his family, "Only time in history." The subject line was: "Why I deserve more respect."

Krazeehorse Offline
#308 Posted:
Joined: 04-09-2010
Posts: 1,958
Bidens have the same teflon coating that the Clintons have. Nothing will stick.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#309 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
We're all in this together....

Biden says he asks Secret Service to keep out of his room at breakfast time because he isn't dressed

President Joe Biden said he asks Secret Service agents to keep out of his bedroom at breakfast time because he hasn't dressed yet.

Biden gave some insight into his morning routine at a CNN town hall on Wednesday.

He said he liked to start his days wearing his robe and eating breakfast undisturbed by his protection detail. Secret Service agents usually stay close to the president as he moves around the White House, where he lives with his wife, Jill.

But he said he liked to break with certain protocols in order to live a more normal life.

"Because things are so crazy out there, it is very hard to get comfortable, like I would ordinarily be," Biden told Lemon.

"For example, I think all of the help that's there, providing meals, and all the rest, I think they love us.

"You're saying 'Don't come in for breakfast. We can get our own breakfast,' because I like to walk out in my robe and go in."

After members of the audience laughed, Biden added: "No, no - you think I'm joking? I'm not."

Biden has previously described feeling uncomfortable living at the White House. He described the residence at an event in February as a "gilded cage, in terms of being able to walk outside and do things."

"I was raised in a way that you didn't look for anybody to wait on you," he told CNN's Anderson Cooper in February. "I find myself extremely self-conscious."

He said that it was much more restrictive than Number One Observatory Circle, where he lived as vice president under Barack Obama between 2009 and 2017.

Biden said Wednesday that his determination to live a normal life in the White House meant that he did not usually have a sense of the importance of his position as president.

He said he fully realized the power of his office when he traveled to Europe in June for the G7 conference, his first overseas visit.

"The only place I have felt like what the office connotes is when I went to Europe and watched the rest of the heads of state react to me - not me - because I'm the president of the United States of America, the United States of America."

Read the original article on Business Insider

Yeah...Pedo Joe strikes again...I posted here how that debacle went down.
bgz Offline
#310 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
You sir have a bad case of BDS...

Do you actually read all the sh*t you copy and paste?

F*ck that sounds boring.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#311 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Joe Biden just gave Vladimir Putin a multibillion-dollar gift

Congressional hearings are all but intentionally designed to be uninteresting, but anyone who tuned into the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing this Tuesday would have seen something remarkable.

I asked Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland if she agreed that allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to complete his Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany would be “a disaster for American national security,” that it would make our European allies subject to economic and energy blackmail from Russia, and that it would empower Putin to carry out exactly that blackmail. She tersely answered, “I do, senator.”

A few hours later the Biden administration announced it had inked a deal to allow Putin to complete his Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

This decision is a total surrender to Putin. It is a multibillion-dollar gift that will keep on giving in perpetuity at the expense of the United States and our allies. It is a generational geopolitical mistake. Russian dictators, decades from now, will be reaping billions of dollars every year from President Joe Biden’s gift.

It is also in defiance of U.S. law. To implement this catastrophic deal, he will have to waive mandatory, bipartisan sanctions that I authored and led, and that former President Donald Trump signed into law not once, but twice. Those sanctions shut down construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline — until the Biden administration took over, at which point Putin assessed that if he restarted construction, the U.S. would roll over.

Unfortunately, Putin was right.

The U.S.-German deal is embarrassingly weak. It relies on a vague assurance that after Putin ramps up the blackmail enabled by the deal, Germany will take unspecified actions in response. When asked for details of what such actions might be, the White House says it doesn’t want to specify because doing so would benefit Putin. Again, embarrassing.

Now Biden and his allies, including in the press, are absurdly claiming that it is Trump’s fault they surrendered to Putin. They say that the pipeline couldn’t have been stopped.

That claim is laughably false. A pipeline that is 90% complete is 0% complete; it doesn't work until the last mile is finished. And we know that for a fact: We did stop the pipeline. Putin halted construction on the very same day that the sanctions were signed into law. For over a year, the pipeline lay dormant — a hunk of metal at the bottom of the ocean — until Biden was elected. Only then did Putin resume construction.

Instead of demonstrating strength and following U.S. law by keeping those sanctions, when Biden got elected, he started sending signals he would be soft on Russia, and then he waived the sanctions and is now allowing Putin to finish the pipeline.

Overall, Biden handed Putin the biggest gift he’s received in years. He also signaled to Putin that when push comes to shove, the American president is weak and will bow to political pressure.

And the State Department knows it and even says it out loud.

Remember the "collusion" crap that they tried to impeach 45 with? Pedo Joe is actually doing what they claimed Trump was doing. How is being reported? Crickets from the presstitutes.
bgz Offline
#312 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
That's not true at all...

