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Top 100 Cigar Smokers
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#1 Posted:
Joined: 04-13-2004
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Published November/December 1999
Cigar Aficionado

The Top 100
Cigar smokers of the Twentieth Century


Great men and great cigars have always gone together, so it's no surprise that some of the century's most influential and popular figures have embraced this time-honored pastime. From the moment that King Edward VII uttered his famous proclamation in 1901, cigar smoking has been a pleasant diversion, often an ingrained habit, for politicians, movie stars and a host of other famous partakers.

So, how did we decide who deserved to be inscribed on a list of the century's most notable cigar smokers? Some of the choices were obvious. Of our top 10 picks, at least half were prodigious cigar smokers, lighting up 10 or more sticks a day, and one person, Mark Twain, was thought to smoke more than 20. Many of the people on the list are practically inseparable from a cigar, people you automatically picture with a smoke, such as Groucho Marx and Alfred Hitchcock.

Other selections were less clear-cut. Some well-known personalities are more private about their cigar smoking, such as Harrison Ford and Clarence Thomas. And then there are aficionados who aren't necessarily household names but nonetheless have left their mark on the world, people like Al Lerner and Paul Volcker.

Regardless of their status, everyone on the list shares one trait: the love of a good cigar

Throughout his long life, Churchill nourished England with his battlefield bravery, political courage and prolific writing, and nourished himself with the best food, drink and cigars he could find. The man for whom the imposing Churchill cigar size is named smoked eight to 10 cigars a day, primarily Cuban brands. Not even the necessity of wearing an oxygen mask for a high-altitude flight in a nonpressurized cabin could prevent Churchill from smoking. As the story goes, the prime minister requested that a special mask be created that would allow him to smoke while airborne. Naturally, the request was fulfilled. On another occasion, Churchill hosted a luncheon for King Ibn Sa'ud of Saudi Arabia, who did not allow smoking or drinking in his presence. Rather than submit to the king's wishes, Churchill pointed out that "my rule of life prescribed as an absolutely sacred rite smoking cigars and also the drinking of alcohol before, after and if need be during all meals and in the intervals between them." The king was convinced.

Favorite cigar: Romeo y Julieta

When you're the president of the United States, you can get just about anything you'd like. What the 35th president wanted in early 1962 was a bunch of Cuban cigars, 1,000 Petit Upmanns to be exact. He gave his press secretary, Pierre Salinger, less than 24 hours to round them up. Short notice for such a big request, but then JFK had a pressing reason for procuring the stash in such a timely fashion. He was about to sign an embargo prohibiting any Cuban products from entering the country, including his beloved cigars. The embargo was born of a nasty spat that the United States was having with Cuba and its fears that Fidel Castro represented a growing threat to America's security. But before Kennedy could act, he needed Salinger to complete his assignment. The press secretary didn't let him down, as he managed to scrounge up 1,200 cigars. Kennedy then signed the embargo, and Cuban tobacco has been off-limits to Americans ever since.

Favorite cigar: Petit Upmann

Until he gave up the habit in 1985, the man who has ruled Cuba with an iron fist for 40 years was synonymous with cigars. Only a rising national concern over the health risks of smoking would lead to Castro's unequivocal decision to stop smoking cigars, even in private, to set an example for his people. Just because he abandoned a pastime that he had relished for 44 years doesn't mean he doesn't still think about cigars. He would occasionally dream that he was smoking a cigar, though he would admonish himself for doing so. "Even in my dreams I used to think that I was doing something wrong," he said in a 1994 Cigar Aficionado interview. "I was conscious that I had not permitted myself to smoke anymore, but I was still enjoying it in my sleep." Years earlier, when Castro and the rebels were plotting how to topple the Batista regime, the only time he did without cigars was when he ran out of them. Anticipating those infrequent occasions, he would hoard his last smoke, lighting it only to celebrate a victory or console himself over a setback.

Favorite cigar: Cohiba Corona Especial

From an impromptu singing gig in a candy store at the age of seven, to his enduring partnership with Gracie Allen, to solo stand-up comedy acts into his late 90s, Burns kept American audiences in stitches through most of the twentieth century. Invariably, he smoked his trustworthy El Producto cigars during his act, not because he couldn't afford a more expensive cigar, but because they stayed lit on stage longer than the more tightly packed Havana smokes. "If you have to stop your act to keep lighting your cigar, the audience goes out," he once cracked. The legendary star of vaudeville, radio, TV and film resurrected his movie career in the 1970s with starring roles in The Sunshine Boys and Oh, God! Burns, who lived to 100, credited his 10- to 15-cigar-a-day habit over a 70-year span with not only keeping him spry on stage but also with helping him outlive his physician. "If I had taken my doctor's advice and quit smoking when he advised me to," Burns quipped at age 98, "I wouldn't have lived to go to his funeral."

Favorite cigar: El Producto

The author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn smoked at least 22 cigars a day, maybe as many as 40. Twain, née Samuel Clemens, supposedly once declared, "If smoking is not allowed in heaven, I shall not go." Twain's penchant for cigars didn't necessarily mean he smoked the best cigars. He knew that even his closest acquaintances were reviled by his stogie selections. Once, as he would later relate in his essay "Concerning Tobacco," he pilfered a handful of costly and elegant cigars from a friend's house, removed the labels, and placed the smokes in a box identified by his favorite brand. He then invited the man and 11 other friends over for dinner, offering each a cigar afterward. Everyone shortly excused themselves, and the next morning Twain found the cigars sprawled outside--except for the one left on the plate of the man from whom the cigars had been filched. "He told me afterward that some day I would get shot for giving people that kind of cigars to smoke."

