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Presidentin' Is...The Thing...You Know...The Thing!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1351 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Now, what was that quote Robert Gates used to describe Biden???

Biden Was A National Security Threat Long Before His Classified Docs Fiasco

Don’t be fooled into thinking this is the first time Biden has sacrificed U.S. national security to protect his personal interests.

Long before classified and potentially compromising documents were discovered in President Joe Biden’s “think tank” office and Wilmington home and garage, the Democrat’s actions posed a threat to U.S. national security.

The discovery of even more top secret documents dating back to Biden’s time as vice president and senator sparked widespread concerns that the current president hid material that put U.S. national security at risk, potentially for decades.

Republicans worried — and even partisan hacks such as Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff conceded — that Biden’s harboring of classified documents in high-traffic, unsecured areas could have put Americans or the U.S. government at risk.

“Is it possible that national security was jeopardized here as many, including you, raised that possibility with the Mar-a-Lago documents?” ABC’s “This Week” co-anchor Jonathan Karl asked.

“I don’t think we can exclude the possibility without knowing more of the facts,” the disgraced former chair of the House Intelligence Committee replied.

It seems logical to investigate Biden’s recent scandal to ensure he didn’t compromise any sensitive material. But the truth is, he opened up the U.S. to a myriad of national security crises, abuses, and disasters long before news broke of his document scandal.

Since taking office, Biden, who is charged with ensuring the national security of the U.S., has put Americans and their security at risk countless times.

By openly pursuing a policy of escalation in the U.S.-funded proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, Biden and his administration have significantly increased the threat of nuclear war. A conflict that only ends on Ukraine’s terms and might result in a radioactive third world war compromises Americans’ safety and tax dollars.

It also leaves countries like Taiwan vulnerable to communist China’s hegemonic operations. While China stockpiled hundreds of nuclear warheads and prepared to expand its influence, Biden was further emboldening his country’s No. 1 foreign threat. First, he did business with the Chinese gas giant with ties to his son. Then Biden pushed the Saudis into an amicable relationship with the Eastern communist government.

Speaking of the Middle East, it was Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal that sent tens of thousands of Afghan refugees into U.S. cities without proper screening, vetting, and inspection. This lapse in security resulted in two known security risks and dozens more evacuees tainted by “derogatory information” entering the country unmonitored.

Domestically, Biden and the same agency that failed to vet Afghan refugees jeopardized U.S. national security by escorting in the worst illegal immigration influx in recorded U.S. history and then doing nothing to fix it. Under Biden’s watch, more than 100 potential terrorists and hundreds more criminals crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Even dating back to his time as vice president, Biden sacrificed national security for profit by keeping his son Hunter Biden close. Hunter didn’t just exchange access to his father for cash to fund the family’s lavish lifestyle, he was paid by oligarchs and businessmen in countries that have a vested interest in meddling with U.S. affairs.

That’s likely why the inexperienced Hunter was handed a lucrative position at a prominent Ukrainian energy company at the same time his father took the lead on Ukraine policy for the Obama administration.

At one point, Biden used a non-government email to share official White House business with Hunter, a civilian who shouldn’t have had access to sensitive material. Republican senators’ attempts to investigate the emails and the role they may have played in enriching the Biden family business were ignored.

Biden’s willingness to share delicate information with his son, whose own documents stored on an abandoned laptop likely pose a serious threat to the national security of the United States, is more than problematic. Combine that with Biden’s knowledge of and involvement in Hunter’s business with foreign oligarchs, and you have a long list of foreign entanglements and finances that could severely hamper the elder Biden’s ability to put American interests first.

If early reports are correct in noting that some of the recovered Biden documents included “US intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom,” Biden’s information cache does warrant investigation and transparency. But don’t be fooled into thinking this is the first time Biden has sacrificed U.S. national security to protect his personal interests, preserve the Biden family business, and advance his radical agenda.

Oh yeah, I remember now!

Biden had been "wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1352 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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It's true: Biden did threaten to leak classified information

There has been some controversy about Michael Reagan’s claim that then-Senator Biden threatened to leak classified information in order to bully President Reagan into stopping covert programs.

After my father was out of office he shared with me that Sen Joe Biden confronted him and told him if he disagreed with my father on a Covert action he had planned he would leak it to the media to stop it..

— Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) January 23, 2023

Defenders of the president demanded proof. After all, while Michael was Reagan’s son, that doesn’t assure us that either his recollection is correct or that he wasn’t simply casting aspersions on Biden at a time when the classified documents scandal makes him vulnerable. Reagan is an active political figure, so it’s not like he isn’t a bit biased.

On the other hand, if true it certainly provides evidence bolstering the claim that Biden has an…interesting relationship with classified information. At the very least it demonstrates that he views these things through the lens of politics, not national security. “Classified” means things he wants to keep secret, not things which have been deemed by the authorities to be.

That is apparently the case. Biden thinks he is the ultimate arbiter of what should and should not be classified, and thought so as a Senator way back in 1986.

How do we know? He bragged to Brit Hume about it way back in 1986, when he was making a play to become the Demcrat candidate for president.

He says he was “the single most active” Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, a claim that is hard to assess, since the committee’s proceedings are almost entirely secret. Biden says he “twice threatened to go public with covert action plans by the Reagan administration that were harebrained,” and thereby halted them. Committee rules forbid him from saying what those plans were.

Now before I get all high and mighty about this, I have to acknowledge that very few people in Washington actually take classification of documents seriously. Or, I should say, nobody important does.

People lower on the totem pole can have their lives ruined for mere carelessness with classified documents and government secrets, but if you are a member of the club you can pretty much do what you want without consequences.

James Comey, for instance, leaked like a sieve when he was doing his best to destroy President Trump.

Classified information gets leaked to the press constantly for political reasons. Leaks the size of Niagara Falls occur all the time, but unless you are exposing actual government wrongdoing the consequences are usually nonexistent.

And, for the most part, these classified documents actually reveal little, given how every little thing is classified. Technical secrets, sources and methods are life and death issues. But a lot of times things are made secret that are commonly available knowledge.

Still, that is problem with the classification system, and isn’t an excuse for the cavalier way in which politicians and bureaucrats treat our nation’s secrets. And it certainly isn’t an excuse for the differential way in which lower-level officials and soldiers are treated and the careless way that the high and mighty are allowed to flout the rules.

Whatever you think of the classification system and how the rules are applied, it’s pretty clear that Biden has utter contempt for the rules. Almost four decades ago he bragged about his indifference to classification, and it’s clear that his attitude hasn’t changed.

As is so often the case, Biden believes that rules are for thee, not for he.

More to follow....
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#1353 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Had to post Brit Hume's article. It shows exactly how inept of a man we have in the White House and how America dodged this buffoon twice before having him foisted on us a some kind of placeholder for the DNC. The article below is from the link posted in the above thread. I've always enjoyed Brit as he actually did his own investigative journalism. He was a consummate professional...the likes that aren't allowed anymore. It's a shame too.


Mighty Mouth
Joe Biden turns up the volume.

On the morning of July 24, Senator Joseph Biden, his face contorted with rage, stared out from the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other newspapers. At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing the previous day, he had erupted in a tirade at Secretary of State George Shultz over the Reagan administration’s policy toward the South African government, “We ask them to put up a timetable,” he said. “What is our timetable? Where do we stand morally? ... I hate to hear an administration and a secretary of state refusing to act on a morally abhorrent point. ... I’m ashamed of this country that puts out a policy like this that says nothing, nothing ... I’m ashamed of the lack of moral backbone to this policy.” Shultz insisted the administration’s policy had “tremendous moral backbone.” “What we want,” he explained, “is a society that they can all live in together. So I don’t turn my back on the whites and I would hope that you wouldn’t.” To which Biden responded, “I speak for the oppressed, whatever they happen to be.”

His performance might have struck some as insufferable moralizing, made worse by his incivility to Shultz, whose courtesy and patience are much appreciated on Capitol Hill. But it was vintage Biden. And it illustrates both his strengths and weaknesses as a probable candidate for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Biden, 43 years old, is winning rave notices on the party speaking circuit as a dynamic and gifted orator with the courage to stand up to his party’s entrenched interest groups, and the skill and passion to make them like it. Around the Senate, however, with few exceptions his record has been that of a reliable ally of those interest groups. And the rhetorical fervor of his stump speeches and debating style have earned him the reputation of a man whose mouth often runs—and runs, and runs—well ahead of his mind.

Indeed, Biden gives the impression of utter spontaneity. It is an uncommon and in some ways charming quality, but it frequently gets him into trouble in the Senate. There was, for example, the defeat snatched from the jaws of victory the day Daniel Manion’s nomination as a federal appellate judge came before the full Senate. Biden was the Democrats’ floor manager. After stalling for days in the hope that opposition to Manion—a conservative of scant judicial credentials—would build, the Democrats suddenly announced they were ready to vote. Majority Leader Robert Dole, who had been calling all day for an immediate vote, found himself in the excruciating position of having to admit on the Senate floor before a crowded gallery, with the TV cameras rolling, that he wasn’t ready. Dole explained sheepishly that two members were out of town. Suddenly, and to the obvious surprise of Democratic leader Robert Byrd, Biden offered Dole two pairs—that is, to hold back two Democratic votes against Manion (including his own) to offset Dole’s absentees, in exchange for an immediate vote. Dole could hardly say no, and the vote began.

In the hallways, civil rights lobbyists said the Democrats had 51 firm votes and could afford to give away two, especially with the Republicans two short. But Republican Slade Gorton of Washington, who had opposed Manion because he had been unable to get a desired judicial appointment through the Justice Department, suddenly got the promise he had been waiting for and switched sides. The Democrats were still ahead, but at the last minute Republican Nancy Kassebaum of Kansas switched from voting against Manion to a pair with the absent Barry Goldwater. That left the vote tied and meant that Vice President Bush, presiding, would inevitably cast the deciding vote for Manion. “Mr. President,” Biden suddenly blurted, “I withdraw my pair. I vote no.” Then, moments later, “Mr. President, never mind. Forget I said that.” Byrd then did the only thing he could do and switched his vote to be on the winning side, so that he would be eligible under Senate rules to move to reconsider the vote. He did, but the matter was put off, and by the time the vote occurred weeks later on the motion to reconsider, the Republicans had enough votes to muster a tie that Bush broke in Manion’s favor.

Biden would later explain that his decision to grant the two pairs had been a calculated gamble, based on his belief that four of the commitments he held against Manion would be good for that day only, and that the four senators in question inevitably would yield to pressure afterward and back Manion. But the fact is, a winning position had been turned into a lost vote. And it is almost painful to imagine how a comparable episode, with Biden’s quickly retracted outburst about withdrawing his pair, would have been treated in the heat of a presidential campaign.

Biden, however, seems unworried. “One thing that has changed in the last three years,” he says, “is I really feel good about myself and where I am.” Certainly Biden has come some distance from the bitter and haunted young man who came to the Senate 14 years ago after suffering the terrible tragedy of his wife and infant daughter’s death in an automobile accident a week before Christmas 1972. For years Biden was suspicious and standoffish, with a special distaste for the press. He was best known for the fact that he went home to Wilmington, Delaware, every night on the Metroliner to be with his two young sons, returning in the morning. It is a practice he continues to this day, but since his remarriage in 1977, his outlook has brightened. “I’m proud of what I do in the Senate,” he says, “confident I’m ready, and absolutely confident we are on the verge of a real change in the mind-set of this country.”

This last is Article One of what might be called the Pat Caddell Credo, the beliefs that gave us the Gary Hart campaign of 1984—after Caddell failed to persuade Biden to make the race. It has led some to think that both Hart and Biden are merely creatures of Caddell’s kingmaking ambitions, spokesmen for viewpoints gleaned from his polling. But Biden claims credit for the idea that the Democratic Party had lost its appeal to a generation of younger voters by seeming too subservient to the party’s interest groups and too pro-government. He has speeches going back to well before 1984 to support him. “The fact is,” he said in 1980, “that government has become too large. It regulates too much and it taxes far too much.” In 1981 he told the National Young Democrats Convention, “The Democratic Party is simply out of touch as a national party.” Wrested from their context, these words sound harsher than they were, and they’re hardly radical stuff anyway. But they’re a far cry from anything Walter Mondale was saying in 1984.

In September 1983, Biden made a thunderous speech that sounded sharply critical of his party to the New Jersey State Democratic Convention. “America is in serious trouble,” it began, “and so is the Democratic Party. As every hour passes, our ability to shape the American future is slipping from our grasp. . . . Instead of thinking of ourselves as Americans first. Democrats second, and members of special-interest groups third, we have begun to think in terms of special interests first and the greater interest second.” The speech, whose concluding note was an emotional call to action built around a quote from Robert Kennedy, drew a standing ovation and tears in the eyes of many. After that Caddell, who had long been Biden’s pollster, began a protracted effort to get him to run for president. Biden listened at length, but finally concluded the time wasn’t right. For one thing, he was up for re-election that year, which meant the race would be a White House-or-bust proposition.