You're reporting it to us. You're doing the great cheeto's work! Keep it up, he's watching you ya know.
RayR Offline
#313 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Stop beng such a Progtard Ben.
The Progtard in Chief and his crime family have been colluding with oligarchs, dictators, and cartels while destroying America from within.
The question remains, how much are they getting in kickbacks?💰💲💵
bgz Offline
#314 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
RayR wrote:
Stop beng such a Progtard Ben.
The Progtard in Chief and his crime family have been colluding with oligarchs, dictators, and cartels while destroying America from within.
The question remains, how much are they getting in kickbacks?💰💲💵

I can't stop laughin...

I actually like the term progtard...

Alright, back to our previously scheduled argument...

Isn't that what politicians are supposed to do though... deal with other politicians, oligarchs and dicktasters and stuff?

Oh, the last one was Big Willy.
RayR Offline
#315 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
bgz wrote:
I can't stop laughin...

I actually like the term progtard...

Alright, back to our previously scheduled argument...

Isn't that what politicians are supposed to do though... deal with other politicians, oligarchs and dicktasters and stuff?

Oh, the last one was Big Willy.

So you like the term progtard do ya? I have to give you some credit for it, you were a bad influence on me.

I don't think any moral and rational diplomacy with foreign politicians, oligarchs and dicktasters = selling political influence for personal gain like the Biden Crime Family.

This lastest episode with Hunter and his so-called art sale is just one glaring example. So this sale of so-called art through a China-linked gallerist to super-secret buyers is a nothing burger?
Is anyone supposed to seriously believe Biden's press parrot Psaki's statement that “I would reiterate that the gallerist will be the only person that handles transactions or conversations in that vein and will reject any offer that is out of the ordinary,” and when asked about the lack of transparency with the buyers, Psaki claimed she nor Hunter would know who they were?

bgz Offline
#316 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Ya, I'll give you that. If true, that's some shady sh*t (don't care enough to research it).
bgz Offline
#317 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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On another note... he might actually be blowing up as an artist.

(I did just do a couple searches... I'm a curious f*cker)...

His work is actually good.

I could see why someone would think it might be a good risky investment. There's a real possibility his work could blow up price wise in the future.

I mean... in a world where an NFT of a meme cat sells for a half a million... a piece by the son of a sitting president selling for a half a mil doesn't seem that far fetched.
bgz Offline
#318 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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Kinda shows the absurdities of the concept of money and why it's an inefficient form of transact in a general sense.
bgz Offline
#319 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
Posts: 13,023
Doh... keep posting dups.
MACS Offline
#320 Posted:
Joined: 02-26-2004
Posts: 80,015

There's an lol for ya...
RayR Offline
#321 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
MACS wrote:

There's an lol for ya...

The shocked look on Biden's face when Lemonhead called him the "big guy". PricelessLOL
Old Bidey thought Lemonhead was going off the predetermined script and was going to ask about Hunter's laptop.
frankj1 Offline
#322 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
RayR wrote:
The shocked look on Biden's face when Lemonhead called him the "big guy". PricelessLOL
Old Bidey thought Lemonhead was going off the predetermined script and was going to ask about Hunter's laptop.

quelle chance, Le HockeyDad!!!
here's the Lemonheads doing It's a Shame about Ray!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#323 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Biden Administration Officials “Unmasked” Tucker Carlson

A few weeks ago, I testified in the House Judiciary Committee on the surveillance of journalists in a long series of scandals from the Bush to the Obama to the Trump to the Biden Administrations. These scandals have occurred with almost seasonal regularity. There was a rare sense of bipartisanship in the hearing as both parties called for investigation and new legislation to address this ongoing problem. However, there has been a notable silence among members and the media after Tucker Carlson went public with an allegation that his emails were not just intercepted by the National Security Agency (NSA) but that they were shared with members of the press by intelligence officials. Now, there appears confirmation that the communications were mentioned on intercepts and, as some of us assumed early in the coverage, Carlson was “unmasked” by Biden Administration officials. Yet, the response continues to be crickets from the media and members of Congress.

When the story broke, I stated that it was likely that the communication was not a direct targeting but either an incidental interception (when targeting a foreign intelligence subject) or the gathering of the information when it was discussed by third parties on an intercept. It would then have to have been “unmasked” by an official with such authority. The latest coverage would suggest that it was likely the later circumstance of the communication was discussed or read during an interception and later unmasked.

This is once again an example of how bias continues to distort coverage. Many in the media dislike Carlson and the feeling is obviously mutual. However, what Carlson described on his show was extremely serious and concerning. He said that a journalist and a third party both contacted him to say that his emails were being leaked. He said that one email (where he was seeking to secure an interview with Russian President Vladimir) was literally read back to him.

That should have been sufficient to raise calls for investigation and transparency. Whether the email was intercepted directly, incidentally, or merely discussed in a different intercept is not determinative on why the information would have been circulated or why Carlson’s name was unmasked.

Now, Fox News (who I work for as a legal analyst) is condemning reports in The Record that Carlson was “unmasked” at the request of Biden Administration officials. The NSA had previously denied Carlson’s claims. Now, two sources are being cited as saying that Carlson’s communications were discussed in intercepts and then his identity was unmasked.