Favorite cigar: Anything except a Havana

Most men would be thrilled if their wives relished the smoke wafting from their cigars. Berle must be ecstatic, as all three of his spouses supported his hankering for Havanas. Even Marilyn Monroe, with whom the entertainer had a short fling before she became a star, savored the aroma of his cigars, and Uncle Miltie, who regularly tried to wean his friends off cigarettes and on to cigars, once bought a box of small cigars for the blonde bombshell, hoping to persuade her to switch. Berle's second wife, Ruth, not only supported his cigar habit, she showed ingenuity in doing so. During their honeymoon in Paris, Ruth went shopping for an evening bag, trying larger and larger sizes until she found one that could fit four of Miltie's mammoth Cubans. Before flying on to Rome, Berle packed some 500 Havanas, but customs officials there informed him that visitors were limited to 100 cigars. Nonplussed, Ruth pulled out a cigar from her bag and asked Berle for a light. "She nearly choked to death smoking it," Berle recalled, "but it enabled us to bring another hundred cigars in."

Favorite cigar: H. Upmann

There's something about winter that doesn't seem so funny to the man who has made millions laugh. In 1994, Cosby was watching the ladies' figure skating finals in the Winter Olympics on TV, puffing away on an Ashton. Suddenly, Tonya Harding began to cry during her routine. No, Nancy Kerrigan hadn't just blasted her with a bazooka; rather, the problem was a wayward shoelace. Mesmerized by the drama, Cosby took his cigar, which he had placed in an ashtray, and stuck it in his mouth--ash end first. His tongue told him he had "instantly made a very serious mistake." Two winters earlier, the comedian experienced another tobacco tribulation. As he walked about Manhattan with a cigar, the 38 degree chill "turned my warm, succulent corona into a piece of cold, soggy rutabaga." Stopping in a store that sold expensive gadgets for the Man Who Has Everything, as he described it, Cosby hoped to find some device that would keep his cigar warm. No such luck. "What kind of store was this?" he ruminated. "How could a man have everything if he didn't have a thing to keep his cigar warm?"

Favorite cigar: Ashton Maduro No. 60

"I didn't want to rub anything in or show anybody what a great coach I was when I was 25 points ahead. Why? I gotta win by 30? What the hell difference does it make?" To Auerbach, sitting down on the bench to smoke a cigar in the waning minutes of a Boston Celtics triumph was his way of exuding humility. No one else saw it that way, though. To opposing fans, the "victory cigar" symbolized smugness in being able to administer such an awful beating to their team. Opposing players would be motivated by the cigar, doubling their intensity level until the final buzzer. Even Red's own players suffered from the fourth-quarter fumigation. According to guard Bob Cousy, the sight of Auerbach sitting calmly smoking a cigar only served to increase the fans' hostility and the abuse they heaped upon the Celtics. Auerbach's victory ritual was so reviled that the Cincinnati Royals management once handed out 5,000 cigars to its fans, instructing them to light up when the Royals won. Instead, the move backfired, as a fired-up Celtics squad blew the Royals off the court.

Favorite cigar: Hoyo de Monterrey

The three-time Academy Award winner had been a longtime cigarette smoker when he took up golf in the early 1990s. He found himself smoking half a pack during a round to calm his nerves, so he decided to switch to cigars from around the fifth hole on. The change helped relax him, and eventually Nicholson got down to a 12 handicap. The actor first became enamored of Cuban cigars in 1973, when he was making The Last Detail, insisting that the petty officer character he played be a cigar smoker. The picture was shot in Canada, affording easy access to Havanas. When he resumed cigar smoking in the '90s, one of Nicholson's favorite haunts was the Forum in Los Angeles, where he would attend most of the Lakers' home games. At one time he was able to light up right on the arena floor, but as California antismoking laws got tougher, he found himself relegated to a hallway and, eventually, outside the building itself. "But I get around it," he said in 1995. "I sneak into the men's room at halftime, like when I was in high school, and take my drags there."

Favorite cigar: Montecristo

His larger-than-life persona, his considerable girth, and his zest for excess couldn't disguise the fact that George Herman Ruth was one of the best baseball players of the century. A standout pitcher for the Boston Red Sox before being traded to the New York Yankees, Ruth was the greatest slugger of his time, and perhaps of all time. Off the field, the Babe loved the good life: food, drink, women--and cigars. While still in Boston, he invested in a local cigar factory that produced nickel smokes with his picture plastered on the wrapper. "I smoked them until I was blue in the face," he once lamented. On a road trip, he snuck a woman into the room he was sharing with Ernie Shore, a fellow Red Sox pitcher (who once combined with Ruth to pitch a perfect game against the Washington Senators). Not surprisingly, Shore couldn't sleep, as the sounds emanating from the Babe's bed were hard to shut out. The next day, Shore noticed four or five cigar butts next to a sleeping Ruth. The Babe's explanation later: "Oh, that! I like a cigar every time I'm finished."

Favorite cigar: "Babe Ruth" perfecto

One of America's most notorious gangsters was about to board a train for prison, having been nailed for tax evasion. During the Roaring Twenties, Capone had controlled gambling, prostitution and bootlegging rackets. Despite his propensity for violence, the Chicago crime boss saw himself as a generous benefactor, someone who provided jobs for thousands and served "decent liquor and square games." As he was led to the train in 1932 after losing his appeal, Capone bade adieu to his freedom by lighting a cigar.