Now Biden has all but decided to run in 1988. And he’s taken seriously. Bill Bradley, himself sometimes mentioned as a possible Democratic candidate, says Biden is “the best speaker in the Senate.” Tom Donilon, a political operative who worked in successful nomination campaigns with Jimmy Carter in 1950 and Mondale four years later, likes Biden’s chances. “He can appeal to voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, and he’s still someone who can go South,” Donilon says, noting that Biden’s recent speeches have been enthusiastically received in all parts of the country. And he says Biden may be the only potential Democratic nominee who can do what many think someone will have to do if the Democrats are to win: stand up to Jesse Jackson without losing black votes.

Biden has a reputation for telling off people in his party without making them dislike him. “You know why?” he says. “It’s because they know I’m really with them.” He certainly is, and this is critical to understanding Biden and his message. For all his rhetoric about special-interest groups and the need for change in the Democratic Party, Biden’s record has largely been that of an orthodox liberal Democrat who gets consistently high ratings from the groups that make up the traditional Democratic coalition. In 1984, for example, the AFL-CIO gave him an 84 percent rating, the Americans for Democratic Action an 85. He has long opposed racial ‘’using and thought criminal rehabilitation a mirage. But these are the exceptions.

He voted against tuition tax credits, for the Martin Luther King holiday, and against overturning the Supreme Court decisions allowing abortion and prohibiting school prayer. In keeping with his view that the government taxes too much, he has gone along with both the Reagan tax cut of 1981 and the Senate version of the current tax reform bill. But Biden has never departed from the concept of taxing the rich and redistributing the wealth, which has been a large part of the old-time religion of American liberalism. For example, he twice voted to hold the Reagan tax cut to one year, and also to limit its benefits to upper-income taxpayers. And although he supported his Democratic colleague Bill Bradley’s ideas when they came to the Senate floor this year in the form of the Finance Committee’s tax reform bill, he also voted in favor of the Mitchell amendment. It would have added an additional, higher tax bracket for the and was strongly opposed by Bradley and other tax form advocates. Indeed, the Mitchell plan was regarded as a “killer” amendment, one that would have fractured the broadly based coalition of interests that had rallied behind the bill. It was overwhelmingly defeated. Despite Biden’s occasional criticism of Big Government, he says, “People haven’t lost faith in in government. They’ve lost faith in the ability of a Democrat to manage the levers of power.”

In foreign policy, Biden was against the MX, for the nuclear freeze, against military aid to El Salvador, and against aid to the contras in Nicaragua. He has been deeply involved in the effort to keep SALT II alive. And, of course, he has passionately pushed for sanctions against South Africa. At the same time he says that the Soviet Union has also been a major human rights offender and that he favors improved relations with the Soviets: “There are no absolute rules in the conduct of foreign policy.” Biden is fond of saying that he “came out of” the American civil rights movement of the 1960s, and he finds an important parallel between it and events in South Africa. He believes the movement gives the United States a special responsibility for leadership on the issue of apartheid. Though he acknowledges that the United States may have only a marginal effect on South Africa, he says, “Sometimes you take actions even though they won’t affect anything but because they’re right.”

In view of his record on civil rights issues, it isn’t surprising that Benjamin Hooks said in introducing Biden recently at the NAACP convention in Baltimore, “When the NAACP needed you, you were there.” Biden made headlines that day for criticizing Jesse Jackson. But this is what he said: “You must reject those voices in the movement who tell black Americans to go it alone, who tell you that coalitions don’t work anymore... that only blacks should represent blacks.” That’s all. Jackson was never mentioned by name. The speech was largely devoted to a blistering attack on the Reagan administration’s civil rights record. At a press conference afterword, reporters succeeded in getting Biden to say that Jackson “does not know what he’s talking about on Libya, does not know what he’s talking about on economic policy.” But he also said, “Jackson has done some really phenomenally good things.” This is a standard Biden tactic; some general criticism generously leavened with praise, often including himself among the targets of criticism.

Biden is able, as some politicians are not, to laugh at himself, and he has an irrepressible, boyish personality that makes him hard to dislike. He says he has even come to enjoy reporters, and expects to know how to deal with the national press corps by the time he makes a final decision on running for president. Yet when he first learned this article had been commissioned, to a reporter not known, as his longtime press secretary Pete Smith put it, “as one of Biden’s greatest fans,” the senator telephoned the editor in chief of this magazine and tried to have the assignment called off. When that failed, he at first refused to sit for an interview, agreeing only to a preliminary informal chat over coffee, after which he would decide whether to cooperate. “I just want to find out why you don’t like me,” he said at the beginning of that chat in the Senate dining room. It was an awkward and extraordinary conversation, in which Biden finally asked if the reporter harbored any “deep personal antipathy.” He was assured that there was none. “Then what is it you don’t like?” he asked. “Senator,” came the reluctant reply, “I think you’re a windbag.” Biden seemed greatly relieved, laughed, and said he thought there was truth to that. He agreed to cooperate fully.

Biden has long had a considerable reputation among Capitol Hill reporters for enjoying the sound of his own voice. On the first day of the highly publicized confirmation hearing of Alexander Haig as secretary of state, for example, Biden took his entire first turn—ten minutes—to ask a single question, and when he was finished it was unclear what the question was. Everyone laughed, Biden included. In another Foreign Relations hearing a year later, he went on at such length late in a long session that broadcast correspondents at the press table fashioned a white flag from a napkin and a microphone pole and waved it in the air. The chairman, Charles Percy, howled with laughter, as did Democrat Alan Cranston. Biden seemed not to notice. Reminded of the incident, Biden said he knew he had a tendency to go on too long but had now curbed it. Only a few days later, at a joint news conference with Republican Senator William Cohen of Maine on legislation to keep SALT II alive, he spoke for more than 30 minutes before Cohen got a word in.

Biden has been well-positioned in terms of seniority and committee assignments to develop a major legislative record. As the Judiciary Committee’s ranking Democrat he did play an important role in the 1984 enactment of a sweeping rewrite, 11 years in the making, of the nation’s criminal code. Colleagues credit his contribution on this bill to his ability to get along with the committee’s onetime Dixiecrat chairman, Strom Thurmond, a man nearly twice Biden’s age with a distinctly different political background. On the Foreign Relations Committee during the SALT II debate, Biden became an acknowledged expert on the treaty, and has been a leader of the renewed effort to keep it alive in the face of the Reagan administration’s desire to let it die. He says he was “the single most active” Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, a claim that is hard to assess, since the committee’s proceedings are almost entirely secret. Biden says he “twice threatened to go public with covert action plans by the Reagan administration that were harebrained,” and thereby halted them. Committee rules forbid him from saying what those plans were.

But aside from his role with the SALT II treaty, which the Senate did not ratify, and the careful aim he has taken at the fish in the apartheid barrel, Biden has not been an important player on the Foreign Relations Committee. And he was no factor at all on the Budget Committee, although it has been an important arena in the Reagan years. He was frequently absent from meetings, and his periods of attendance were brief and marked by obvious impatience with the tedium of the proceedings. He got off that committee last year. “The Budget Committee is useless,” he says. Aside from the crime bill, Biden is not associated with any major bill.

Still, he says he is proud of his role in the Senate and considers himself an important force in the party caucus. “Joe Biden,” he says, “can go to both liberals and conservatives and bring ‘em together.” Biden has taken an active role in the Judiciary Committee in opposing some Reagan nominations. He led the successful fight to defeat Jefferson Sessions of Alabama as a federal judge. But he is better known for his role in the confirmation battle over Attorney General Edwin Meese, especially for his lengthy, anguished explanation of his vote against Meese in the Judiciary Committee.

Biden told Meese that day, “I have concluded that you are a personable and likable man. I have concluded that you have done no criminal wrong and I do not believe that you are unethical. .. . I just never found a case about [you] that you are—I have not been able to conclude in my mind, you are an unethical man. I have not been able to make that conclusion. So if all those things are there, why, why do I find it so difficult to vote for you? And I finally figured it out. It relates less to you than it does to the office of attorney general. I think some would say ... that I have maybe an idealistic and unrealistic view of the office of attorney general. But I think it should be occupied by a person of extraordinary stature and character.”

If Biden’s speech sounded to some suspiciously like the rationalizations of a politician looking for a way to vote against a nominee in spite of the evidence, to others it came across as a heroic statement of conscience. The editors of the Washington Post published it in its entirety on their op-ed page. Still, it reinforced the impression of Biden as a man who does much of his thinking out loud and sometimes has difficulty figuring out what he thinks. And that, ultimately, is the most enduring impression Biden leaves. It suggests that a Biden campaign for the presidency would be colorful, newsworthy, and, unlike his oratory, brief.
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#1354 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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More from the "smartest man I know" Biden Chronicles of Crime.

‘Our Family’s Sick’: Why Hunter Biden Lied About Paying $50k Monthly Rent
The true story of how Hunter Biden botched a family mission in California

Amid the brouhaha over President Joe Biden’s improper retention of classified documents and concerns that his son, Hunter Biden, had access to them, a 2018 form on which Hunter Biden claims to have spent nearly $50,000 a month on rent surfaced from the presidential son’s abandoned laptop.

On it, Hunter Biden lists his father’s Wilmington house as his address, raising questions about whether he was using rent payments to pass money to his father. The money, $49,910, was actually a reference to rental payment for a Washington, D.C., office space used by Hunter Biden. But the story of the document is more absurd, involving Biden family favor trading, scorned relatives, and an ultimately failed effort to get Hunter Biden’s troubled cousin a new probation officer.

The Washington Free Beacon traced the origin of the document to an attachment in a July 27, 2018, email from Hunter Biden to a luxury apartment complex in Los Angeles. The background check document was part of a rental application, and—though his communications with the building’s property manager indicated the apartment would be for him—text messages and emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop reveal it was in fact for his down-on-her-luck cousin, Caroline Biden, the daughter of Joe Biden’s brother Jim and his wife, Sara.

The president’s niece pleaded guilty in 2017 to buying more than $100,000 worth of makeup with a stolen credit card. While she managed to skirt a grand larceny charge and the prison sentence it carried, she was sentenced to two years of probation—time she wanted to serve in Los Angeles.

She texted Hunter Biden on July 26, 2018, from a New York City probation office, telling him she urgently needed a California address so her lawyer could transfer her probation there.

Keeping Caroline Biden out of prison was a Biden family affair and Hunter Biden was at the center of the effort. He moved to the West Coast at least in part to escape family drama, he explained in a July 17 message, saying his sister-in-law and former lover Hallie Biden had asked him to leave the state of Delaware. His day to day in California, text messages and passages from his 2021 autobiography reveal, was largely spent cooking up batches of crack cocaine and negotiating rates with prostitutes. But Joe Biden, according to a text from Caroline Biden to Hunter Biden, thought Hunter Biden was a "good influence" on her.

"Your dad thinks you’re a good influence which you are," she wrote in a text message to Hunter Biden on July 20, 2018.

In text messages, Caroline Biden repeatedly referred to Hunter Biden as her "partner in crime," and the pair commiserated over their "sick" family. She was trying to move to California to be closer to him.

Hunter Biden, Caroline Biden said, was the only family member she felt she could talk to, because "the majority of my family thinks I’m nuts and untalktoable." She complained that "our family’s sick," that she had "no relationship with my nuclear family," and that she had to "do everything on my **** own," including finding a place to live in California.

That said, Caroline Biden does not appear to have been doing much on her own. Before Caroline Biden reached out to Hunter Biden for help, her father, Jim Biden, had asked Hunter Biden for help with the situation. "I need help with Caroline, she is off the rails," Jim Biden told Hunter Biden in a July 13 message.

The idea to have Caroline Biden move to California appears to have been hatched in a follow-up conversation between Jim and Hunter Biden, but it was on Hunter Biden to deliver. Hunter Biden told Jim Biden as early as July 16 that he was looking for rentals in Laguna for his daughter. But by the time of Caroline Biden’s probation meeting when she messaged Hunter Biden about the address, he had still failed to secure a place.

"Hunter, parole officer needs Caroline’s address in CA in order to transfer to CA," Sara Biden wrote to him on July 27. "Caroline also just said she needs to accept job by end of day today and tell them when she can start."