There remain very serious questions. Who unmasked Carlson’s name and why was there an unmasking? Moreover, how would such information be discussed with reporters or third parties, if the original allegations are true?

You do not have to like Carlson (any more than other media figures subject to such actions) to be concerned over such alleged unmasking and distribution. This should be part of the bipartisan inquiry discussed in the Judiciary Committee.

This isn't what he mumbled on about in his acceptance speech. Unity and transparent? No, it's back to weaponizing govt agencies and cozying up with the Deep State non-elected "leaders" America has. I for one, not surprised. I mean if you can spy on an American citizen...that just happens to run for office...wins said office and the spying continues...NOBODY is safe from the spying.
frankj1 Offline
#324 Posted:
Joined: 02-08-2007
Posts: 44,299
NOBODY is safe from the spying.^^^

bravo for fearlessly risking your freedom on a discount cigar forum...HA!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#325 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Look out for falling chamber pots!!!

Did Joe Biden Say "My Butt's Been Wiped" in Response to an Immigration Question?

Joe Biden has introduced us to a game we never thought we’d have to play with the alleged leader of the free world.

It’s called “Three Guesses as to What the Doddering Dude Is Saying?” For the win, you get the grand prize if you’re able to figure it out. Unfortunately, sometimes, it’s a pretty hard game.

It seems that multiple times a week we’re scratching our heads trying to figure out just exactly what he said. Now, I really have no idea what the heck he said here. People have said it sounds like “My butt’s been wiped.”

Laurel or Yanny?

— Kate Hyde (@KateHydeNY) July 25, 2021

Indeed it does, but then why would he be saying that? I don’t know, it’s Joe. There is no rationale for the insanity. This is our “leader.”

In case you think that clip wasn’t real, here it is in full context. Not that the context helps. He totters up to them looking like he has a bit of a gait disorder. “Does immigration need to be in reconciliation? A pathway for citizenship?” the reporters ask him. Then he says whatever that weird phrase is.

“Does immigration need to be in reconciliation?A pathway for citizenship?” @POTUS was asked returning to the White House

“There needs to be a pathway to citizenship whether it needs to be in immigration remains to be seen,” he said (he appeared to mean reconciliation)

— Molly Nagle (@MollyNagle3) July 25, 2021

Here’s another angle.

Full interview of @POTUS “my butt has been wiped” comment.
Why, did not a single reporter, ask…excuse me Mr. President?
Can you clarify what happened to your butt?
Journalism is dead…

— All Politics is Local with Jon Fetherston (@LocalPoliticsis) July 25, 2021

The reporters all laugh as though this is normal and he rambles off. But even his more coherent response needs more explanation because it doesn’t make sense. “There needs to be a pathway to citizenship whether it needs to be in immigration remains to be seen,” he said. Um, ok? Where would it be, if not in immigration?

Now, if we can’t figure it out, you have to think they would have had trouble too. Why didn’t any of them ask? They just laugh and he moves on. Do they not care that he just says something completely incoherent?

Maybe he did say it, weird as it is. But then do we have to wonder who wiped his butt? And why am I having to ask that of the alleged leader of the free world? Imagine what other countries are thinking about this craziness.

The reporters are actually are asking a pretty serious question – are you going to include amnesty in the reconciliation bill, that’s basically what they’re asking. And he doesn’t really give an answer to it, amongst all the weirdness.

Trump walked slowly down a ramp one time and it was a week-long news cycle yet the current occupant of the Oval Office can keep having moments like this and it’s apparently not newsworthy.

— Drew Holden (@DrewHolden360) July 25, 2021

fog Today's flavor of a$$ cream for the President?
Speyside Offline
#326 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
I wouldn't read anything from a source called red state, nor would I read anything from a source called blue state. Why? Just those very names point out to me that they are all about propaganda and not truth.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#327 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Speyside wrote:
I wouldn't read anything from a source called red state, nor would I read anything from a source called blue state. Why? Just those very names point out to me that they are all about propaganda and not truth.

Yeah, remember the Drudge Report took down Clinton and his chubby intern. The National Enquirer took down the Breck girl and his mistress with illegitimate baby.

You can find Truth anywhere.

You choose not to read it because it disturbs your preconceived narratives. That could be remaining ignorant for a purpose.
Speyside Offline
#328 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
You misunderstood my meaning, maybe I wrote unclearly which is often the case. Certainly there is some truth there, but I assume it is primarily right wing entertainment. I don't watch or read anything that calls itself news but is primarily entertainment. I do use right and left wing sources that are more about truth and less about entertainment. Even using those I skip the opinions. What actually happened, what actually was said, and so on. That is what I am looking for. I do watch the local news to see what is new that interests me.