A cigar sometimes got the comedian into trouble. Once, his third wife, Eden, objected to his "stinky old cigar" and ordered him to extinguish it or get a new wife. On an earlier occasion, Marx splurged for a 10-cent pure Havana after spotting an advertisement that promised "thirty glorious minutes in Havana." When the cigar lasted only 20 minutes, Groucho demanded a replacement. Somehow, each subsequent cigar met the same fate, until after the fifth one the merchant wised up and tossed Groucho out.

Does he or doesn't he? The 42nd president is known for chewing cigars on the golf course, but there have been only a few reports of his actually smoking a cigar. It's well known that the first lady bans tobacco smoke from the White House, but does the chief executive light up somewhere else--say, for instance, on a state visit overseas? Perhaps if Hillary makes her way to the Senate, she'll entrust her husband with the authority to set the smoking regulations in their new home in New York.

When the NBA legend made a move on court, few opponents could stop him. Off the court, it was much the same way. Case in point: Jordan would be smoking, say, a Cuban Montecristo No. 2 on the Bulls' bus. Would any of his nonsmoking teammates ever ask the five-time league MVP to snuff out his cigar? As former teammate John Salley once put it: "We were just apostles. Jesus was smoking, that's all there is to it. What are you going to say?"

It never hurts to have a father-in-law who smokes cigars. Sargent Shriver, the father of Schwarzenegger's wife, Maria, the TV correspondent, offered him a cigar after a dinner, shortly after Schwarzenegger and Maria met in 1977. Now, any complaints Maria might make about her husband's cigar smoking can be parried with a quick reference to her dad. "You can always say, 'Look, honey, your father wouldn't have introduced me to something that's bad,' " the ex-bodybuilder once cracked.

When the multimillion dollar businessman and former owner of Consolidated Cigar Corp. wants to eat out, he naturally looks for a cigar-friendly establishment. As he explained in a 1995 interview, "I think I pretty much gravitate toward restaurants that allow cigar smoking, partly because it's so important to me to smoke, particularly after dinner. But from a purely financial point of view, if somebody is not going to support my business, I'm certainly not going to support their business."

The director of such films as The Godfather and Apoca-lypse Now owes his cigar education, in part, to Jack Warner, the onetime head of Warner Bros. As a young writer and director, Coppola worked a bit with Warner, who taught Coppola the proper way to light a cigar. When Warner died, he left a gold-and-silver cigar cutter to an associate, who gave it to Coppola. Warner had gotten the cutter from Lord Mountbatten, the British admiral who was assassi-nated in 1979.

The outspoken radio and TV commentator was a latecomer to cigars, but he was a quick learner. Starting out with Macanudos, Ashtons and Fonsecas, Limbaugh soon gravitated toward Havanas. On a trip to London, he became acquainted with Punch Double Coronas, Partagas Lusitanias and Monty No. 2s, but, alas, he couldn't find any Hoyo de Monterreys. The disappointment was short-lived, however; on a yachting holiday, he found a rare box of Hoyo Double Coronas on St. Maarten.

If there's anyone who's hard to pigeonhole, it's Goldberg. She has been nominated for an Oscar for her performance in The Color Purple and been named best supporting actress in Ghost. Her screwball stand-up routines are renowned, but she has also hosted a talk show in which she explored serious subjects. She's just as difficult to classify when it comes to cigars. While she prefers small cigars, she's been known to light up a big Cohiba now and then.

This Montecristo No. 2 connoisseur was given the unenviable task a decade ago of turning around MBNA Corp., a Maryland bank saddled with underperforming real estate loans. Lerner began to pay down debt and took the parent company public, and today it is one of the nation's biggest credit card issuers. Part of MBNA's success is due to Lerner's introduction of affinity credit cards, which benefit the group issuing them. A football fan, Lerner bought the new Cleveland Browns last year.

The Nobel Prize-winning English writer and poet was hailed in Britain as the heir apparent to Charles Dickens. He is best known for tales that relate to British imperialism in India, such as The Jungle Book (1894) and Kim (1901). Despite being admired, Kipling was criticized by many of his peers for his support of British colonialism and racial prejudice. The cigar-loving author is also famous for saying, "A woman is a woman but a good cigar is a smoke."

"If your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife," said the late Swiss-based cigar-industry icon, who began his illustrious career in the 1930s as a worker in his father's tobacco shop in Geneva. The Russian émigré was instrumental in creating the high-end Hoyo de Monterrey "Chateaux" series of cigars and launched his signature line of Cuban smokes in 1970. He was the author of The Connoisseur's Book of the Cigar, widely regarded as the bible of the industry.

The legendary business tycoon and robber baron was a painfully shy and private person. But in his professional dealings, John Pierpont Morgan was ruthless. During his long career as head of J.P. Morgan & Co., he helped save the U.S. government from bankruptcy (at a price) and helped to create U.S. Steel. He loved to travel, collect art and smoke cigars, of which he consumed dozens a day. He was known to favor Cuban smokes, particularly Meridiana Kohinoors.

The father of psychoanalysis saw phallic symbols everywhere, but nevertheless conceded that "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." He began smoking at 24, enjoyed an average of 20 cigars a day, and was rarely photographed without his tobacco companion. He often stated that he couldn't work without cigars and that "smoking was one of the greatest pleasures in life." A lifetime smoker, he favored Don Pedros, Reina Cubanas and Dutch Liliputanos.