Shortly after hearing from Sara Biden, Hunter Biden directed his assistant, Katie Dodge, to fill out a rental application on his behalf for an apartment at a luxury complex, the Villa Carlotta, a self-described "residential hideaway for free spirits drawn to the iconoclastic energy of bohemian Los Angeles." He told Dodge she had 45 minutes to complete the task. Although the apartment was for his cousin, Hunter Biden told the property manager that he wanted to move into the unit that evening. I "only ha e [sic] a few bags," he said in an email.
Hunter Biden email to assistant Katie Dodge

That form, now the subject of intrigue, was riddled with erroneous declarations, including Hunter Biden’s claim to have paid $49,910 in monthly rent. The figure matches the down payment his firm paid for Washington, D.C., office space at the beginning of its lease, as well as the amount the firm paid quarterly to rent the office space in the House of Sweden building on K Street, according to emails with the office building.

It is unclear whether Hunter Biden and his assistant meant to imply the money was for housing, and neither Hunter Biden nor Dodge responded to a request for comment. The form also declares that Hunter Biden had never been convicted of a crime or had a charge expunged from his record, though on at least one occasion he was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and had the charge expunged from his record.

The property manager, who did not respond to requests for comment, did not approve the Bidens for the apartment.

Jim Biden also asked his nephew to convince Caroline Biden to accept a job, another term of her transfer to California. But Caroline Biden, who at 31 had only had cushy jobs secured by her family and had no intention of lowering her standards.

Emails show she was a candidate for a job from Masimo Corporation, a California company owned by one of Joe Biden’s largest donors, with an $85,000 base salary, a guaranteed 10 percent bonus, and stock options. She was hesitant, she said, because the pay was insufficient.

"That’s below minimum wage in California after taxes," she told her father in an email. "I cannot take this job. I have never made this little money in my life." Caroline Biden said she couldn’t take a job for "less than $180,000."

Caroline Biden appears to have interviewed for the job, but "bombed" the interview, telling Hunter Biden that she was nonetheless offered an internship because Joe Biden asked for a favor. "I didn’t get the job," she told her cousin. "I was given an intern job at 31 years old because of your dad asking him to give me something even though I bombed it."

By July 28, a dejected Caroline Biden told Hunter Biden that Joe Biden was "done" with her. And Jim Biden was losing his patience too. "Your dad told me he was done with me yesterday," she said, adding that her father wasn’t going to let her go to California to see Hunter Biden without a place to stay. "Dad said he won’t let me come back until I have a place to stay and a car," she wrote. "He’s not ‘paying for me to be out there for 6 weeks doing nothing.’"

Hunter Biden told his "crazy" cousin that everything would be fine. "Dont stress about the job ****head," he said in a series of late night texts. "You are crazy im crazy and two crazies make…double the cray I guess. It’ll be fun we may just blow up a house and rob banks together."

Hunter Biden’s efforts to get his cousin to California were a failure, and then he fell off the map. His uncle Jim Biden badgered him for help with his daughter for the next week, but Hunter Biden blew him off. "Did I do something to offend you?" Jim Biden wrote in a text message to Hunter on Aug. 8.

What Caroline Biden did next is unclear, but it appears she never left Pennsylvania: She was arrested for driving under the influence in the state in September 2020, but managed to avoid serving time after negotiating a plea bargain.

Always "something" isn't it. Remember when Lefty would rail about Trump's kids? Good times. Empty hat waving claims that amounted to...NOTHING. With Joe Bumbles? Crickets. Why is that? It's okay to admit they're crooked.
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#1355 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Blinken Postpones China Trip Amid Spy Balloon Allegations Over Montana

Bloomberg confirmed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken would postpone his trip to Beijing amid spy balloon allegations.

The two-day trip was set to begin on Sunday. Even before Blinken postponed his trip, expectations were low to reset deteriorating Sino-US ties.

In response to some US officials accusing China of sending a spy balloon near ICBM fields in Montana, the Chinese foreign ministry said the balloon was for monitoring the 'weather' and veered off course and entered into US airspace due to force majeure.

The ministry "regrets the unintended entry" and said Chinese officials would continue communicating with the US about the balloon. They added the balloon is for meteorological and 'other scientific research.'

Earlier, foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning urged the US to act "calmly and prudently" after some US officials accused China of sending a spy balloon.

"I want to emphasize that before the facts are clear, any speculation and hype are not conducive to the solution of the problem," Ning said.

So China states the balloon is for weather purposes only, while some US officials declare it a spy balloon. One thing is certain. The balloon mysteriously ended up near a highly sensitive area in Montana that is home to ICBM fields.

US military commanders have advised President Biden against shooting down a Chinese spy balloon flying over the US.

Reuters said the US military took "custody" of the "high-altitude surveillance balloon" and deployed military aircraft, including stealth fighter jets, to observe it.

Such balloons operate at an altitude of 15-22 miles, well above commercial air traffic. The balloon's size is estimated to be equivalent to three buses.

"The United States government has detected and is tracking a high-altitude surveillance balloon that is over the continental United States right now," Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Patrick Ryder told reporters Thursday.

"The balloon is currently traveling at an altitude well above commercial air traffic and does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground," Ryder continued.

Right now, the spy balloon appears to be occupying Montana airspace. This alarmed the state's Republican Senator Steve Daines, who sent an alarming letter to the Department of Defense (DOD). He said the spy balloon is a "concerning event": because Montana airspace includes "Malmstrom Air Force Base (AFB) and the United State's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) fields."

Daines wrote that given "the serious nature of the event," he is "requesting a full security briefing from the administration on this situation."

"It is vital to establish the flight path of this balloon, any compromised US national security assets, and all telecom or IT infrastructure on the ground within the US that this spy balloon was utilizing," he continued.

"As you know, Montana plays a vital national security role by housing nuclear missile silos at Malmstrom AFB," the senator said.

Separately, Canada's defense ministry is monitoring a "potential second incident" but declined to give further details.

News of the spy balloon followed CIA Director William Burns' speech at a Georgetown University event, where he called China the "biggest geopolitical challenge" facing the West.

Gotta wonder why China was allowed to purchase land that close to any US military base. Perhaps it's now time to end any land purchases by any non-citizen entity or corporation. Time to clawback any purchase as well. Enough is enough. President Compromised meant it when he stated he doesn't work for us.
Stogie1020 Offline
#1356 Posted:
Joined: 12-19-2019
Posts: 5,463
Hmmmm... Biden and Dr Jill take out a $250K loan against one of their homes in December, 2022... Thoughts?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1357 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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Go to link to see the videos....whip

Watch: Biden Says "More Than Half The Women In My Administration Are Women"

During an appearance at the White House with former president Bill Clinton, the current incumbent bragged that more than half of the women in his administration are… women.

It was another gaffe filled **** show from the now 80 year old Biden who first welcomed Clinton to “the United States Congress” despite being in the White House:

Biden then dropped another pearler that will go down in history with the great presidential quotes:

The statement is weirdly quite on point:

Biden was talking about women in regards to the 30th anniversary of the Family Medical Leave Act, which Clinton signed into law in 1993.

Things got awkward when Biden started talking about sexual assaults on women:

Earlier, Kamala Harris made another of her kindergarten teacher style speeches, lauding how much Clinton has helped women progress:'s just like Lefty males!
Burner02 Offline
#1358 Posted:
Joined: 12-21-2010
Posts: 12,908
Poor Joe is looking for the ice cream party after the balloon sighting.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1359 Posted:
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Speyside2 Offline
#1360 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,506
1358, excellent! Public notice. This thread is closed untill we have a president. Come back 1/6/24.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1361 Posted:
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Biden Admin Knew About the Balloon for a Week, but Couldn't Decide What to Do

The most transparent administration in history has done it again.

We first learned about the balloon on Thursday, February 4, as it was over the skies of Montana. As slowly as it was moving, you almost had to wonder where in the hell it came from and how long at it been there. Thanks to a bit of journalism from Bloomberg, we now have that answer: It entered American airspace a week ago.

As it turns out, US authorities were well aware of the unidentified object that had entered American airspace on Jan. 28, that had then left and re-entered over North Idaho on Tuesday. But with such a high-profile trip at stake, keeping it on the down-low was key.

By the time the thing became visible in Montana, President Joe Biden had already been briefed and the White House was scrambling to decide whether to blast it from the sky.

The gravity of the situation was only exacerbated by Montana being home to Malmstrom Air Force Base, which houses a large portion of the US’s Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The Biden team was in a tizzy, it seems, trying to figure out what to do. Shoot it down? Let it go? Make a statement? Keep it quiet? They were indecisive, which is part of the reason they seemed to be caught off guard when the incident became public – what’s more, the Chinese embassy in Washington was apparently just as taken aback.

As the balloon continued to hover over the Big Sky state on Wednesday, Biden huddled with his national security team to receive a detailed briefing on the balloon. The president argued for shooting the object down, but was urged against doing so by his most senior military advisors.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark A. Milley insisted that such a move would put civilians at risk.

The president ultimately decided to let the balloon continue on its way as the US sought answers from the Chinese embassy in Washington, but they struggled to obtain satisfactory responses. US officials said they were baffled by China, which itself appeared to be caught off-guard by the bizarre incident.

The U.S. response since the balloon was brought to the public’s attention has been nothing short of reactive, though, as if they really had just learned about it on Thursday like the rest of us. All we knew is that they were sure it was a spy balloon and that they had no intention of shooting it out of the sky.

But that’s where the decisiveness ended. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was due to travel to China for a diplomatic summit – and it wasn’t until mere hours before he was set to depart that Biden canceled Blinken’s trip. The fact that the balloon was nearing the airspace of Malmstrom is even worse, and prompted no action whatsoever, it seems.

Granted, it does sound like a lot of things were going on behind the scenes, but that just makes the lack of action – or even a half-assed attempt at crisis management – seem even worse. It’s like they did not even consider that the balloon would be discovered, which is odd, considering it’s within our atmosphere and a lot of people have telescopes.

The handling of the situation just seems to be as bizarre as the situation itself. There’s no reason to think that the Chinese were gathering any intelligence they couldn’t get from satellites flying much, much higher. There’s also no reason to think that the Chinese would be stupid enough to assume that we wouldn’t notice something like a giant balloon flying in our airspace.

But, there’s also no reason to think we wouldn’t do something about it. At no point under any circumstance would China, Russia, or any other geopolitical foe hesitate to shoot down an American spy balloon if it entered their airspace, and they would not hesitate to publicly condemn the U.S. for violating their sovereignty in a big, public statement.

But the Biden administration was paralyzed with indecision. That’s a terrible, terrible quality to have in the face of something like this. Even if the balloon was basically worthless as a tool of spycraft, you don’t just let a foe gently glide over your nation’s airspace.

...because doing that thing you're supposed to do after you take your oath to the know...the thing...ya.

Lefty is so damned STUPID...they voted this in.
Speyside2 Offline
#1362 Posted:
Joined: 11-11-2021
Posts: 2,506
Presidenting is so easy for Biden. He could do it in his sleep. Wait for it.

He does.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1363 Posted:
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Go to the link to see the docs referred in this article.

Secret China Donations to University of Delaware Soared After the Opening of the Biden Institute

A second university has been found to have received more than $6.7 million in anonymous donations from China, including direct funding from the Chinese government, after Joe Biden set up a program there in his name, according to a Government Accountability Institute analysis. The revelation comes following reporting that anonymous China-linked funds flowing to the University of Pennsylvania almost tripled after the inauguration of the Penn-Biden Center, which illegally housed classified documents.

On March 13, 2017, less than seven weeks after concluding his second term as vice president, Joe Biden announced the founding of the Biden Institute at his home state’s University of Delaware (UD). According to the announcement, part of Biden’s “vision for the institute is an annual conference at UD, similar to the World Economic Forum or the Aspen Institute.”

At the time of Biden’s announcement at UD, multiple members of the Biden family were working on deals worth millions of dollars with foreign businessmen linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. And Biden’s other university program at the University of Pennsylvania was apparently housing classified documents from the Obama-Biden administration in an improper way.

Prior to hosting the Biden Institute, UD had never disclosed any funding from China. One year later (and just two months after the Penn Biden center opened its D.C. office), anonymous donations from China to UD skyrocketed. The first payment came in April 2018 in the amount of $3,204,070 from an anonymous donor in China. In December 2018, another anonymous donation from China arrived for $1,869,515. A third anonymous China-linked payment, for $624,904, arrived in December 2019.

In 2020, the year that Biden was campaigning for president, anonymous Chinese state-linked entities sent three more payments totaling $1,005,761 to UD, the bulk of which arrived after Biden had been declared the president-elect.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Three of these donations from China—with a combined total of $1,005,761—were reported as coming from a “Foreign Government Source,” according to the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) records assembled from information reported to the DOE by the University of Delaware.

Click on the image to enlarge.