Your opinion of what it means to take someone down and mine vary greatly.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#329 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Speyside wrote:
You misunderstood my meaning, maybe I wrote unclearly which is often the case. Certainly there is some truth there, but I assume it is primarily right wing entertainment. I don't watch or read anything that calls itself news but is primarily entertainment. I do use right and left wing sources that are more about truth and less about entertainment. Even using those I skip the opinions. What actually happened, what actually was said, and so on. That is what I am looking for. I do watch the local news to see what is new that interests me.

Your opinion of what it means to take someone down and mine vary greatly.

Biden is taking himself down daily.

What that article clearly shows are some reporters that aren't all aboard the "Emperor Has New Clothes" train.

This is Biden's "Covfefe".

Speyside Offline
#330 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
I don't disagree that Biden is slowly sinking.
RayR Offline
#331 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Speyside wrote:
I don't disagree that Biden is slowly sinking.

I heard all this talk about Biden's mental decline was just partisan entertainment.fog
RayR Offline
#332 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
I saw on the news that Old Joe got a lukewarm reception from the employees at the Mack Truck factory.
I bet he didn't leave without a colder goodbye.

White House Scrambling After Biden Claims He 'Used to Drive an 18-Wheeler'

by Erin Coates July 29, 2021 at 12:49pm

The White House struggled Wednesday to defend President Joe Biden’s claim that he “used to drive an 18-wheeler” truck.

Biden made the claim while he was visiting a Mack Truck facility in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, Fox News reported.

“I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,” Biden said. He then seemed to clarify, “I got to.”

Joe Biden, a career politician who has been in politics for 48 years, claims he “used to drive an 18 wheeler.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 28, 2021

When asked about the claim, a White House spokesperson told Fox News to look at a December 1973 article in the Wilmington Evening Journal.

The article showed that Biden rode in an 18-wheeler on a 536-mile haul to Ohio.

“There is zero evidence that Biden ‘used to drive an 18 wheeler,'” Republican National Committee Research Director Zach Parkinson tweeted alongside images of the Wilmington Evening Journal article.

“The extent of Biden’s trucking experience is that he **rode in** a truck once, for one night in 1973 (he made sure to return home by plane though).”

Speyside Offline
#333 Posted:
Joined: 03-16-2015
Posts: 13,106
Maybe you heard that, it wasn't what I said. What is the relevance to what I said?

I think neither DMV or I were talking about mental decline. We were talking about politically. For me also trustworthiness. Of course DMV might have meant something different.
bgz Offline
#334 Posted:
Joined: 07-29-2014
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RayR wrote:
I saw on the news that Old Joe got a lukewarm reception from the employees at the Mack Truck factory.
I bet he didn't leave without a colder goodbye.

White House Scrambling After Biden Claims He 'Used to Drive an 18-Wheeler'

by Erin Coates July 29, 2021 at 12:49pm

I heard Al Gore invented the internet.

That spawned the beginning of the Al Gore Rythem... an early 90s dance that involved optimally shuffling your bits to the nearest block of hookers and blow... or something like that.
RayR Offline
#335 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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bgz wrote:
I heard Al Gore invented the internet.

That spawned the beginning of the Al Gore Rythem... an early 90s dance that involved optimally shuffling your bits to the nearest block of hookers and blow... or something like that.

That Al Gore is just another progtard like Biden that's full of chit.
RayR Offline
#336 Posted:
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Biden Forgets to Name Third Reason Why He Ran for Presidency, Claims He 'Drove' 18-Wheeler Once

by Tim Korso

The Democratic president is well known for his frequent gaffes, especially during off-the-cuff speeches, prompting his political rivals to raise questions about his mental capability to hold the nation's highest post.

US President Joe Biden ran for president for three reasons, according to his own claim during a visit to a Mack Truck factory in Pennsylvania on 28 July. POTUS, however, only named two, leaving the third a mystery.

"When I announced my campaign […] I said I was running for three reasons. One, to restore the soul of this country, a sense of decency and honour. But secondly, to rebuild the backbone of the country: hard-working middle class folks who built this country", Biden revealed.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#337 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Predicted in the very 1st post but when OPEC tells a dithering dementia addled sitting US President to STFU...even the Taliban too?

OPEC tells a weak, incompetent US president to drop dead

Last week, we were wondering : What could be more pathetic than the sight of President Joe Biden begging OPEC to increase oil production, just to make up for the U.S. and Canadian oil production that he had gone out of his way to impede from the moment he took office ?

Believe it or not, that was not a hypothetical question. There is, in fact, something even more pathetic than Biden’s desperate request for a foreign oil cartel to spare him motorists’ anger and a political backlash.

That would be the oil producers’ response to Biden, which roughly translates to “drop dead."

At the very moment Biden’s administration was being convulsed by its humiliating strategic failure in Afghanistan, the international oil cartel and the adjacent producers known as “OPEC-plus” added insult to injury with their defiant answer. As Reuters reported it, the major oil producers (including Russia) let word slip that they “believe oil markets do not need more oil than they already plan to release in the coming months.”