Willis, who first gained attention as the wisecracking David Addison on ABC's "Moonlighting," has electrified worldwide audiences in a number of big-budget blockbusters that usually have him, if not saving the world (Armageddon), then saving the day (the Die Hard trilogy). He has demonstrated a flair for comedy as well, as shown in The Player. During the mid-1990s, Willis frequented Arnold Schwarzenegger's Monday night cigar dinners at Schatzi on Main.

The award-winning actor-producer has a proclivity for playing flawed heroes and antiheroes. Douglas received an Academy Award for Best Picture as producer of the 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and won a Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of a corporate high roller in Wall Street. He also starred in Romancing the Stone, The War of the Roses and everyone's favorite cautionary tale on the dangers of adultery, Fatal Attraction. He enjoys smoking Montecristo No. 2s on the golf course.

Fields had a successful career playing hard-drinking, hard-living, yet lovable misogynists in such films as Tillie and Gus (1933), My Little Chickadee (1940) and Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941). The bulbous-nosed, nasal-voiced comedic actor started out as a vaudeville juggler, teaching himself the skill with cigar boxes. An occasional cigar smoker, Fields used cigars as props in many of his movies to make him "look boorish," according to biographer James Curtis.

The polysyllabic TV sports journalist was a fixture on ABC's "Monday Night Football" telecasts. Known for his blunt and often harsh rebukes--in his words, "telling it like it is"--of athletes and fellow sportscasters, Cosell was both loved and hated by viewers and peers alike. And Cosell wouldn't have had it any other way. He wasn't averse to bumming cigars off the same colleagues he often ridiculed, according to writers H. Paul Jeffers and Kevin Gordon.

When he was just 25 years old, Welles conceived, wrote and directed Citizen Kane (1941), considered by many cineastes to be the finest and most innovative American film ever made. The larger-than-life cinema icon, who went on to produce four more masterpieces, was at turns reviled and revered by his peers. Welles was a lover of the good life, especially fine cigars; he intentionally wrote cigar-smoking characters, such as Touch of Evil's police captain Hank Quinlan, into his films.

The reluctantly hunky Hollywood heavyweight has been dubbed "Star of the Century" for his reign as the all-time top box office draw. Revered for his honest and moral on-screen presence, Ford has appeared in an eclectic mix of films such as the Star Wars trilogy, Witness and Clear and Present Danger. A member of the $20 million-per-picture club, Ford shies away from the Hollywood scene, preferring the company of his family on their large Wyoming ranch, where he can puff in peace.

The star of Top Gun, Mission: Impossible and Eyes Wide Shut has been a cigar aficionado throughout most of the 1990s. A scene for his 1996 hit, Jerry Maguire, was filmed at the Grand Havana Room in Los Angeles. During the middle of the decade, Cruise reportedly had a standing order for Cuban Cohibas with London and Geneva tobacconists. He and his wife, actress Nicole Kidman, once presented their friend, Demi Moore, with a travel humidor for her birthday.

Although he was asthmatic, Argentinian-born Che took up cigar smoking as one of his first Cuban customs. While serving as Fidel Castro's right-hand man during the Cuban revolution, he allowed himself two indulgences: books and cigars. But good tobacco was scarce in the mountains of Cuba, so any cigars they got were highly prized. After taking his share, Guevara used cigars as incentives for his soldiers because, as he wrote, "a smoke in times of rest is a great companion to the solitary soldier."

The perceived connection between cigars and wealth was one that actor-director Chaplin used to great effect in his films. Having survived a poverty-stricken childhood, Chaplin's sympathies were always with the underdog, famously symbolized in his character, the Tramp. Although the Tramp was not above picking up the cast-off cigar butts of the rich, in City Lights Chaplin used a big cigar both as a symbol of the upper class, with its wealth and power, and as a spear to harpoon it.

The '50s TV genius smoked 20 Cuban double coronas a day, and his commercials with his wife, actress Edie Adams, for sponsor Consolidated Cigar's Dutch Masters and Muriel cigars are considered classics. Nothing about Kovacs, a TV writer, director, producer and star, was halfway: he lived extravagantly and worked so frenetically that he had shows on all four of the 1950s TV networks. When he died, his philosophy of excess was extolled on his tombstone: Nothing in Moderation.

"Gentlemen, you may smoke." With those simple words, spoken shortly after his coronation in 1901, Britain's Edward VII ended the tobacco intolerance that had marked Queen Victoria's reign. Yet Edward's pro-cigar stance was nothing new. In 1866, as the high-living Prince of Wales, he had quit his London gentlemen's club over its no-smoking policy (the final straw was when a servant admonished him for lighting up). He took 20 percent of the membership with him, and they soon established a club where smoking was heartily encouraged.

An on-again, off-again smoker, Letterman has brought cigar notoriety to late-night television. He would frequently sneak puffs from a double-corona-sized smoke during commercial breaks. Often the camera would catch him in the act, smoke rising past Letterman's face as he wore a "Who, me?" expression. Guests would arrive on his show bearing (Cuban) gifts, but few made more of an impact than Madonna, who in a 1994 appearance used a cigar and colorful language in a way that needed no clarification from Freud.

Short and squat with a bulldog face, Robinson didn't have leading-man looks. But in the 1930 film Little Caesar, Robinson not only launched his 50-year film career, but also set the stereotype of the American gangster forever in the minds of the moviegoing public. As Enrico "Rico" Bandello, Robinson portrayed a cigarette-smoking small-time hood who rises through the underworld ranks, becoming a Habanos-chomping, well-tailored mob boss before meeting his tragic end.