It should be noted that, according to the available records, none the donations from China to the University of Pennsylvania following the creation of the Penn Biden Center appear to have been reported to the DOE as coming from a “Foreign Government Source” — a fact which led at least one fact-checker to conclude that the Penn Biden Center was being unfairly labeled as “China-funded” because the influx of funding from China to UPenn following its establishment was not given this DOE identifier. However, three donations originating from China to the University of Delaware in the years following the launch of the Biden Institute clearly bear the “Foreign Government Source” identifier.

The actual DOE record field for this identifier asks, “Is this funding from a government?” For these three donations, the answer supplied by the University of Delaware is “Yes,” as seen in the three images below taken from the DOE website (highlight added for emphasis).

Click on the image to enlarge.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Click on the image to enlarge.

Neither the Biden Institute nor the UD have responded to requests to identify the Chinese donors or explain why the Chinese government decided to fund UD after the Biden Institute was created.

Perhaps the most mysterious aspect of the Biden Institute is how it was conceived.

The initial idea for Biden Institute at UD was apparently hatched by Joe’s son, Hunter Biden, while the elder Biden was still the vice president.

Click on the image of the email to enlarge.

In March 2016, Hunter Biden met with UD’s incoming president, Dr. Dennis Assanis, as Hunter and his business associates were making plans to create a “stage” to promote the “Biden brand,” emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show. Other emails on the laptop indicate that Hunter and his business associates were concerned about boosting Joe’s “future earnings potential,” while Joe was still the vice president.

Click on the image of the email to enlarge.

One month after meeting with the incoming UD president, Hunter discussed plans for both the Biden Institute at UD and the Biden Center at UPenn with a talent agent named Craig Gering, his laptop correspondence shows. Gering’s “confidential notes” reveal plans for Hunter Biden to serve in some capacity at the Penn Biden Center, where classified documents were recently found to be stored illegally.

Gering noted that the Biden academic ventures could operate like the “Clinton Global Initiative without the money raise.” The Clinton Global Initiative, GAI previously reported, served as a way to enrich the Clinton family foundation by brokering access to Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The Clintons had to raise their own funds for their initiative, prompting the question of how the Biden programs would work “without the money raise.” Chinese government funding could be at least part of the answer.

Click on the image of the email to enlarge.

Gering’s closing thoughts regarding the Biden academic ventures indicate they would be primarily about “wealth creation” for the Biden family. These ventures began as the Biden family was personally collecting large amounts of money — ultimately some $31 million — from deals linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence and as Hunter was paying for his father’s bills — a potential crime while Joe Biden served as vice president of the United States.

Multiple members of the Biden family also appear to have been involved in the planning of the Biden Institute.

Click on the image of the email to enlarge.

UD has long held troves of Biden’s Senate records — more than 1,800 boxes — and has stymied public requests to view these records. In June 2022, a judge rebuked UD for its lack of transparency. It is unknown what documents, classified or otherwise, the Biden Institute at UD may have been housing from Biden’s vice presidency.

After the Penn Biden Center’s funding from China almost tripled, the university sent an open letter to the Justice Department calling for an end to investigations into Chinese espionage within American universities (UPenn alleged due to concerns over “racial profiling”). The Biden Justice Department acquiesced.

But there is reason to believe that Chinese espionage at universities warrants more investigation, not less, particularly at UD.

In February 2022, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), sent a letter to UD President Dennis Assanis urging UD to terminate its academic and research partnership with China’s Xiamen University. Xiamen University actively supports Beijing’s military-industrial complex and allegedly conspired with Huawei to steal trade secrets from an American semiconductor startup. UD appears to still be working closely with Xiamen University and its personnel.

The Justice Department, the FBI, and a special counsel are under mounting pressure to scour Biden’s records at the University of Delaware for additional classified materials. Last month, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dodged when asked if President Biden had any objection to a search of his records at the UD.

Whether the White House objects or not, investigators might also examine the secret China money flowing to both the UD Biden Institute and the Penn Biden Center.
RayR Offline
#1364 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
While the evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Joe Biden and his Crime Family continues to mount,
Charles Burris presents Francis Boyle's proposal for Joe's impeachment, posted on LRC based solely on his unconstitutional foreign policy actions regarding Russia and Ukraine including violations of the United States Neutrality Legislation set forth in 18 U.S.C. Section 960.

Impeachment, Trial, and Conviction of War Criminal (and Electoral Usurper) Joseph R. Biden

by Charles Burris

Congress must impeach, convict and remove the egregious war criminal and electoral usurper Joseph R. Biden from the presidency for his flagrant disdain of his Oath of Office and willful disregard for the United States Constitution and long-standing international law and treaties in his illegal and unconstitutional conduct of waging belligerent unlawful undeclared war in Ukraine and against Russia. The vicious and senseless sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines is deplorable and ranks as one of the most despicable acts by a head of state in world history.

Francis Boyle is a human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He earned a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School in 1976 and Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in political science from Harvard University in 1983. Boyle served as counsel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the Provisional Government of the Palestinian Authority. He also represented two associations of citizens within Bosnia and was involved in developing the indictment against Slobodan Milošević for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Here is his impeachment proposal for the Congress of the United States

Impeaching Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., President of the United States

For high crimes and misdemeanors


Read On...

RayR Offline
#1365 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Scary Joe says LYNCHING is still a thing. "Hate never goes away, just hides under a rock, It's given a little oxygen by lousy people"

Gutfeld: Biden may have said the dumbest thing yet

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1366 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Remember when Orangeman Baaaad was going to disgrace America abroad and make us a laughingstock?

Joe Biden has been slammed as a "dummy" for not following instructions during a military inspection in Poland.

The American president made a surprise trip to Ukraine this week as he visited Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, and the cameras were out in a big way as Biden then arrived in the Polish capital to make a key speech.

On Monday, he reviewed a military honor guard alongside Polish President Andrzej Duda outside the Presidential Palace as part of a welcoming ceremony. Biden was filmed moving off the red carpet during the inspection, as the Polish president and others guided him back onto it, which was picked up by some on social media.

Taking footage from Ruptly TV, some social media users like Matt Clark of Patriot One News shared a 12-second clip that showed President Biden's awkward moment.

"Oh FFS! Biden can't even follow simple walking directions while inspecting the Guard of Honor in Warsaw, Poland," Clark wrote before addressing the president. "You're supposed to stay ON the red carpet dummy!!"

The footage shows Biden walking alongside Duda on a red carpet wide enough for two people. As they reach the end of the line, they swing around to seemingly walk back the same way, but Biden appears to walk off to the left before he's urged by an aide to walk back the way he came along the carpet.

When one Twitter user pointed out that both presidents are walking off the carpet, Clark replied suggesting that's not the case. "Yeah, to save Joe the embarrassment. The guide literally points to the carpet hoping Joe would get back on it, but NOPE!" he wrote with another crying laughing emoji. Dozens of people commented on Clark's initial post with laughing emojis.

Clark wasn't the only one who was scathing in his assessment of Biden in Poland. "Someone come get their pappy," wrote the Twitter Blue subscriber Matt $RPatriot, as he claimed Biden looked "to be in a state of trance and lost."

"Guys trying to teach Biden how he's supposed to walk on the red carpet and it's not working!" wrote Twitter user @kung_fu_jedim retweeting the video. "What an embarrassment to our country, watching a dementia patient being paraded around like a toddler! The world thinks we're idiots!"

Dozens of people commented on Clark's initial post with laughing emojis.

Others stuck up for 80-year-old Biden during his frantic 48-hour trip to Eastern Europe. NBC Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel commented on Monday night that Biden is "showing a lot of stamina" before listing the details of his journey. "A secret visit to a warzone. Two ten hour train trips. A major speech in Poland. The travel alone would be exhausting," Engel wrote.

However, some Twitter users pointed to the video Clark shared as an example of him not showing great stamina. "You cannot be serious right now," one Twitter user wrote to Engel.

This latest clip of Biden, which was criticized by some, came after many had speculated Biden fell down the stairs of Air Force One after a blurry video showed someone tumbling down the steps. Newsweek confirmed that the person seen falling wasn't the president after a different video, shared to YouTube by ABC News, showed that Biden walked down the steps of the plane without falling.

Biden visited Zelensky in Kyiv on Monday, with the months of security planning only being signed off officially on Friday. The White House social media accounts shared details of how it happened, as he landed in Poland, took a 10-hour train into Kyiv, before leaving again over five hours later.

Hey, at least you didn't have to go to Ohio or our own borders!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1367 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
For those playing along at home that have lost score...The Teamsters are a DNC slush fund where they send taxpayer funds to them and they send it back in the way of "political contributions". PLAY BALL!

Biden Shoveled $36 Billion In Taxpayer Funds To Bail Out Teamsters For Mismanaged Pensions

‘The largest private pension bailout in American history’ gave each beneficiary of the Central States Pension Fund nearly $100,000.

Can Americans be bribed with their own money? The powers that be are certainly putting that question to the test. In recent years, we’ve seen inflation-inducing cash giveaways associated with “Covid relief.” We’ve seen the ongoing attempts at profoundly inequitable student loan forgiveness. In December, we saw a $1.7 trillion pork pie omnibus appropriations bill passed by a Congress that had no time to read it.

Lost in all of this has been one spectacular giveaway: $100,000 per beneficiary of the Central States Pension Fund (CSPF). The fund provides pension benefits to nearly 360,000 private-sector workers and retirees, mostly Teamsters Union members. U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, called the deal out in December, noting it was “the largest private pension bailout in American history” that benefited only “a tiny minority of workers.” He suggested it resulted from the insanity of “allowing those who mismanaged pensions to determine whether their funds qualify for taxpayer assistance with no safeguards.”

The $36 billion comes almost two years after the passage of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. That “rescue” was the Biden administration’s Covid spending bonanza. Biden signed it into law in the spring of 2021, when the economy was already well into recovery. The housing market was booming. The stock market was on a steady upward climb. It was obvious that the “rescue” would cause inflation. It was obvious Democrats were taking advantage of an opportunity to give away public largesse. And did they ever.

Lest we doubt the ongoing influence of the Teamsters in American politics, the recent $36 billion giveaway says it all. It says to the union bosses, who make up half of the CSPF board: “You can watch the pension fund’s health decline for decades. You can make unrealistic promises to employees. You can keep the plan below 75 percent funded. You can depend on a pyramid concept where imaginary new members keep coming in to pay for retired members. None of that matters now. The politicians you own will bail you out with the public’s money. In fact, you can take such largesse that union workers in other multi-employer plans get left with only crumbs. Write yourself a check. And, as a bonus, we won’t ask you to change anything.”

Workers of the world are not united here. This is a cash grab benefiting one group of roughly 360,000 (3 percent) of the 11 million participants in the multi-employer plans.

And Covid, schmovid. Even before the panic and the lockdowns, the Congressional Research Service reported that the multi-employer pensions were underfunded by $650 billion. In 2018, CSPF had been projected to reach insolvency by 2025.

Trillions of Dollars Short

To be sure, this bailout falls under the mantra, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” In 2017 and 2019, massive private pension bailouts were introduced and reintroduced. Both times, a more conservative Senate beat them back in the name of fiscal sanity. Opponents of the bailouts pointed out that the bills failed to address the structural problems that put these pension plans on the road to insolvency in the first place. But by 2021, amid the larger Covid-tide spending spree, proponents found their opportunity. No strings attached.

Now a precedent has been set. The Congressional Budget Office has already said: Sorry, the $86 billion the American Rescue Plan tagged for the union pension plans is not enough. Meanwhile, taxpayers more broadly are faced with a bigger devil lurking in the shadows. America’s public pension plans have robbed the henhouse for years through risky investments, chronic underfunding, implausible rate of return projections, inadequate employee contributions, overly generous benefits, and just plain public-sector greed. These state and local pensions present a problem to be measured in the trillions of dollars.

How much is the Teamsters’ mere $36 billion? To put it in perspective, you could run the state of Colorado for a year on that money. You could run all five states of New Hampshire, Vermont, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho, and still have billions left over. The $36 billion is $108 from each man, woman, and child in America into the pockets of the Teamsters. And the White House bragged about it in a press release.

Mob Rule

Three of the 10 richest counties in America are suburbs of our nation’s capital, and that in large part is because D.C. has become a feeding trough. One of the big piggies, of course, is the Teamsters union. Through the last two federal election cycles, the Teamsters spent more than $9 million on lobbying and more than $10 million in member dues, fattening the campaign coffers of the union oligarchy’s friends.

By the way, if the name Central States Pension Fund rings an unpleasant bell, that’s because it was the vehicle created by the Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa as a means of enriching himself. He used the fund to make loans to his mobster friends and took kickbacks, which landed him in jail. He then turned control of the fund to a mobbed-up friend, who was himself jailed for taking kickbacks. And then the replacement’s replacement was also jailed for taking kickbacks.