On the day Biden was elected, Brent crude oil was under $40 per barrel. Today, it is nearly $75 per barrel. Likewise, average gasoline prices are currently 48% higher than they were the day Biden squeaked out his narrow, no-coattails win over former President Donald Trump.

Biden’s request of OPEC, as we noted previously, evinced a belief that environmentalists in the United States are easily fooled — that he can placate them by restricting domestic production while simultaneously calling for more imported oil that releases exactly the same amount of carbon dioxide when burnt.

But the oil-producing nations’ response to Biden is also evidence of how much respect and diplomatic prestige he has cost the U.S. in the last week.

Biden’s gross bungling in Afghanistan, followed by his appalling attempt on national television Monday to blame everyone but himself, points to a president who has apparently lost touch with reality.

Why should oil-producing countries fear or respect a president who reassured the public that he had everything under control, only to turn around and, through sheer incompetence and lack of basic planning, strand more than 10,000 U.S. citizens behind enemy lines in Afghanistan?

In many ways, Trump set a low bar for presidential conduct. His intemperate social media presence was a constant source of irritation for many people, both during his 2016 presidential campaign and his four years in office.

But it has taken the feckless Biden administration just seven months to make Trump seem like a steady leader who, for all his faults, at least had a clue about how to advance American interests.

Perhaps Democrats will remain in denial about just how weak Biden has become, but the reality has not been lost on OPEC.

The "buck" stops with Biden? Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan If you gave him a penny he'd give you back change!!!!

Build Back Better cratering each and every day.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#338 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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The media and the current crop of stupid Democrats are peddling the narrative that this isn't anything like Saigon, Vietnam.

It's not!

EXC: Joe Biden’s State Dept Halted a Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed at Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover.

Joe Biden’s State Department moved to cancel a critical State Department program aimed at providing swift and safe evacuations of Americans out of crisis zones just months prior to the fall of Kabul, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.

The “Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau” – which was designed to handle medical, diplomatic, and logistical support concerning Americans overseas was paused by Antony Blinken’s State Department earlier this year. Notification was officially signed just months before the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.

“SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED,” an official State Department document from the Biden State Department begins, before outlining the following move the quash the Trump-era funding for the new bureau.

The document is from the desk of Deputy Secretary of State Brian P. McKeon, confirmed in March by the United States Senate.

Evidence of the pause in the program by Biden’s State Department.

The document is dated June 11, 2021, though The National Pulse understands the decision to pause the program may have come as early as February, both undermining the original Trump-era date for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, and certainly giving the Taliban time to threaten American assets and lives on the run up to Joe Biden’s September 11th date of withdrawal.

The subject line reads: “(SBU) Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau,” and the body of the document recommends:

“That you direct the discontinuation of the establishment, and termination of, the Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau (CCR), and direct a further review of certain associated Department requirements and capabilities.”

It goes on:

“That you direct the discontinuation of the establishment, and termination of, CCR, consistent with the applicable legal requirements, necessary stakeholder engagement, and any applicable changes to the Foreign Affairs Manual and other requirements.”

The document reveals the recommendations were approved on June 11th 2021.

Speaking exclusively to The National Pulse, former President Donald J. Trump blasted Biden’s irresponsible move:

“My Administration prioritized keeping Americans safe, Biden leaves them behind. Canceling this successful Trump Administration program before the withdrawal that would have helped tens of thousands Americans reach home is beyond disgraceful. Our withdrawal was conditions-based and perfect, it would have been flawlessly executed and nobody would have even known we left. The Biden execution and withdrawal is perhaps the greatest embarrassment to our Country in History, both as a military and humanitarian operation.”
MUST READ: EXC: A Senior Biden Staffer Wrote An Afghanistan Policy Paper Which Was Sponsored By a Top Chinese Communist Influence Group.

In a lengthy article in Vanity Fair from May 2021, the Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau (CCR) – also referred to in overlap with a predecessor/partner bureau called “OpMed” is described as a “little-known team of medics and miracle workers—hidden deep within the U.S. Department of State.”

“Even before COVID reared its head, OpMed was finding ways to do all sorts of things, serving as the hidden hand behind daring and often dangerous operations to rescue Americans from peril abroad,” the article states, before going on to quote Secretary of State Tony Blinken on the importance of the program’s goals.

“The Bureau of Medical Services’ Directorate of Operation—or ‘OpMed,’ as we call it—is a lifeline for the Department of State and the American people… Though perhaps lesser known outside of the Department, it’s vital to our operations. That’s because OpMed provides the platform and personnel to save American lives around the world, especially in times of crisis. During the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, OpMed was integral to our evacuation and repatriation of 100,000 Americans to the United States as countries began locking down their borders.”

But The National Pulse understands that career officials inside the State Department objected to the Trump-era aim of creating a Contingency and Crisis Response bureau with the express purpose of avoiding a future Benghazi-style situation for Americans overseas.

Instead, Biden’s team revoked the funding and the approval for the plan, even as the COVID-19 crisis reasserted itself, and and Afghanistan withdrawal loomed.