The trumpeter renowned for his groundbreaking be-bop music couldn't afford good cigars during his early career, but decades later he avidly indulged in Cuban Hoyo de Monterreys and Romeo y Julietas. Gillespie long had an appreciation for things Cuban: Cuban trumpeter Mario Bauza befriended the young Diz during the 1930s, dramatically influencing his musical style. A decade later, Gillespie returned the favor, hiring the Cuban master congero Chano Pozo for his big band, helping to create Latin jazz.

After being turned on to cigars by Arnold Schwarzenegger, the actor-director-producer moved over the years from Cuban Cohibas to Partagas Serie D No. 4s, Diplomaticos and Bolivars. His favorite cigar coup occurred on a flight from Europe after filming The War of the Roses in the late 1980s, when he asked every passenger if they would mind if he smoked his cigar. He got their permission. "It was," he recalled, "the most enjoyable transatlantic flight I ever had."

For TV buffs, the image is indelible: the rumpled police detective with the unruly hair and the wrinkled trenchcoat heads for the door, his back to the suspect. Then he pauses, taking a puff from his cheap cigar as he **** his head to one side and says, "Just one more thing..." The murderer is as good as jailed. Like his "Columbo" character, Falk doesn't make any claims to being a cigar connoisseur. "I'll smoke anything anybody gives me," he once said. "I'm not particular."

Best known for bringing electric light and recorded sound into the world, Edison was also a prodigious cigar smoker. He liked to celebrate an invention with a stogie (preferably one he had won from a luckless lab assistant who had bet him he couldn't perform whatever feat of technological sorcery he was attempting). "The Wizard of Menlo Park" also had a sense of humor: to tweak associates who pilfered his cigars, he once planted phony smokes rolled from sawdust in his desk drawer.

Somewhere between Rocky and Rambo lies Stallone the connoisseur. While most of his more famous on-screen personae do not suggest a reflective side, that is exactly what the private Stallone pursues in his love affair with premium cigars (paired with Armagnac or vintage wine). He's most nettled by acquaintances who cadge rare cigars only to let them go out after four or five puffs. We know the tough-guy thing is just for the movies, but do you really want him mad at you?

American letters almost lost one of its most renowned champions of cigar smoking to, ironically enough, a cigarmaker. Mencken, journalist, humorist and shaper of modern fiction, toiled in his father's factory until August Mencken's demise allowed his son to pursue his true talent. He once took on a group of women who were seeking to prohibit smoking on streetcars, saying: "A woman who can stand half an hour of the Lexington fish market is well able to face a few blasts of tobacco smoke."

In a world of blown-dry newsmen anchored to their studio desks, Rather enjoys being out in the field, smoking a cigar. But he admitted that one of his smokes nearly killed an indoor plant that his wife had labored to keep alive. Almost caught by his wife sneaking a smoke indoors, he had stuck the half-smoked cigar in the plant's pot. It wasn't until he extracted the forgotten stub weeks later that the plant regained its health. Among Rather's most cherished smokes: cigars from Fidel Castro.

For those who fret over the hegemony of the Political Correctness Police (and who doesn't?), it is good to know that at least one confirmed cigar smoker sits on the Supreme Court. Thomas served as an assistant district attorney in Missouri, went into private practice for Monsanto, and later chaired the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. George Bush nominated him in 1991 to replace Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court. He is occasionally seen at Cigar Aficionado's Washington Big Smokes.

Huston once described movie directing as "a left-handed form of human endeavor," and lived as though he tolerated his calling only as a way to finance his taste for the finer masculine endeavors, which famously included cigars, liquor, women and gambling. That outlook didn't stop him, however, from putting out some of the finest films ever made--The Maltese Falcon, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The African Queen--and almost single-handedly creating the film noir genre.

The beer baron who brought America the light, refreshing pilsner beer that became Budweiser was once dining in Paris with a St. Louis restaurateur named Tony Faust. Busch was trying to teach his friend to speak French by reciting the order to him; his tablemate then repeated it to the waiter. At the end of the meal, Faust turned to Busch and asked, "Now, how do we order the best cigars in the house?" When Faust repeated the request to the waiter, he was promptly presented with the bill.

Even if Gibson were not a famous movie star, his name would be well known to habitués of some of the country's better cigar-friendly establishments--Club Macanudo, Grand Havana Room, etc. His name is etched there in brass on humidor boxes for all to see. The winner of the Best Director and Best Picture Oscars for Braveheart didn't mind risking his clean-cut image and rankling the Morals Police by announcing he would play a tobacco lobbyist in Thank You for Smoking.

As mayor of New York, Giuliani has focused on quality of life issues and watched crime rates plunge. The former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York has a sophisticated palate for cigars, preferring full-bodied smokes from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. He came upon his predilections after having been tutored in cigars by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, maker of La Gloria Cubana. He is a frequent guest at Cigar Aficionado Big Smokes and enjoys cigars late at night.

The actor who first came on the public's radar screen as Vinnie Barberino in TV's "Welcome Back, Kotter" and then skyrocketed to star stature as the disco-dancing Tony...
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#2 Posted:
Joined: 04-13-2004
Posts: 5,319
As mayor of New York, Giuliani has focused on quality of life issues and watched crime rates plunge. The former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York has a sophisticated palate for cigars, preferring full-bodied smokes from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. He came upon his predilections after having been tutored in cigars by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, maker of La Gloria Cubana. He is a frequent guest at Cigar Aficionado Big Smokes and enjoys cigars late at night.