Can such a tree bring forth good fruit? Should you and your children pay to maintain the status quo? I know it sounds crazy (normal if you're Biden), but you have to wonder if this is how the DNC plans on fixing SS.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1368 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Biden's Clueless Response to Poll on How Bad Americans Think Things Are

Once upon a time, we had a president who had a sign on his desk that said, “The buck stops here.”

Now we have a resident in the Oval Office who can never take responsibility for anything he does or the harmful effects that may result.

As we reported, Joe Biden did an interview with ABC’s David Muir. He was asked if he’d spoken with the mayor of East Palestine about the disaster there. He claimed that he spoke to “everybody” but then admitted he couldn’t even remember if he spoke to the mayor. Biden also got very defensive when told the mayor said going to Ukraine showed he didn’t care about East Palestine.

Biden also refused to take responsibility for being found with classified documents, trying to deflect to President Donald Trump, saying there were “degrees of irresponsibility,” suggesting Trump was somehow more irresponsible, and “they” didn’t check when they packed up his office.

He didn’t explain how he had classified documents from different offices and decades, from his time as Vice President and from his time in the Senate where he would not have had such easy access to classified documents. He also refused to take any greater responsibility for his failures regarding the Chinese spy balloon and claimed only MAGA people were objecting to the immense amount of money being given to Ukraine, seemingly without end or accountability.

Now there are a couple more clips from the interview that highlight that failure to take responsibility for anything. Muir asked Joe Biden why so many Americans feel that they are worse off under him.

“4 in 10 Americans say they’re worse off than when you were elected — only 16% said they’re better off. Why?”

Biden didn’t blame himself, he blamed the media for negative coverage, “I mean you interview for the news. Can you think of anything turn on the television and go, ‘God, that makes me feel good?'”

So it’s the fault of the liberal media that pretty much does all it can to spin for him. The problem isn’t that he’s failing, it’s just they are so “negative.” Such gratitude for their effort to help him. Indeed, Muir’s interview is one of the few interviews that hasn’t been largely a softball exercise. Biden got some real questions and had trouble answering them. The problem is there’s only so much the narrative spinners can do when things are so objectively bad.

Biden not only blamed the media, but he also went on to suggest that Americans just don’t understand how awesome he is. Listen to this as he says we’ve been through so much with the pandemic and have a higher incidence of mental health issues.

Inflation and gas prices are still up, but we just don’t get how he’s “created” more manufacturing jobs and we’re so much better off than anywhere else. If you can’t afford to stretch your budget anymore because of Bidenflation, you just don’t get how much better you have it.

The problem of course is that most people are over a few years old, they know how much better they had it before under President Donald Trump before the pandemic and they know those policies worked. They look at Biden and see everything has gone south across the board on virtually every issue under Biden. It isn’t that they don’t know, it’s because they do know. They’ve watched him and they know what he’s done. We’re down because of him.

Biden can’t think of a time of “greater uncertainty” — but that’s directly due to him, whether he wants to take responsibility for that, or not.

All this done with a complicit Free Press that continues to give this moron a free pass. The media did it during his election and still whitewashes everything away. Everyone knows the economy is crap and that we've sent 76.8 billion to Ukraine.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1369 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Just leaving this here...

Brick wall
#1370 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
Posts: 1,416
He wants to blame the media, but I could only imagine how ruthless they’d be handling him or reporting on the state of affairs if he were his predecessor.
RayR Offline
#1371 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
DrMaddVibe wrote:
Just leaving this here...

Brick wall

Ya, that stupid white boy is still pandering to black folks.

Did he also repeat one of his phony lines like, 'I may be a practicing Catholic, but [I] used to go to 7:30 Mass every morning in high school and then in college before I went to the black church. Not a joke...'

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1372 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
Posts: 55,735
Stupid white boy is 80 years old.
RayR Offline
#1373 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
How Dare You Creepy Joe!

“The Mother is Demanding an Apology” – Reporter Asks KJP If Biden Regrets Laughing at Grieving Mother Who Lost Her Sons to Fentanyl Poisoning (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila Mar. 2, 2023 3:50 pm

A reporter on Thursday asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre if Joe Biden regrets laughing at a grieving mother who lost two of her sons to Fentanyl poisoning.

Joe Biden briefly spoke about the mother who lost two sons to fentanyl poisoning on Wednesday evening during remarks at the House Democrat Caucus Issues Conference.

Rebecca Kiessling, the mother of two sons killed by fentanyl blasted the federal government for catering to illegal aliens during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday.

Kiessling lost her sons Caleb, 20 and Kyler, 18 to fentanyl in July 2020.

Joe Biden blamed Trump and laughed while talking about this poor mother who lost her sons.

“A mom who lost two kids to fentanyl… that I killed her sons… well the interesting thing is, that fentanyl they took came during the last administration hahahaha!” Biden said.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1374 Posted:
Joined: 10-21-2000
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The Biden family received over $1 million from Chinese Companies

The House Oversight Committee subpoenaed financial records that reveal the Biden family received payments that totaled more than 1 million dollars from accounts connected to Rob Walker, a business associate of Hunter Biden, who received numerous lucrative donations from Chinese firms – inherently connected to the Chinese Communist Party.

The financial records revealed that Hunter Biden and Jim Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, had worked with Walker. Why is this important? It is important because the investigation also revealed that Walker, Hunter and business associates James Gilliar and Tony Bobulinksi had a a joint-venture called Sinohawk Holdings, which was planning to partner with Chinese energy firm CEFC, according to reports.

Moreover, Bobulinski spoke out about the Biden families dealings with China. In an exclusive with Fox New’s Tucker Carlson last November, he accused President Biden of being directly entangled “in a plot to make millions of dollars as part of Bobulinski and the first son’s 2017 SinoHawk Holdings venture with the Chinese state-owned energy company CEFC,” as reported.

“Hunter Biden, in his own words, [has said] he is putting his entire family’s family legacy on the line to do business with the Chinese Communist Party [via] CEFC,” Bobulinski told Fox News. “(Hunter) says that in his own words, in numerous text messages and other things I’ve provided both to the FBI and other whistleblowers.”

The committee records were obtained by Republican Congressman and Committee Chairman, James Comer, after subpoenaing Bank of America. The articles revealed that “at least three family members” received large payments from a one of Walker’s bank accounts. That account is labeled as “Robinson Walker, LLC,” and one of the family members is Hallie Biden, the widow of President Biden’s son Beau, according to Fox News.

Moreover, a spokesperson for the Biden legal team firmly stated that the payments did occur but it was only Hunter, Jim and Hallie who had received the payments from the Chinese firm. They said that the accounts “belonged to Hunter, his uncle and Hallie – nobody else.”

Furthermore, the records revealed that the Chinese firm State Energy HK Limited had wired 3 million dollars to Walkers account. This took place on the 1st of March, 2017, only a few months after Joe Biden had left the White House.

The committee noted that, “After the Robinson Walker, LLC account received $3 million from State Energy HK Limited, Biden family members and their companies began receiving incremental payments over a period of approximately three months,” continuing to state that, “The recipients of the money included Hallie Biden, companies associated with Hunter Biden and James Biden, and an unknown bank account identified as ‘Biden.’”


With the current tensions between the U.S., Russia, and China this should be a concern to all people residing in the United States. If the Biden family has been receiving payments from Chinese owned companies we should all be worried about the integrity of the family and the leverage China has over our current President. The real question is how exposed is the Biden family to Chinese influence?

What information could’ve been captured by Chinese intelligence and if so, how far did Chinese intelligence penetrate our government. It isn’t far fetched. Why, because President Biden was negligent with classified information, even as far back as his time in the Senate. The recent FBI raids revealed that top secret documents found in Biden’s office also were obtained during his time as Vice President.

More importantly, the Biden family finances expose a very real threat to our republic, when our leadership is on the payroll of our adversaries. And even if Biden didn’t directly receive payments from China, his family did and that in and of itself, doesn’t mean he didn’t profit from it.

While zombies and the brain dead are wringing their hands over Trump this is going on...and given the climate today and the diminished mental capacity of The Big's that bad.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1375 Posted:
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“I Know Nothing, Nothing!” : The National Archives Just Torpedoed Biden’s Sgt. Schultz Defense

For years, President Joe Biden has maintained a Sgt. Schultz defense to allegations that his family has profiteered on influence peddling with foreign countries and companies. Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, Biden maintains that he “knows nothing, nothing” about Hunter Biden’s business deals. He recently doubled down on this defense by even denying that family members received money from foreign sources. He repeated his denial even after the release of financial transfer reports from his own administration showing millions transferred from China. Now, emails have emerged that show that Biden personally helped draft responses to the controversial deals in 2015 when he was Vice President. It also appears that Biden officials like former Biden Communications Director Kate Bedingfield knew of his role as the President continued to deny any involvement.

The National Archives has released emails that show that then-Vice President Joe Biden approved an official statement in December 2015 about Hunter Biden’s position on a Ukrainian energy company’s board.

Biden has denied any knowledge or involvement in these business dealings at least seven times as a presidential candidate and as president.

For years, the media has continued to report President Biden’s repeated claim that “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” At the outset, the media only had to suspend any disbelief that the president could fly to China as Vice President with his son on Air Force 2 without discussing his planned business dealings on the trip.

Of course, the emails on the laptop quickly refuted this claim. However, the media buried the laptop story before the election or pushed the false claim that it was fake Russian disinformation.

Some in the media have repeated those denials, including most recently the Associated Press which, in 2022, falsely stated that there was no evidence Biden ever discussed the deals with his son despite an actual audiotape proving that claim to be false.

The audiotape showed President Biden leaving a message for Hunter specifically discussing coverage of those dealings:

“Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you. I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you’re clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.”

Some of us have written for two years that President Biden’s denial of knowledge is patently false. It was equally evident that the Biden family was selling influence and access. There are emails of Ukrainian and other foreign clients thanking Hunter Biden for arranging meetings with his father. There are photos from dinners and meetings that tie President Biden to these figures, including a 2015 dinner with a group of Hunter Biden’s Russian and Kazakh clients.

People apparently were told to avoid directly referring to President Biden. In one email, Tony Bobulinski, then a business partner of Hunter’s, was instructed by Biden associate James Gilliar not to speak of the former veep’s connection to any transactions: “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u [sic] are face to face, I know u [sic] know that but they are paranoid.”

Instead, the emails apparently refer to President Biden with code names such as “Celtic” or “the big guy.” In one, “the big guy” is discussed as possibly receiving a 10 percent cut on a deal with a Chinese energy firm; other emails reportedly refer to Hunter Biden paying portions of his father’s expenses and taxes.

Bobulinski has given multiple interviews in which he stated that he met twice with Joe Biden to discuss a business deal in China with CEFC China Energy Co. That would seem obvious evidence. In addition, the New York Post reported on a key email that discussed “the proposed percentage distribution of equity in a company created for a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Co.” That was the email on March 13, 2017 that included references of “10 held by H for the big guy.”

The new emails show that, as early as 2015, Bedingfield told Hunter’s top financial lieutenant Eric Schwerin via email that Joe Biden approved a statement regarding Hunter’s board position. Yet, for years, Biden’s communications office repeated his denial of any involvement or knowledge. That stands in contradiction to Bedingfield’s 2015 email acknowledging that “VP signed off on this — will give this quote to reporters in my name shortly.” Bedingfield left the White House in 2023.

The White House has continued the categorical denials. When confronted by Fox News’ Peter Doocy on the transfer records showing millions sent from China, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded:

“Look, I’m just not going to respond to that from here. Look, we have heard from House Republicans for years and years and years how — the inaccuracies and lies when it comes to this issue. And, I don’t even where to begin to even answer that question because, again, it’s been lies and lies and inaccuracy for the past couple of years and I’m just not going to get into it from here.”

The only reason that Biden would even attempt to maintain this clearly false defense is that he could count on a supportive media to blunt any attacks and limit inquiries.

Of course, there is a difference with the Sgt. Schulz defense. Schultz was harmless and comical. The Biden influence peddling allegation is neither. Despite the striking lack of interest of many in the media, this is about millions of dollars paid to the First Family by foreign sources, including some with foreign intelligence ties.

Influence peddling has long been the favored form of corruption in Washington. While many Democrats repeatedly stress that influence peddling is not criminal, it is corrupt and the Bidens appear to be a class in themselves. Yet, even with the clear contradiction of the President’s repeated statements to the public, Democrats still oppose any investigation into the alleged influence peddling.

What made Sgt. Schultz funny is precisely why the Biden defense is collapsing. The refusal of the media to see what is now in plain view will convince no one. At some point, Democratic leaders will have to recognize the obvious or join the Bidens (and many journalists) in the cast of this theater of the absurd.

When left leaning journalists dare post stories like out Big Guy!
RayR Offline
#1376 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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That Lyin' Biden. Did you know there are 8 types of liars and Joey B. fits them all?