Vanity Fair reported in May:

“OpMed emerged from the ashes of Benghazi, where, on September 11, 2012, militants attacked the U.S. consulate, killing America’s ambassador to Libya, an information management officer, and two CIA contractors. The day’s events rocked the national security establishment and prompted years of recrimination, congressional hearings, and blue-ribbon commissions. When the dust more or less settled, several findings emerged: First, Pentagon officials had long warned their counterparts at the State Department about the “tyranny of distance” in Libya and other parts of North Africa. Second, CIA medics on the scene in Benghazi played an indispensable role in saving the lives of gravely wounded diplomatic security personnel. Finally, an interagency panel of experts concluded that, in light of the “grossly inadequate” response time to evacuate the injured from Benghazi, “State must ensure it has the capability to rapidly deploy crisis responders and evacuate […] personnel in harm’s way.”

“Responsibility for internalizing these lessons and bolstering the department’s ability to treat its own fell in no small part to William Walters, who had joined State in December 2011 in what for nine months had largely been a role in search of a mission: managing director of operational medicine. He had served with the Army’s most elite special operations unit and held the euphemistic title of deputy command surgeon for sensitive activities at the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). “They wanted a guy who understood the Pentagon but could also wear cuff links,” he said with a laugh, recalling the clash of cultures. And yet Doc Walters, as he is known in the corridors of Foggy Bottom, quickly emerged as a contrarian (in a department that values consensus) and an egalitarian (in an organization that’s been a bastion of elitism since 1789).”

A 2022 State Department Budget Justification document presented to the U.S. Congress earlier this year notes on page 22: “The Department has paused implementation of Op Med (CCR) pending a policy review.”
MUST READ: CORTES: Welcome to Joe Biden's American Carnage.

On August 15th, Biden’s State Department was forced to issue a humiliating statement warning U.S. citizens that the Embassy in Kabul would be unresponsive to their requests for help.

At the time of publication, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said the U.S. military is attempting to move 5,000 to 9,000 people to safety per day, according to the Associated Press.

The news flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claims that his government planned for “every contingency” in the war-torn country.

The National Pulse also understands no Congressional notification was sent to the United States Congress, as is required, upon the pause.

Kinda funny you don't hear Pelosi and Schumer talking about impeachment. I mean "but Trump"...riiight?

Times 2 even.

The DNC is a terrorist organization.
RayR Offline
#339 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
I love a good rant and those are good ones.
The progtards will be butthurt that their President and his administration are being displayed in all their glory as the reckless baffoons that they are. 🤡 Well, they bought them with duhmacracy which came with a 4 year no return policy.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#340 Posted:
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They'll always have their BLM and LGBTQ flag awareness to look back on with fond remembrance. They were really doing something.
ZRX1200 Offline
#341 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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For today’s viewing pleasure….
DrMaddVibe Offline
#342 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe Offline
#343 Posted:
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Not a parody...wish to God it was.

U.S. Wastes Nearly $1 Trillion on Afghanistan Reconstruction, Biden to Send $3.3 Billion More

In two decades of failed Afghanistan reconstruction efforts the U.S. government has spent almost a trillion dollars and President Joe Biden wants to dedicate billions more in the aftermath of his disastrous withdraw from the terrorist nation. Judicial Watch has reported extensively on the pervasive waste, fraud and corruption that has long plagued the failed U.S. nation building project in Afghanistan which has seen an exorbitant flow of cash under both Democrat and Republican administrations. To compensate for the absence of American troops, Biden wants to throw in another $3.3 billion on the way out, a $300 million increase over last year, incorporated in the 2022 defense budget.

The U.S. has already wasted an eye-popping $837 billion fighting insurgencies in Afghanistan and $145 billion on building government and military organizations, according to the latest report issued by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstructions (SIGAR). “The extraordinary costs were meant to serve a purpose — though the definition of that purpose evolved over time,” the report states. “At various points, the U.S. government hoped to eliminate al-Qaeda, decimate the Taliban movement that hosted it, deny all terrorist groups a safe haven in Afghanistan, build Afghan security forces so they could deny terrorists a safe haven in the future, and help the civilian government become legitimate and capable enough to win the trust of Afghans.” Clearly none of that was accomplished while “U.S. officials believed the solution to insecurity was pouring ever more resources into Afghan institutions,” the document further states. It discloses that 2,443 U.S. service members have been killed and 20,666 injured in Afghanistan.

The scathing 140-page report, the SIGAR’s last, trashes the U.S. by documenting its many losses in Afghanistan as the Taliban officially takes over the country’s government. Among the shortcomings is the U.S. government’s continuous struggle to develop and implement a coherent strategy, its unrealistic expectations involving the amount of time required to rebuild Afghanistan, unsustainable projects, counterproductive civilian and military policies, and the failure to properly monitor the impact of the costly efforts. “The U.S. government also clumsily forced Western technocratic models onto Afghan economic institutions; trained security forces in advanced weapon systems they could not understand, much less maintain; imposed formal rule of law on a country that addressed 80 to 90 percent of its disputes through informal means; and often struggled to understand or mitigate the cultural and social barriers to supporting women and girls,” the SIGAR writes.