The actor who first came on the public's radar screen as Vinnie Barberino in TV's "Welcome Back, Kotter" and then skyrocketed to star stature as the disco-dancing Tony Manero in Saturday Night Fever has a long-standing affection for cigars. Some of his fondest memories are of his father smoking White Owls during his childhood in New Jersey. As a film star, Travolta can afford to reward himself with less pedestrian smokes: Davidoffs, Dunhills and Montecristos are his favorites.

The Westerns icon and Oscar winner for his performance in the 1969 classic True Grit smoked large custom-made cigars.

Moore is partial to small cigars, such as the Montecristo Joyita, but also enjoys a Cohiba No. 2 or a Montecristo No. 2.

IBM's smoking chairman initiated a partnership with 21 states and school districts in which students benefited from the firm's technology and technical assistance.

Even while leading his troops into battles that liberated Europe in the Second World War, the brilliant but volatile U.S. general traveled with a humidor full of Cubans.

The actor smoked his first Cuban cigar at the age of 17 on the balcony of the Hotel Nacional in Havana, prior to the revolution. He later created his own brand.

The former King Edward VIII in 1936 gave up his throne, but not his Dunhills, to marry an American divorcée.

The highest-paid actress of her time, the glamorous Dietrich was one of the first Hollywood sex symbols and was often seen on-screen with a smoke.

At staff meetings, the House speaker would fill his closed office with smoke from his Churchills.

The Habanos-chomping 20th Century Fox mogul brought the world such memorable films as The Grapes of Wrath.

The smoking screen legend's career spanned silent movies, sound pictures and TV, including the show "Douglas Fairbanks Presents."

The author who penned Of Human Bondage once wrote that the only resolution of his youth he kept was to smoke a cigar following lunch and dinner.

The king of rock and roll was immortalized on his own cigar last year, 21 years after his death.

The famed candy maker smoked eight to 10 cigars a day, a habit he continued when he moved to Cuba to produce sugar.

The master of suspense, who gave us such thrillers as North by Northwest, Psycho and The Birds, was frequently seen with his trademark bowler hat and cigar.

The New York mayor known for fighting corruption and organized crime generally left his cigar band on while smoking.

One of the best times to smoke a cigar is while he's reading a script, says the former star of "Magnum, P.I." And one of the best cigars he smokes is a Montecristo No. 2.

The opera promoter hand-rolled and smoked 25 cigars a day, accumulated more than 40 tobacco-related patents, and published a tobacco trade journal, building Times Square with the profits.

A member of the smoking Rat Pack, Davis entertained audiences with his singing, dancing, acting and impressions.

The actor has likened cigar smoking to marbles: a guy kind of thing. He says some of his best conversations with men have been conducted over a cigar, such as a Por Larrañaga Nacionales.

A cigar, often a Don Sebastian, was never too far from thecomposer of some of our most beloved musicals, whether he was playing the piano or riding a horse.

The best deal that the Bear Stearns chairman ever made was one that kept him supplied with cigars (courtesy of Ron Perelman) "for quite a while."

TV's Kramer brought the cigar back to the sitcom. His "Seinfeld" smoking misadventures include trading in Cubans (the people, not the cigar) and burning down a cabin with a discarded stogie.

The archetypal media mogul, who headed CBS, grew up in the Philadelphia cigar industry: his family made the La Palina.

What does the coolest person of all do? Save the free world as Our Man Flint? Escape the Nazis in The Great Escape? Win an Oscar atage 70? Smoke cigars? Answer:all of the above.

What's scarier than a pathological homicidal ex-con stalking your family all over Cape Fear, South Carolina? A pathological homicidal ex-con who's chewing on a Casa Blanca Half Jeroboam Maduro. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

When Woodrow Wilson's vice president jocularly mused, "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar," he opened himself up for Will Rogers' rejoinder, "There are plenty of good five-cent cigars, but they cost 15 cents."

The world beat a path to Nat Sherman, a New York institution. The cigar emporium impresario entertained politicians, diplomats and actors alike, while smoking a culebra in the store's mezzanine.

When you're chairman of the Fed, the economic world hangs on your every word. What could be better than that? Smoking cigars in front of Congress.

As an adviser to John F. Kennedy, Schlesinger played a part in instituting the embargo on Cuba, but that doesn't keep the historian from enjoying Habanos.

During the filming of 1997's James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies, Brosnan, the fin de siècle 007, unwound with cigars at Monty's, the posh London cigar club.

The hockey great prefers a mild smoke such as a Macanudo or an Ashton 898. He and his wife, actress Janet Jones, are frequent guests at gala cigar events.

The 1950s teen idol and composer of "My Way" likes his cigars one way, and that's Cuban. Cohibas are his favorite.

When he's not blowing smoke past his opponents on the court, the tennis ace, who won his second U.S. Open title in September, is stalking premium smokes in his hometown of Las Vegas.

Actor and co-founder of the Grand Havana Room in Los Angeles, "Joey Pants" enjoys a broad spectrum of smokes, from Fuentes to Cubans.

While Hemingway was not an avid cigar buff, no less an authority than tobacconist Zino Davidoff once declared him "a devoted smoker of Havana cigars."

A familiar face at Cigar Aficionado's annual gala dinners, the Park Place Entertainment CEO has led his company to the top of the gaming industry.

The Habanos-smoking actor staked his place in the cigar pantheon with his role as manager of a fictional Brooklyn cigar shop in the 1995 film Smoke.

The five-time British Open champ prefers strong cigars, particularly Cohiba Robustos, Partagas 898s and H. Upmann Magnums.