LEFTY has been mad at Jonathan Turley for a while now, they view him as a turncoat, a once serious and respected legal scholar that voted for O'Bummer, and then turned his viciousness on the O'Bummer administration, and who now is a paid Fox News contributor that venomously despises Democrats they say. What's worse is Turly is a self-described "Free Speech Absolutist", and we know how much LEFTY hates free speech.

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1377 Posted:
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White House Scrambles to Fix Biden Gaffe as He Goes Incoherent, Sniffs Baby

Joe Biden has been getting worse. Even though they’ve largely just had him doing ceremonial-type things, like the recognition of Women’s History Month, he still can’t seem to get through even the simplest event without issues.

When he had the Women’s History event on Wednesday, he made some bizarre comments about his wife Jill and LGBTQ people, as we reported. He talked about Jill being the “first full-time lady.” He also said that she left what sounds like a sad note for him on his mirror saying “stop trying to make me love you.” Yikes. Then he also made a weird remark when he was trying to pander to the groups in the room, but then oddly talked about the “LGBTQ survivors.”

But he also had another big gaffe that the White House is scrambling to fix, when he vowed to disarm “domestic political advisers.”

Biden says he is working to "keep guns out of the hands of domestic political advisors" 🤔

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 23, 2023

Now that’s kind of hilarious. One might argue that his domestic political advisers are not armed — at least not with any common sense. And that maybe they should be “disarmed,” given all the harm that they’ve done.

But what he was supposed to say was “convicted domestic abusers.” How do you read that off the teleprompter and come out with “domestic political advisers”?

They had to change the official transcript of the event.

— Dr. Nickarama (@nickaramaOG) March 23, 2023

But then even as they tried to correct that, he was back at those “what the heck did he say” moments on Thursday during another ceremonial event recognizing the anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

Biden: "History is made when women decide there is greater risk in accepting a situation they cannot bear than stealing our spine and embracing the promise of change and no one has more in her spine than Nancy Pelosi."

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 23, 2023

“History is made when women decide there is greater risk in accepting a situation they cannot bear than stealing our spine and embracing the promise of change and no one has more in her spine than Nancy Pelosi,” Biden said incoherently. It couldn’t have said that on the teleprompter, but this was just complete confusion, with him, not even realizing it was confusion. What the heck does Pelosi have in her spine and who is stealing spines? What is he even talking about here? You look at stuff like that and you know that he’s just not going to be in any condition for the 2024 race.

When Biden was trying to talk about prescription drugs, he got thrown off his script a little when a baby made noise in the White House audience. Then he had another cringeworthy moment. He said that was alright because “Matter of fact, I like babies better than people.”

Biden: "I like babies better than people."

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 23, 2023

Joe, babies are people.

He also held the baby, the child of Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), and looked like he was trying to sniff the baby.

Sniff sniff

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 23, 2023

Now, he’s in Canada to meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and God knows how he’s going to embarrass us there. He’s already had one meeting in the evening and his issues get worse in the evening.

But I thought here was the perfect symbol for the Biden administration, from a response to that White House transcript change.


— Renée (@rightwingertoo) March 23, 2023

Unfortunately, that’s where we are with him. Who knows what he will say next?

Unfortunately Lefty put this is and will put it in again. Watch 'em go.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1378 Posted:
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National Embarrassment: Saudi TV Mocks Biden In Skit International laughing stock

If there was ever any doubt that Joe Biden has made the U.S. an international laughing stock, then look no further than this clip from Saudi TV.

The MBC channel In Saudi depicted Biden as extending his hand to shake a non-existent person’s, getting lost on stage, and falling up the steps of Air Force One, while an equally useless Kamala Harris looks on.

Saudi MBC TV comedy program made a skit on Joe Biden.

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) March 23, 2023

It’s funny because it’s true:

Biden falls three times up steps to Air Force One
— The Independent (@Independent) March 19, 2021

IT HAPPENED AGAIN: Joe Biden trips as he boards Air Force One in Poland.

The symbolic final image of a trip marked by posturing, brinksmanship, more $$ for Ukraine, and the further escalation of a proxy war with Russia.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 22, 2023

Watch out for the stairs!
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 6, 2023

First incident
— Koustuv 🇮🇳 🧭 (@srdmk01) April 23, 2022

The Saudi channel is continually using Biden for laughs:

For the first time i see the Saudi TV mocking the US administration.
— Asaad Sam Hanna (@AsaadHannaa) April 12, 2022

It is not surprising given that, as reported by The Wall St Journal, sources inside the Saudi government have claimed that the country’s leader Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman privately mocks gaffes made by Joe Biden, and has questioned his mental fitness to be President.

Remember when Lefty told us the last guy was going to be an embarrassment on a global scale? Haus of Saud acting all ballsy especially after ramping up trade relations with China...

Biden went begging them for more...the know the thing...and they said no. China asks and they can muster up 690,00 barrels of crude A DAY!
ZRX1200 Offline
#1379 Posted:
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Bowing didn’t matter, but being a rich guy (we allowed that moniker during Cheeto but not now or before) meant he had to be in their pocket. Now we got the weak, backstabbing, greedy sniffer that’s got dementia.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1380 Posted:
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Something Is Seriously Wrong with Joe Biden

President Joe Biden looks like he cannot take a simple tour of a manufacturing facility without non-stop directions from a guide throughout the event.

In an embarrassing video showing his recent stroll through a semiconductor plant in Durham, North Carolina, Joe Biden had to be given instructions like someone who did not know the basics of simply walking in a straight line and talking to voters. The president needed a coach to choreograph his every move.

What Did the Joe Biden Footage Show?
The video looked and sounded problematic as it picked up Biden’s feeble movement and a hot mic showed evidence of his continuous need for directions from his handlers. The footage showing the bewildered and confused president was posted on Twitter March 28 and it had racked up 3.2 million views in the first 24 hours.

Here are some of the quotes from his coaches that guided the puzzled president:

-“Down here?” Biden asked. “Yes Sir, down the ramp, and we have people lined up on the left over here.”

-“There are some union workers and ladies” the guide said. “Hey guys and ladies,” as Joe Biden waved.

-“Your mark is going to be the blue one on the left. You got a blue mark but that’s ok.”

-"I'll stand on my blue mark, and then I'm going to say hello to each one of you.” Biden said. “I’ll help you get started,” the coach explained.

Summarize the Agony
Let’s unpack this a little to reveal just how clueless Biden seems during this event. He needed to be told where to go. He required the guide to tell him there were people present. He needed a marker to tell him where to stand and he desired help to get started when it came to visiting workers.

This was not a complicated fight scene in a Hollywood action movie that needs special choreography and multiple takes. This is just meeting people at a factory – one of the simplest ceremonial events a politician can embark on. Enter, walk, talk, shake hands, and exit. “So simple, a caveman can do it,” to quote a famous commercial from GEICO.

He’s Done It Before
This was like the time Joe Biden only had to walk a straight line on a red carpet to examine Polish troops at a review ceremony in Poland in February. Biden had to be guided as he confusedly tottered off while checking out the soldiers. He walked away from the red carpet and had to be straightened out by a handler. Then there was the time a young girl had to take the president by the hand and guide him off stage after a speech.

Why does this keep happening? One reason is that Biden’s handlers try to control his every word and movement, so much that he is paralyzed without instruction. Biden doesn’t seem to be embarrassed when he is caught in these perplexing situations where he clearly doesn’t know what to do without guidance.

Another reason is that he is not aware of his surroundings and just turns it over to someone else because he is so used to being scatterbrained. This foggy mental state keeps him from making his own decisions about simple movement and doing what politicians naturally do, which is interact with voters without being told how to do it.

Well, At Least the Secret Service Know Where He Is
In Biden’s defense, these instructions help his Secret Service detail know exactly where the president is going at all times - a good thing that allows for better security and protection. But gee whiz.

Not surprisingly conservatives had a high time making fun of the president who continues to show effects from his advanced age and apparent declining mental faculties.

We are just going to have to get used to Jen Biden’s struggles in the public eye. There has been no improvement, only regression. The president is living in a fog that requires handlers to explain every movement he must make in social situations. This calls into question his decision-making process. Is he able to make decisions without mentally stumbling and doddering? If so, that is a worrisome thought – the leader of the free world needs an alarming amount of hand-holding. We can only hope that Joe Biden is on better footing away from the cameras.

To the supposed 81 million "people" that voted for this...did you know you'd have to get used to this level of decline from the Leader of the Free World? I mean, it's not like anyone with an IQ above 48 expects him to walk into North Korea all by himself!!!!
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1381 Posted:
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Too old to be President I say.

Joe Biden ‘too old to travel’, likely to skip King Charles III's coronation, says report

There ‘may still be some efforts under way to see if Biden can be persuaded to come to King Charles III's Coronation’, the report added.

United States President Joe Biden is likely to skip the coronation ceremony of Britain's King Charless III, scheduled to be held thid May. A report by UK daily The Telegraph suggests that Joe Biden is likely to skip the ceremony and his wife and First Lady Jill Biden is likely to attend the ceremony.

According to the report on The Telegraph, the people familiar with the development have said that the US president is “not expected" to be in the UK for the coronation.

Karen Pierce, the British ambassador to the US and Buckingham Palace had “cordial and diplomatic" talks with the White House about the coronation, the report claimed but Joe Biden's aides told the Palace that he had prior commitments.

Further the report also stated that people in the White House has stated that Biden is ‘too old to travel’.

However, the report also said that there “may still be some efforts under way to see if Biden can be persuaded to come to the Coronation", while another said that his plan was “not locked and loaded".

In September, Joe Biden and his wife had visited the UK to join world leaders at Westminster Abbey in paying their respects to late Queen Elizabeth II.

Among those who are expected to attend the ceremony are David Beckham, and his wife Victoria Beckham who also attended the Queen’s funeral. Former Grey’s Anatomy star Sandra Oh, musicians Gregory Charles and Olympic gold medallist swimmer Mark Tewksbury are also likely to join.

Confusion remains over whether Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would be present. However, the couple have been invited.

Meanwhile, the UK has unveiled about 8 million-pound funding for its public sector authorities to be able to apply for a free portrait of King Charles III as part of a scheme to celebrate the new reign after Queen Elizabeth II's death last year.

The Cabinet Office said councils, courts, schools, police forces, fire and rescue services and other state-funded organisations will be among the public institutions across the length and breadth of the UK to be offered a new official portrait photograph of the 74-year-old monarch, funded by the UK taxpayers.

Dr Jill looks like the Queen Consort so I can see Chuck trying to lay some pipe while she's in town.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1382 Posted:
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Looks Like What Biden Admin Said About Blocking Chinese Balloon From Collecting Intel Was a Bunch of Malarkey

Joe Biden and his administration lie as they breathe.

Unfortunately, you can’t trust what they say about virtually anything and you also can’t trust whether they would put the interests of the country first.

Remember when they told us that they had been able to block China from collecting intelligence, and had turned the tables on them? Looks like that was just a bunch of malarkey, as we figured at the time. It’s shameful that when it comes to situations involving the safety of our nation and national security we would get lies like this.

The balloon gathered intelligence from several sensitive military sites, according to a new NBC report.

And it gets worse.

The spy balloon made multiple passes over some key locations and was able to send Beijing the information it gathered instantaneously, two current and one former senior US administration official told NBC News.

While soaring through the sky, the balloon was able to collect intelligence from electronic signals.

Such intelligence may have included weapons systems or communications from base personnel.

I’d say that sounds pretty important breach. Especially if the three people feel like they have to leak it to the news, likely because they know if they didn’t we would never be told.

But here’s what the Biden administration told us at the time.

Notable: The Biden Administration and their allies in the corrupt corporate media lied to the American people about the Chinese spy balloon.

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) April 3, 2023

Joe Biden even downplayed it saying it was “not a major breach,” as I reported.

Biden says the Chinese spy balloon he let traverse the entire country gathering surveillance was "not a major [security] breach."

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 10, 2023

“Look, the total amount of intelligence gathering that’s going on by every country around the world is overwhelming,” Biden said. “The idea that a balloon could traverse — break American airspace — is uh…,” Biden couldn’t even finish what he was trying to say, perhaps because it was so preposterous. “Anyway, It’s not a major breach.”

So Biden was essentially saying, “Eh, everyone spies.” Imagine someone who is supposed to be responsible for the defense of our nation reacting that way.

Their response to this report? The National Security Council referred NBC to the Defense Department which referred them to their comments in February that there was “limited additive value” to intelligence collection over and above what they can get through satellites.

Sure, guys, that’s why the three officials are leaking this report to us. They don’t appear to agree with you. And once you’ve lied, it’s pretty hard to believe anything you have to say anymore.