For years the watchdog has exposed a multitude of wasteful transgressions in Afghanistan that should outrage every American taxpayer. Judicial Watch has reported on many of them, including the mysterious disappearance of nearly half a billion dollars in oil destined for the Afghan National Army, a $335 million Afghan power plant that is seldom used and an $18.5 million renovation for a prison that remains unfinished and unused years after the U.S.-funded work began. Among the more outrageous expenditures are U.S. Army contracts with dozens of companies tied to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. A $65 million initiative to help Afghan women escape repression was never monitored so the U.S. admits, because there’s no accountability, record-keeping or follow-up, it has no clue if the program was effective. A few years ago, Judicial Watch reported that a humiliating $8.5 billion counter narcotics effort in Afghanistan actually resulted in a huge increase in poppy cultivation and opium production. Today, Afghanistan is the world’s biggest supplier of illicit opiate.

Last year the SIGAR exposed that a snippet of the congressional budget to reconstruct Afghanistan, still a whopping $19 billion, was lost to fraud, waste, and abuse. In 90% of the cases examined by the watchdog, the money was blown “carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose,” according to a troubling report that hardly tells the whole story since it only considers a portion of the spending for that year. “Endemic corruption, widespread insecurity, and a lack of accountability over on-budget assistance continue to make any investments made in Afghanistan vulnerable to waste, fraud and abuse and may threaten the peace process as well as the perceived legitimacy and effectiveness of the Afghan government,” the SIGAR writes in that scandalous report. Reconstruction began in Afghanistan roughly a year after the U.S. invaded the Islamic nation to destroy Al-Qaeda and eradicate the Taliban. It has proven to be a huge debacle that continues fleecing American taxpayers.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#344 Posted:
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RayR Offline
#345 Posted:
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DrMaddVibe wrote:

I can't help but recognise that chuckles lacks sincerity in her voice.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#346 Posted:
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Why only NOW is there mounting concern over President Biden’s mental health?

A Daily Mail story from last week reported on the growing concern of doctors and other health experts about the mental state of Joe Biden, the oldest American president ever.

Questions have been raised about US President Joe Biden’s cognitive wellbeing after a car crash interview over his handling of the unfolding Afghanistan crisis. America’s oldest president provided jumbled responses to questions and mixed up details about his son in an interview with ABC. The stumbles did not make the broadcasted version but were revealed when a full transcript of the interview was published overnight.

It revealed the President incorrectly stated his late son Beau Biden worked for the Navy in Afghanistan, before correcting himself that he served for the Army in Iraq. It follows a spate of gaffes and slips of the tongue since the 78-year-old ran his successful presidential campaign in 2019.

This story only highlights a growing slew of news stories and op-eds that have appeared recently during the ongoing debacle in Afghanistan, in both the right and leftwing press, that have noticed how President Biden appears repeatedly confused in interviews while showing signs that he does not quite understand what is going on around him.

Of course, for the press and the political class to recognize these facts now, after Biden has become president, is equivalent to closing the barn door after the animals have escaped. As I noted in October 2020, before the election, these cognitive issues have been obvious for the last two years, and had been getting steadily worse throughout 2020 during the election campaign. As I wrote then,

Joe Biden is exhibiting clear symptoms of failing mental health. It is increasingly obvious he really is unaware of what is going on around him, and this condition appears to be worsening at a frightening pace.

All of this was blatantly obvious in the summer of 2020. It was then that these facts should have been reported by the mainstream press and dealt with by politicians in the Democratic Party.

Instead, the press and Democratic Party politicians covered these facts up. The news organizations did so because they are no longer interested in reporting news, but instead are focused solely on being public relations agents for the Democratic Party. The Democrats did so because they are generally corrupt, power-hungry, and uninterested in doing the best for the nation.

Had these obvious these facts had been discussed and reported in detail before the election, or even better, during the primaries before the Democrats chose Biden as their candidate, we might not be in this situation today. But no, the interests of the Democratic Party trumped the interests of the nation.

How we shall survive the next three and a half years with Joe Biden as president I cannot fathom. Moreover, even if he is removed, his vice-president, Kamala Harris, is an even more troubling politician. When she was California attorney general she tried to use the power of her office to obtain the names of people donating to Republican candidates, with clear evidence the goal was to use that information to harass and threaten those conservatives. Then in 2018 she appeared on television and gleefully joked about killing Trump, Pence, and other Republican politicians.

As vice president she has been less than useless, often vanishing when most needed, and if found acting as if she is responsible for nothing and must not be questioned sharply by anyone on any issue.

Note again these were facts known prior to the 2020 campaign. That I could figure them out, then, but the mainstream press could not, speaks really badly of that press.