The legendary pianist loved Cuban cigars, especially Montecristo No. 2s and 3s, so much that he owned a tobacco plantation in pre-Castro Cuba.

The larger-than-life tenor puffs the occasional Cuban, but prefers surprisingly small cigars, Swiss-made Villigers, which he first bought on a whim 22 years ago.

Often typecast as the maniacal bad guy, the star of Easy Rider and Apocalypse Now has appeared in ads, cigar in hand, for Punch cigars and Ebel watches.

The president of media giant Condé Nast has been a cigar aficionado since his late 20s and loves to savor La Gloria Cubanas and Hoyo de Monterrey Excaliburs while sailing.

The automotive icon has been known to light up a Cohiba after consummating a business deal.

The Dominican-born slugger indulges in Dominican-made Sosa (of course!) and Fuente Fuente OpusX cigars.

A cigar-smoking comic-book lover, Cage has forged a flourishing career playing offbeat characters in such films as Leaving Las Vegas.

A connoisseur of Davidoffs, the Broadway veteran and tap dancer extraordinaire has starred in many stage musicals, winning a coveted Tony for Jelly's Last Jam in 1992.

The Montecristo No. 2-loving Woods, a reformed Hollywood bad boy, has received critical accolades for roles in The Onion Fields, Salvador and Ghosts of Mississippi.

The General Motors advertising executive took up cigar smoking two decades ago after a memorable dinner at New York City's "21."

The golf-loving ballet legend, who's partial to vintage Cuban Dunhills, was introduced to cigars by director Milos Foreman.

The top-selling author of legal thrillers such as The Firm enjoys smoking four cigars a week.
bloody spaniard Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 03-14-2003
Posts: 43,802
CBOB, I might take issue with a few names on that list, primarily Clinton, but other than that excellent thread!
geoguy Offline
#4 Posted:
Joined: 02-19-2005
Posts: 176
Fun read CBOB. Thanks
andytv Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 10-23-2002
Posts: 40,991
I think JFK should be reclassified as #1 in the "Top 100 Cigars Smokers who wrecked things for the rest of us because they were afraid to lose the fight with a fierce little island".

Slimboli Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 07-09-2000
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... that had Russia backing them with nuclear warheads pointed at the US ...
PurpleSageRighter Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 09-27-2004
Posts: 474
Thanks for the read, CB.

Our pastime and passion deserves such great company.

andytv Offline
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-23-2002
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...because the US, after FAILING, to regain their imperialist control after an embarrassing small scale military invasion to get their casinos and sweatshops back, was mounting a fullblown war effort to crush the little island into submission. The USSR was more than happy to provide them with "protection".

What would you your family be killed by US mortars or accept help from the people who have been supporting your economy by buying most of your sugar and watch your island go into a steady, albeit slow, spiral towards self ruination?
PurpleSageRighter Offline
#9 Posted:
Joined: 09-27-2004
Posts: 474
andytv ... (and others)

Why the embargo began, or even why it continues, I don't understand, ... which methinks is the state of affairs and the extent of knowledge of anyone who participates on these threads. Neither you nor I was there in the beginning nor are we privileged to frequent the high society of policy makers in smoke-filled rooms (caused by cuban produced tobacco, most likely) behind closed doors and guarded by men dressed in black suits, today. JFK (nor Clinton, nor Bush) should certainly NOT be the singular focus of blame for the state of affairs that purportedly ban U.S. BOTL(s) from their coveted "Cuban" leaf.

Most likely it has little to do with the economy of nations, OR the policies of state, OR the political agenda of any US presidential administration as too many of them have changed hands and ideologies over these past 40 + years (whether we consider today or 1962), but more likely it has to do (eg. the "cause") with some pesky, meddlesom pissing match that began by some over-ambitious beaureucrat engaging in some personal self-aggrandizement or someone's petty grudge that couldn't be diplomatically resolved, AND which NO ONE today even knows of its existence.

We ("the people") merely exist as the pawns of more sinister machinations and we are no longer masters of our own fate. We are merely "collateral" in contemplation of world affairs and the economy of nations.

It is what it is and I tend to believe that the fragile balance (that affords you and I the luxury of obtaining an occasional smoke from that forbidden leaf) that today exists will crumble and disappear shoud the so-called ban (US embargo on Cuban produced goods) be lifted and the US demand overwhelm the markedly miniscule supply that exists world-wide.

One needs to broaden their vision and consider, ... how do we protect the little people?

mmmm_beer Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 10-11-2005
Posts: 81
great thread! enjoyed reading about fellow BOTL and SOTL
GDColson Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 08-17-2005
Posts: 1,061
Geez! They put George Burns AFTER a commie!
billreif Offline
#12 Posted:
Joined: 03-02-2003
Posts: 1,430
This was a great thread, but,
being number 101 I'm pissed (LOL)
Tuckersdad Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 11-15-2005
Posts: 2,950
CBOB - This, to me, is one of the best posts I've ever bumped into. Thanks for a very interesting read. Tuck
CBOB Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 04-13-2004
Posts: 5,319

You are very welcome! Thought the forum should have a nice read on a Sunday afternoon. And cigar enjoyment is why we are all on board here.
burgess_b Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 10-07-2005
Posts: 23,212
i read this a year ago at C.A. when i was researching cubans--my student was goig to cuba and said she could bring me back some.

i kept it in my mind...i am a HUGE cosby fan, so when i went home last spring, i went to a cigar shop, and i said "i want an ashton maduro #10"...i get back to japan, look at the article, and i was soooo sad. 60. i had only had about a dozen cigars lifetime at that point, so i thought that it was no good...i waited till one day, i was going to walk a while to meet my wife, so i decide this "yard gar" would be fine...ended up being my best smoke ever, and i had had some cubans at that point (though still like a dozen) is still in my top 3!
PurpleSageRighter Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 09-27-2004
Posts: 474
My apology to you, CBOB, and to all you others who have participated herein for my response to a prior threadjack at #9, above. This WAS a very pleasurable thread to enjoy; I shoud not have interferred with the spirit and intent of the information you shared and I thank you again, as I expressed at #7 above, for sharing some treasured history of our Brothers of the Leaf.