What’s worse is that they had ample time to shoot the balloon down before it got over the continental United States, but they didn’t take the shot, and they lied about that too. They could have prevented all of this. As I wrote back on February 14, CBS reported that the Biden administration had been tracking the balloon for at least a week before it entered American airspace, so they had ample time to shoot it down.

The Biden team has claimed that they first learned about it on Jan. 28, when it was near Alaska and that’s still what you’ll see in a lot of reports.

Then, their story evolved: first saying they didn’t have time to take a shot over Alaskan waters. Then NORAD Commander Glen VanHerck said he couldn’t take the shot because it wasn’t demonstrating “hostile intent.” Which was it?

At this point, we need some more answers about what was going on here. What’s said, as I said, is that we can’t trust the people we have in leadership because they’ve lied to us again and again. Given the Biden family’s connections to the Chinese now we also have to worry about something we never would have dreamed we’d have to worry about before from someone in the highest position in the country. But truthfully, if he were compromised what more would he have done to injure this nation?

DrMaddVibe Offline
#1383 Posted:
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Get woke, go broke!

The new face of Budweiser: A grown man who looks remarkably like the girls Biden adores

We never had Budweiser beer in my house when I was growing up. My German father called it Räuber Peepee, and that was not a compliment. At least in those days, though, Bud knew who its market was: Ordinary Americans who wanted a reliable light lager. Now, though, Bud has gone to the woke dark side. With its Dylan Mulvaney ad campaign, its newest market seems to be Joe Biden: A man whose fantasy, as played out in public, is accessible little girls.

Mulvaney, for those who don’t know, is that marginally talented 26-year-old Broadway performer who carved out a niche for himself by putting up daily videos showing his journey of “girlhood.” Every day, he’d do a “girl” thing, which was usually something that stereotypes women circa 1950, or maybe 1850. For any real girl or woman, Mulvaney’s shtick is offensive.

For leftists, though, Mulvaney is the eighth wonder of the world. Thanks to enormous amounts of plastic surgery and makeup, if he holds perfectly still and says nothing, he does look like a woman. For leftists, he “proves” transgenderism is real.

Also, if you’re a pedophile, his emaciated, undeveloped body (no boobs, no hips, because he’s a boy) is the dream come true. It’s so easy to envision Joe Biden grabbing Mulvaney at a campaign event, and then gently groping his body and whispering in his ear that he shouldn’t date anyone until he’s thirty.

Actually, that bit about dating is where the fantasy comes crashing into reality. As Mulvaney tearfully revealed, although he’s a celebrity bringing in millions in endorsements, he’s lonely. And no wonder. He’s a freak, and most people don’t want to get sucked into the vortex of someone who has deviated so dramatically from normalcy. And even those who buy into Mulvaney’s so-called “transgender” shtick understand that everything he does, and everyone he meets, is just grist for his self-publicity. That, too, will lead to loneliness.

How Much Longer Can Western Governments Spit on Their People?

But at least Mulvaney can cry all the way to the bank. His most recent money-making activity is to be the new face of Budweiser beer. This is what happens when your entire management team, especially your creative division, is taken over by people who graduated from college within the last 20 years. These people worship at the altar of wokeness and will do anything to appear au courant when it comes to their faith.

Here is Mulvaney in what I think of as the Biden fantasy video, along with a trenchant comment from Gays Against Groomers’ Jaimee Michell:

Dylan Mulvaney is the new (botched) face of Bud Light 🤡 @budlight either doesn’t know their customers or they do and just don’t give a ****. I’m guessing the latter. What a disgrace.
— Jaimee Michell Founder of Gays Against Groomers (@thegaywhostrayd) April 2, 2023

Be honest: Will you ever be able to drink a Bud again without seeing Biden’s fantasy frolicking in the bathtub against a backdrop of Bud beer cans? No, I didn’t think so. Michell was not the only person revolted by corporate America’s latest pander to the left:

This isn’t a parody. Dylan Mulvaney is now the face of Bud Light.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 2, 2023

Congrats @budlight for appealing to 0.4% of the market! Your sales should be through the roof!

I mean your other 99.6% demographic might boycott but at least you got that 0.4%!
— Syzmon Thomas (@ThomasSzymon) April 1, 2023

This is a perfect example of a brand not knowing it’s target demographic.
— 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐠 🏳️‍🌈 (@CasuallyGreg) April 1, 2023

Who the hell at @budlight thought it was a good idea to make a grown man who dresses like little girls their new spokesperson?

Brands have to stop listening to their woke creative teams and get in touch with their consumer demographics.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) April 2, 2023

tampax: I’m the biggest misogynist.
hersheys: no, I’M the biggest misogynist!
budweiser: hold my beer
— Chairman Xina - U CANT SEE MAO (@mstlypcflwizard) April 2, 2023

It will be a measure of our ability to survive as a country whether we successfully reject, rather than acquiesce to, this obscene assault on American values and, even if it’s just Budweiser, her traditions, too.
ZRX1200 Offline
#1384 Posted:
Joined: 07-08-2007
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98.2% of Bud Light drinkers I know are Mexicans that don’t like Mexican beer or lame 20 something white kids.
RayR Offline
#1385 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
My neighbor drinks Bud Light and he's not Mexican. He's not an "influencer" either, so he's SOL getting a commemorative can to celebrate his devotion to the brand.

“Anheuser-Busch works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics and passion points. From time to time, we produce unique commemorative cans for fans and for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney. This commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not for sale to the general public,” an Anheuser-Busch spokesperson told Fox News.

I heard Biden may have sent Mulvaney a card saying GOD BLESS YOU ON YOU ACHIEVEMENT
RayR Offline
#1386 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
Posts: 9,006
Psst...Creepy Lyin' Biden just can't stop lyin'

Joe Biden Whispers and Mumbles Through Campaign-Style Speech in Minnesota While His Minions Work to Put Trump Behind Bars (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila Apr. 3, 2023 3:43 pm

The Democrats used Covid as a cover to flood the country will tens of millions of mail-in ballots in order to install Joe Biden with post-Election Day ballot counting in 2020.

The Covid pandemic is over so the Democrats are using Soros-backed prosecutors to put Trump behind bars ahead of the 2024 election.

Trump is the 2024 Republican front-runner.

Joe Biden is unpopular and he’s just getting too old to keep a grueling schedule so his minions are working to put his political opponent behind bars.

This is the new America.

Biden traveled to Minnesota to deliver a campaign-style speech as Trump traveled to New York ahead of his arraignment.

Joe Biden lied about the current state of the economy and falsely claimed his policies have reduced the deficit.

Biden leaned forward and whispered: “I cut the deficit over two years by 1,700,000,000 dollars – more than any president has in the history of the United States of America.”

corey sellers Online
#1387 Posted:
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Another dumbass
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1388 Posted:
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The Mad Emperor Of Ice Cream

In America's grim funhouse reality, the confusion is the message...

Our national clown show grows more and more ridiculous, while at the same time not being at all amusing. I guess that’s what they always say about clowns—they are much more frightening than funny.

I think of clowns, and the way they invariably cause at least some children to cry, whenever I see pictures of Drag Story Hours. It’s always the same thing—a few heavily made-up drag queens posing as grotesque caricatures of women, looking basically like a gay misogynist’s nightmare fantasy of a devouring, castrating bitch-mother; some librarians or other regime functionaries silently taking attendance; a bunch of downmarket loser parents trying desperately to opt out of their loathed cishet whiteness and score some cool points which they hope to roll over into the coming social credit system; and, finally and most importantly, a handful of children looking confused and bewildered.

What’s the point of this ritual, other than to own the cons? As an exercise in carnivalesque revelry it falls miserably flat. It’s just forced fun. There is no connection between drag and literacy. The primary argument I’ve heard is that it teaches tolerance—but for what and for whom? Drag is not an identity; it’s a job or a hobby. Drag has been used in university seminars as a metaphor for the performativity of gender, but that’s a little recondite for the 5-year-olds in the average Drag Story Hour. Nobody, not even the most pronoun-forward among us, calls drag a gender.

Divine, the muse of John Waters, was called the “drag queen of the century” by People Magazine in 1988, on the occasion of the untimely death of Harris Glenn Milstead, “her” portrayer. John Waters famously remarked of his favorite collaborator, “I’ve always said that Divine never wanted to pass as a woman. Divine was not one bit transgender. He wanted to pass as Godzilla.” If drag is anything it’s a lesson in terror, not tolerance.

But if Drag Story Hour is such a great tool to win hearts and minds to the cause of gender diversity, how come they restrict it to little kids? They ought to bring Drag Story Hour into prisons, homeless shelters, and migrant settlement centers. The sort of kids whose parents drag them to Drag Story Hour are probably getting their fill of tolerance lessons and story time—why not save this precious resource for the underserved communities that need it?

It’s been pointed out repeatedly that drag shows are basically a parody of burlesque and stripping, or maybe an homage. So why not bring in real strippers to read to the children? Real women with real breasts discreetly ornamented by tinsel pasties, wearing thongs demurely covering their real pudenda could certainly read stories aloud, to demonstrate tolerance for this other kind of gender performance artist. Or how about iron workers?

But we all know why it’s drag queens and why it’s children. It’s not so much that the regime is trying to groom children to become catamites; what they are after is the look of bewilderment on the kids’ faces. They want to scramble the inner compass and inculcate disorientation. The confusion is the message.

Speaking of confusion, America’s Clown Executive demonstrated a new level of zaniness when he spoke the other day—a few minutes after reports of the massacre at the Christian school in Nashville—to a businesswomen’s group.

“My name is Joe Biden,” he said to laughter. “I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband.”

This is his standard “where’s my better half?” joke—totally cornball self-deprecation of the lamest sort, especially coming from someone who appears to run a crime family with all the moral scruples of James “Whitey” Bulger.

The President then segued to his favorite topic—ice cream.

“I like ice cream, chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream. By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. Think I’m kidding? I’m not.”

Biden’s ice cream shtick is also incredibly cornball. Again, maybe this is how the depraved dress up their black souls, by pretending that the whole world is an ice cream social.

Even the logic of what he said has no internal consistency. He came down because he heard there was chocolate chip ice cream, but he has a whole refrigerator full upstairs. He must really love ice cream if he is willing to leave behind a fridge full of it in pursuit of more! Is it because he didn’t want to dig into his own stash, as long as the stuff downstairs was free?

To me it’s poignant. Joe Biden leaves a dish of ice cream liquifying on the counter, and a freezer door stands open while pints of ice cream melt to “soup,” and he compulsively heads down to where he imagines there is even better ice cream. It’s like something out of Aesop.

To the addict, one scoop is too many, and a Häagen-Dazs truck is never enough. Well, put a clown in charge and don’t be surprised when the circus never leaves town. Have fun!

#1389 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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DMV you’re slippin’, this trip to Ireland is filled with enough gaffes they could put together a highlight, make that lowlight reel, and it would kill anything SNL calls comedy.
RayR Offline
#1390 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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HE’S SHOT: Joe Biden Reads “End of Quote” Off of Teleprompter in Disastrous Speech to Irish Parliament (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila Apr. 13, 2023 1:40 pm

Joe Biden on Thursday delivered a disastrous speech to the Irish Parliament in Dublin.

Biden is currently in the middle of a 4-day trip to Ireland.

After ogling young girls at a Gaelic sports demonstration, Biden headed over to the Irish Parliament to deliver remarks.

Biden could barely read the teleprompter.

He slurred his words and told bizarre stories.

At one point Joe Biden said his grandfather compared him to a revolutionary warlord who was shot dead: “Joey, I worry about you. You’re too much like that guy who led the Revolution. You gotta be less like the military guy. They shot him.”

Of course this never happened.

#1391 Posted:
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His Black & Tan mess…repeating his favorite “don’t jump” joke constantly; having Hunter lead him around; ditching the British Prime Minister to carrying on with a soldier; talking about his Oval Office in the Capital, on and on and on. We have the leader of the free world making us look like a joke, and he wants to do it for almost another 6 years?
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1392 Posted:
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JGKAMIN wrote:
DMV you’re slippin’, this trip to Ireland is filled with enough gaffes they could put together a highlight, make that lowlight reel, and it would kill anything SNL calls comedy.

Yeah, I've been kinda busy.

Thanks for picking up the slack...literally!

Frying pan Frying pan Frying pan
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#1393 Posted:
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The smartest man in the world that Pedo Joe knows...bailing out Pedo Joe in Ireland.

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#1394 Posted:
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"Joe Biden Is A Criminal" Says Ex-Obama Whistleblower Alleging Family "Kickback Scheme"

A former staffer who worked in the Obama administration is blowing the whistle on the Bidens - and has accused President Biden of being involved in a "kickback scheme" directly related to his son Hunter's overseas business dealings.