Even worse, it suggests how divorced from reality the so-called “intellectual” and mostly leftist leadership of our nation has truly become. Their failure to recognize Biden’s health issues, their bankrupt policy that led to the collapse in Afghanistan, their insane response, still continuing, to COVID, all indicate their general incompetence and intellectual dishonesty. Such people should be kept as far from the reins of power as possible. Instead, we as a nation have let them hold those reins, for decades, even as they have repeatedly revealed their incompetence time after time after time.

Presstitutes and their ilk have foisted this steaming poo of a man into the White House and look at this little retard go. The "Buck Stops With Him"??? Joe O'Biden...the only President ever that if you gave him a penny he'd give you back change!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#347 Posted:
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Deep State Failure: Russ Travers, Fired by Trump, Is in Top Afghan Evacuation Role Under Biden

As recriminations fly among Biden administration officials over who bungled the Afghanistan withdrawal, some are questioning the responsibility of Russell Travers, who was fired by the Trump administration as acting head of the National Counterterrorism Center and subsequently rehired by President Joe Biden to lead the interagency process on the evacuation operation.

In March 2020, then-Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell fired Travers as acting head of the NCTC as part of the Trump administration’s efforts to streamline a bloated agency and remove ineffective individuals.

At the time, the move was decried by anonymous former officials as a “purge” of career professionals, as the Washington Post reported. “The removals have shocked Travers’s colleagues, who are upset at the treatment of someone so well-regarded, according to the two former officials,” the Post reported.

Travers would later in October 2020 sign a letter declaring the belief that the disclosure of emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

In January, Biden rehired Travers as deputy homeland security adviser at the National Security Council to go after domestic extremists.

In June, Biden promoted Travers to senior deputy homeland security adviser at the NSC and put him in charge of evacuating Afghan special immigrant visa (SIV) applicants to the U.S., according to Politico.

Travers had boasted about how well the evacuation plan was going on July 29, 2021, on a conference call with reporters:

I am immensely proud to announce our first group of Afghan special immigrants to be relocated under Operation Allies Refuge is now on their way to America. This flight represents a fulfillment of the U.S. commitment and honors these Afghans’ brave service in helping support our mission in Afghanistan, in turn helping to keep our country safe.

The plan to evacuate Afghan SIV applicants is now in disarray, and there are estimates of as many as 65,000 or more Afghans scrambling to get out of Afghanistan and come to the U.S. or another yet to be determined location.

Thousands of Afghans had rushed to the Hamid Karzai International Airport last weekend as the Taliban closed in on the capital after the Biden administration failed to predict the speed of the collapse of the U.S.-backed Afghan government and military.

Hundreds were seen flooding the airport’s tarmac and disrupting evacuation operations, with some Afghans trying to cling to an Air Force C-17 in an attempt to evacuate, plunging to their deaths with others being trampled on the runway.

There have also been scenes of desperate Afghan parents passing their infants over the airport’s perimeter to U.S. service members. On Sunday, there were reports of a two-year-old Afghan girl being trampled to death. Even Biden administration officials have admitted the scenes are “heartbreaking.”

In addition, the thousands of Afghans crowding around the airport’s perimeter have made it difficult for Americans trapped in Afghanistan to flee. The Pentagon said Saturday that 17,000 have been evacuated from Kabul since August 14, and 2,500 of those are Americans.

The Biden administration had originally committed to bringing Afghans who helped the U.S. military to safety but have reportedly expanded those efforts to other Afghans looking to escape.

The evacuation efforts have gone so badly that Americans and other nations’ citizens have set up their own private efforts to evacuate their citizens and Afghans who have helped them.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul on Sunday told Afghans who are part of those private efforts, “Please do not come to the airport unless you have received specific instructions to travel” there.

This chaotic outcome was despite bipartisan pressure on Biden since mid-July to do more to ensure that the tens of thousands of Afghans who helped the U.S. would not be targeted by the Taliban, according to Bloomberg.

Former Trump administration officials are not surprised the current evacuation efforts are not going well, given that Travers was put in charge.

“Privately, men and women that I served with have been doing more to get SIVs out of the country than Russ Travers and the White House. They have been chartering flights, they have been putting together programs, contacting allies, and then when they try to get people out of country, they’re told by the U.S. government that ‘you’re not allowed,’ so it’s just tragic all around,” said Kash Patel, a former Grenell deputy at DNI and former Pentagon chief of staff.

“The SIV programs falls squarely on Russ Travers, but ultimately the White House. They gave it to him to do, and either him or they or both didn’t do anything,” Patel added.

Reached by Breitbart News, Grenell said about Travers, “I replaced him as head of the Counterterrorism Center and I put in a career official who was eager to reform the place.”

The Biden Surrender of Afghanistan is almost complete. Get ready for Day 444: American Hostages on every TV news station.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#348 Posted:
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It's no longer MAGA. We didn't get KAGA. Now it's "Save America".

The DNC is a terrorist organization.
RayR Offline
#349 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Biden Made Taliban Great Again!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#350 Posted:
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RayR wrote:
Biden Made Taliban Great Again!

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