CBOB Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 04-13-2004
Posts: 5,319
Glad you enjoyed it.
fgruben Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 06-22-2001
Posts: 383
check it, it is in support of this post.
CigarC Offline
#19 Posted:
Joined: 01-29-2006
Posts: 44
ahh very good read, now I can afirm that I must keep smoking cigars
ddandb Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 02-13-2005
Posts: 6,513
Great read. I see someone already took the 101 spot. But I would have been 102.
hunterpap Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 04-01-2005
Posts: 36
Thanks CBOB. Not only was that informative AND enjoyable but now I have to break the news to my wife that some of her HUNKS on TV are also BOTL. Should be a good point of interest the next time she runs me and my cigar out the front door.
dbreazeale Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 12-26-2004
Posts: 1,285
I liked the post, thanks. ummmm, I don't think I saw Pablo in that list. Probably just an oversight.
Charlie Offline
#23 Posted:
Joined: 06-16-2002
Posts: 39,751
That was in Cigar Aficianado a few years ago, Demi Moore...not! John Grisham only 4 cigars a week, how did he invade this list? All in All a pretty good listing, but the guys who write, direct, produce, and act on 24 smoke about 25 cigars a day between them! Now those are cigar smokers!

chuckler Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 08-14-2003
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101. Chuckler =)
wvwa34 Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 10-07-2004
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dAMn They left my GranPappy off the list!!!
smokedog7 Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 09-27-2005
Posts: 654
Good read CBOB. Thanks.
CBOB Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 04-13-2004
Posts: 5,319

Glad you enjoyed it.
Dr Pepperhill Offline
#28 Posted:
Joined: 09-02-2005
Posts: 7,249
Great post. I've been looking for a list like this for years. Sort of like looking through a celebrity atheists list.
Tuckersdad Offline
#29 Posted:
Joined: 11-15-2005
Posts: 2,950
CBOB - Could you please shoot me an e-mail?

tuckersdad at comcast dot net


Thom Offline
#30 Posted:
Joined: 12-08-2003
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W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM - That one surprised me.
qmech Offline
#31 Posted:
Joined: 06-17-2016
Posts: 970
I wonder how this list has changed.
RMAN4443 Offline
#32 Posted:
Joined: 09-29-2016
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From an impromptu singing gig in a candy store at the age of seven, to his enduring partnership with Gracie Allen, to solo stand-up comedy acts into his late 90s, Burns kept American audiences in stitches through most of the twentieth century. Invariably, he smoked his trustworthy El Producto cigars during his act, not because he couldn't afford a more expensive cigar, but because they stayed lit on stage longer than the more tightly packed Havana smokes. "If you have to stop your act to keep lighting your cigar, the audience goes out," he once cracked. The legendary star of vaudeville, radio, TV and film resurrected his movie career in the 1970s with starring roles in The Sunshine Boys and Oh, God! Burns, who lived to 100, credited his 10- to 15-cigar-a-day habit over a 70-year span with not only keeping him spry on stage but also with helping him outlive his physician. "If I had taken my doctor's advice and quit smoking when he advised me to," Burns quipped at age 98, "I wouldn't have lived to go to his funeral."

Favorite cigar: El Producto

I guess that just proves "you need to use the right tool for the right job"...Anxious
Pudding Mittens Offline
#33 Posted:
Joined: 08-15-2016
Posts: 1,291
Don't forget Richard Overton, who has smoked 10-12 cigars a day for the last 90 years.

Not a typo.

He turned 112 back in May, and is still going strong. Walks without assistance, drives around in his pickup truck, does his own grocery shopping with it, has no chronic diseases, takes no prescription medication, and drinks whiskey, eats ice cream and still smokes 10-12 cigars daily.

There's a video about him on YouTube that's great. His favorite lighter? The blue flame of his kitchen gas range. A Xikar it ain't.

What a guy! I hope he lives to at least 120!
Palama Offline
#34 Posted:
Joined: 02-05-2013
Posts: 23,952
Pudding Mittens wrote:
Don't forget Richard Overton, who has smoked 10-12 cigars a day for the last 90 years.

Not a typo.

He turned 112 back in May, and is still going strong. Walks without assistance, drives around in his pickup truck, does his own grocery shopping with it, has no chronic diseases, takes no prescription medication, and drinks whiskey, eats ice cream and still smokes 10-12 cigars daily.

There's a video about him on YouTube that's great. His favorite lighter? The blue flame of his kitchen gas range. A Xikar it ain't.

What a guy! I hope he lives to at least 120!

Sadly Richard passed away in December 2018. 😢
Jakethesnake86 Offline
#35 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2020
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I remember Richard. Believe they gave him a box of fuente on the show I seen
Jakethesnake86 Offline
#36 Posted:
Joined: 12-29-2020
Posts: 4,301
He liked smaller ring smokes cause they fit his mouth better.

They were gonna replace the fuente they bought him for something but he was like naaaah these good 😂
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