Mike McCormick, a stenographer in the White House for 15 years who worked with Biden from 2011 to 2017, told Fox & Friends First that the FBI has completely ignored him despite his willingness to testify under oath before the grand jury investigating Hunter.

"In February, I went to the FBI and filed one of their tips on their website. If you do that, and you're lying to them, you go to jail. I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth, and I'm not going to jail," McCormick said on Thursday. "Joe Biden is a criminal. He was conducting malfeasance in office to enrich his family. Jake Sullivan is a conspirator in that, and there's more... Obama officials involved in it, I believe."

McCormick specifically noted a key dialogue involving then-VP Biden, aide Jake Sullivan and the press on Air Force Two before an April 21, 2014 trip to Kyiv, Ukraine, in which Sullivan - now Biden's national security adviser - outlined a US investment in the Ukrainian energy sector just days after Hunter joined the board of Burisma.

Months after the trip, Congress allocated $50 million to Ukraine's energy market.

"I'm sitting back there with a tape recorder. Jake Sullivan comes back and somebody asks about fracking. His answer is, well, we're bringing a lot of American assistance over for fracking. Burisma was the direct beneficiary of that fracking, and that's what I recorded, and that's in a White House transcript," said McCormick, adding: "In the transcript, you don't know who Jake Sullivan is. It's a senior administration official. I'm the witness that says Jake Sullivan is the guy who said it and he should be investigated because at the time Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma and Joe Biden is bringing American taxpayer money to enrich that company and himself and his family."

Hunter joined the board of the Ukrainian natural gas firm on April 18, just three days before Biden and his team traveled to Kyiv. But that critical piece of the puzzle was not made public until May 12.

McCormick argued the timeline of the events suggests that Biden funneled American money overseas to "enrich" himself and his family, and used his own influence to aid his son's rookie energy career.

The former stenographer made it clear he wants to present the information under oath before the grand jury in Delaware probing Hunter's business dealings, which is led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss. -Fox News

A federal probe into Hunter Biden's suspected tax and foreign lobbying violations began in 2018, after banks filed dozens of suspicious activity reports (SARs) regarding foreign transactions that were flagged. Some of the SARs involved money funneled from "China and other foreign nations," sources close to the probe tell Fox.

"If David Weiss can't have me in front of his grand jury explaining what I know as a witness, that's a fraudulent grand jury," said McCormick. "It's a fraudulent use of the American judicial system to cover for Barack Obama and Joe Biden's crimes in office."

McCormick says the information he has incriminates Biden - and likely other officials, in connection with the alleged influence peddling scandal.

"If I went in there, I would tell them to have Barack Obama called in as a witness because he's part of the conspiracy. He's an ex-president. He has to answer who was in charge of this, putting Joe Biden into this role? Did Barack Obama know about it?" he continued.

"There's evidence I've seen and put in my Substack on April 16th, so two days before Hunter joins Joe Biden is with Hunter in the West Wing. They have a meeting, and then later that day in the evening, Joe Biden spends a day in the limousine in the back of Barack Obama's limousine in western Pennsylvania."
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#1395 Posted:
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Staff Announcement About Biden Calling an Early 'Lid' Shows He's Getting Worse

Joe Biden was in Ireland last week for four days on what was essentially a family vacation with his son Hunter and his sister Valerie Biden Owens. We ended up paying for him to look into his genealogical background and embarrass us before the world with his problematic comments.

Biden couldn’t even answer a simple question from a child without help from Hunter. Then, even after it was explained, he went on to tell the audience of children a story about working with the late Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) that couldn’t possibly have been true given the time frame. He got confused as to where his office was and had a huge security breach while he was in Northern Ireland. He even managed to insult our British allies. And those were just a few of the crazy things that he said over the four days.

But then when he got back from that vacation on Saturday, Biden flew back to his beach house in Delaware for the weekend for still more leisure time. I guess the Irish trip was so strenuous that he needed yet another getaway. When he said he was going to Delaware, he managed to insult his Interior Secretary with a weird comment about her not being from “anywhere.”

So on Monday, you would think he would be well-rested and ready to get to work, right? Wrong.

On Monday morning, his staff called an early lid at 9 a.m. — meaning, “don’t expect anything from him for the rest of the day.” He was worn out already, that early on Monday? That’s who we have in the office now, someone who spends 40 percent of his time on vacation and who can’t even get up for work anymore. It must be tough recovering from vacations and hanging out at the beach. As one Twitter user noted, perhaps all that “licking the world” that he talked about while in Ireland is a pretty tiring exercise.

We talk about the 3 a.m. call and whether someone would be up for that. Biden isn’t even “up” in the middle of the day or on the weekend, because he’s always on break. Sen. Ted Cruz’s special communications adviser Steve Guest said “Biden has a case of the Mondays.” Republican National Committee (RNC) rapid response director Tommy Pigott quipped, “Nothing like a short work day after a weekend at the beach.” The GOP busted Joe as “Hidin’ Biden.” You can expect to see much more of this, as he shifts toward hiding in the basement if ultimately they decide to try to let him run again.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates tried to deflect from Biden’s issues by telling Fox News Digital, “Who’s Steve Guest?”

But that didn’t help him or Biden much as Guest responded and just highlighted Biden’s problem all the more.

It’s both funny and frankly sad that they can’t defend what’s going on with Biden anymore. Indeed, I think they don’t even know what to say, which is why they don’t want him to do press conferences anymore. They just can’t explain or justify his issues. Unfortunately, it’s just going to keep getting worse.

What did you really expect??

but wait...what's this????

A mask???
RayR Offline
#1396 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Yes, those poor Irish kids being subjected to the ramblings of Lyin' Biden. Shameful.

I've heard that when you lose touch with reality you start making up crazy stories that couldn't possibly be true..
#1397 Posted:
Joined: 05-08-2011
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And somehow this guy thinks he’s up to the job through 2028? SMH…
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#1398 Posted:
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Biden Pledges $1 Billion to UN Climate Fund That Funnels Millions to China
Democrat says funding will support 'developing countries in taking stronger climate action'

President Joe Biden is pledging $1 billion in taxpayer money to a United Nations climate fund that funnels millions of dollars to China, the world's largest emitter of carbon and second-largest economy.

Biden during a Thursday morning speech announced the contribution to the United Nations' Green Climate Fund, saying the money will support "developing countries in taking stronger climate action." Because the United Nations still classifies China, despite its massive economy, as a developing country, the communist nation receives significant Green Climate Fund money. The fund in November 2019 pledged $100 million to create a "Green Development Fund" in Shandong, China's second most populated province. The Green Climate Fund disbursed $28 million to its Chinese partner in September 2022, and tens of millions of dollars are still poised to go out to the project, which will remain active through April 2042.

Biden has long stressed the need to help developing countries fight climate change, an effort the Democrat promised he would fund to the tune of $11 billion a year. Biden's decision to pursue that effort through international organizations, however, is sure to bring controversy. Many of those organizations, such as the United Nations, still consider China a developing country, making the communist nation eligible for international climate investment. In November, for example, the Biden administration agreed to establish an international "climate justice" fund that would pay climate reparations to developing nations. But China did not agree to pay into the fund, and its status as a developing nation left the administration scrambling to ensure "that China would not be eligible to receive money from it," according to the New York Times.

Beyond its economic status, China is by far the world's number-one carbon emitter. The communist nation's greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 "exceeded those of the U.S. and other developed nations combined." That year saw China pledge to show "the highest possible ambition" in fighting climate change, but two years later, in 2021, China's coal production surged to record highs.

Daniel Turner, the founder and executive director of energy advocacy group Power the Future, admonished the Biden administration for "subsidizing countries like China" as the communist nation simultaneously ramps up fossil fuel production.

"China is building the equivalent of two new coal plants a week, and they don't deny it. Meanwhile, we're closing down our coal plants and giving China money for green products, which we'll then buy," Turner told the Washington Free Beacon. "So we're subsidizing them twice. And you just wonder—how much more in debt do we have to go? And how much more do we have to risk on national security?"

Neither the White House nor the Green Climate Fund returned requests for comment.

The Green Climate Fund says its Chinese investment will go toward climate change "mitigation and adaptation initiatives across several sectors" in Shandong, which "has the highest energy consumption" among China's provinces due to "its high use of coal as an energy source for its large industrial base." The Shandong project is not the U.N. fund's only tie to China—the fund's board also includes an official from China's Ministry of Finance, Yingzhi Liu, who the fund says represents "developing country parties from Asia-Pacific states."

China's developing nation status has attracted bipartisan ire on the Hill. In March, the House unanimously passed the PRC Is Not a Developing Country Act, a bill from California Republican congresswoman Young Kim that's aimed at stripping China of its developing country label in the United Nations and other global organizations. Chinese Communist Party propaganda rag China Daily in a Monday column admonished the move, calling China's developing country status "legitimate."

"China has not only achieved remarkable results but also become the world's second-largest economy and the largest trading country," the column says. "But despite all this, China's per capita income is still much less than developed countries. This means it is still a developing country."'

Still, Kim told the Free Beacon she's undeterred and will work to get her bill "across the finish line."

"The People’s Republic of China contributes more emissions than any country in the world yet receives funds from international treaties and organizations due to its ‘developing country’ status. Handing over taxpayer dollars to subsidize the Chinese Communist Party is a bad investment and will do nothing to protect our national security or promote U.S. development globally," Kim said. "The Biden administration’s announcement of $1 billion to the Green Climate Fund, which sends millions to PRC projects, underscores the need to revoke the PRC’s developing country status and ensure the PRC plays by the rules in international agreements."

Biden's Thursday announcement marks the first time the United States will contribute to the Green Climate Fund since 2017, when former president Donald Trump pledged to "terminate" U.S. contributions to the fund. The Green Climate Fund in a Thursday statement applauded Biden's announcement, saying the $1 billion "will provide urgently needed climate finance for the most vulnerable countries in the world."

Lefty can't wait to vote for this guy again.
DrMaddVibe Offline
#1399 Posted:
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We're not talking cars here...we're talking about JOBS...the 3 letter word Bidet can't spell.

Horrifyingly incompetent Biden official looks poised to fail upwards (again)

In the real world, being bad at your job will get you fired. Yet, in the government, being bad at your job will get you a massive promotion. At least, that’s seemingly the takeaway from the Biden administration’s bizarre decision to nominate Julie Su to be its next labor secretary.

“Julie is a tested and experienced leader, who will continue to build a stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive economy that provides Americans a fair return for their work and an equal chance to get ahead,” the White House said .

Su currently serves as deputy labor secretary, but she is seeking Senate confirmation for a promotion to replace outgoing Labor Secretary Marty Walsh. However, prior to becoming a deputy in the Biden administration, she was labor secretary for the state of California — and her tenure was an absolute disaster.

Su personally oversaw the state’s distribution of expanded COVID-19-era unemployment benefits, massively expanded payouts subsidized by federal taxpayers thanks to the so-called CARES Act passed in March 2020. Under her watch, the state gave tens of billions of dollars away to scammers, by its own admission. At least $11.4 billion and possibly up to $31 billion were lost to fraud, local media reported .

In one hilariously depressing example, California reportedly sent $1 billion to fraud rings involving prisoners who were filing fraudulent claims while actively behind bars. The level of bureaucratic incompetence it takes not to realize you’re mailing thousands of unemployment checks to literal inmates is astounding.

"There is no sugarcoating the reality; California did not have sufficient security measures in place to prevent this level of fraud," Su herself admitted in January 2021.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) called Su out for this past failure.

“The fact that under your lead, unemployment insurance payments in California of some $31 billion went to people who were basically receiving money on a criminal basis … $31 billion, that’s about as much as we provided in military aid to Ukraine,” the senator lamented. “That’s almost twice the total budget of the Department of Labor.”

“In this case, your record there is so severely lacking, I don’t know how in the world it makes sense for the president to nominate you to take over this department,” Romney concluded.

Think about this for a second. Julie Su woefully failed as the labor secretary for one state. She lost up to $31 billion in taxpayer dollars to criminals. And President Joe Biden is seeking to promote her and make her labor secretary for the entire nation.

There’s no other word for it: This is madness.

And it’s not even the only issue with Su’s nomination. She’s also facing backlash from workers groups for her past work to implement California’s disastrous anti-freelancer law and criticism for her clear bias against business and in favor of labor unions.

Is this really the best the Biden administration can do? It was supposed to “put the adults back in charge” and “restore normalcy” to the federal government. Instead, it’s promoting incompetent bureaucrats and encouraging them to fail upwards.

The part Eugene Levy plays is the DNC...the trade-in is the POTUS...Clark and everyone else are ordinary citizens.


RayR Offline
#1400 Posted:
Joined: 07-20-2020
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Julie Su will fit in perfectly in a new role in the Biden Regime. She's creepy, crooked and necessarily incompetent by design.
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