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Last post 4 years ago by ZRX1200. 355 replies replies.
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HockeyDad Offline
#101 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272

No thread on a cigar forum should be powerful enough to ruin someone's day. For example:

When I came to the realization that the profits from Ann Coulter's upcoming book sales were but a minor component to Bertelsmann AG and I would have to buy stock on the Frankfurt exchange, I was bummed out to realize that there wasn't really a good way to take advantage of the situation and realistically share in the profits with Ann Coulter from fleecing her target audience. Bummed yes...ruined my day, no. There will always be other opportunities.
rugrunner Offline
#102 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Hockey Dad is 100% correct. He did hit 100.

The rest is typical gibberish, but for a moment, albeit a brief one, he was correct.

And I was here to see it. Thanks HD.
HockeyDad Offline
#103 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272
Don't worry Rugrunner, I'm not the least bit surprised that you see gibberish.

Have a cold Miller Lite and enjoy your day!
rugrunner Offline
#104 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Not likely HD.
At least it's a new approach, attacking me for low end beer consumption!

You are as on target with that as most everything else you post.
HockeyDad Offline
#105 Posted:
Joined: 09-20-2000
Posts: 46,272

If you feel I am attacking you beer comsumption habits or choice of brands, I apologize. I am sorry for the confusion regarding this matter or anything else I have posted.

Enjoy a cold or warm domestic or imported high or low quality beer or any other beverage of your choosing in the container format of your choice and enjoy your day!
rugrunner Offline
#106 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
HD, I assumed you were alluding to my socio-economic level with that. If not, maybe I owe you an apology.
victor808 Offline
#107 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
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Okay, I agree there are general courses the first 2 years. I believe to satisfy my writing requirement I took Intro to Hong Kong Film Making (Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee all the way). There was an advanced composition course somewhere in there as well, but I don't think I went or did very well (I was more interested in my Russian Language courses). That was everything I was required to take. My point was that as a scientist, I didn't have to worry about indoctrination because no one cared one way or another. In essence I was saying, "don't take a women's lib class if you don't want to hear feminist theory."

1) "The national average for Republicans in college History Departments is 0" This is not an accurate statement. I know this because I tried looking it up. It occurred to me, after wasting some time, that this is the sort of thing which would be difficult to measure. In fact, how could one accurately know this? The closest I could find was a study done by UCLA which reported nationally professors broke down into: 5.3% far left, 42.3% liberal,34.3% middle, 17.7% conservative and .3% far right.
So, there seem to be more liberal professors, but you cannot claim that this is an overwhelming majority.
web site:

2) elections???? So, this vast conspiracy is to get parents to pay money to let left-wing nutjobs educate their children so that they vote democrat? You're kidding right? Thats an awful lot of work for something which will not be effective most of the time. What about all the scientists and engineers who never bother to take a poli sci course? How are they being indoctrinated?

3) Were you able to show (successfully) that her desire to fail you was directly tied to your choice to be a college republican? Or did it have to do with your work? What grades were you receiving on your papers? What I'm getting at here is that NO professor should (or can) fail a student who receives good marks on their work and is present in class. You successfully fought back and passed the class. So, the system works, doesn't it? If the system were truly biased against republicans, then when you brought your case up to the board (or whoever) they would have said "so?, you fail".
Drathaar Offline
#108 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
Here we go again! More "newbs" jumping in to make doomi feel good. Maybe I should stop picking on him, I almost feel sorry for him.
Drathaar Offline
#109 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
vic, so you're telling me you never took History, Psychology, Sociology, Geography, Music, etc? Interesting college you attended.

1. (Your're switching up the numbers.) You can find the Zero in the same book I recomended for you above, by Dan Flynn. Argue it with him. The one Republican at my Junior College was an Economics teacher. Needless to say, I was never his student. He was the Faculty Advisor for the club though.

2. You're changing the subject to fit your needs again. Go back and read what I said to your comment about this. An even playing field anywhere. Take the indoctrination out of Colleges and High Schools and there would be more younger Republicans. The brainwashed ones usually don't come out of it until their 30's. That's when they start thinking for themselves and not letting their teachers, unions, and entertainers tell them how to feel and vote.

3. Yes. I was able to show that my grades were fine until a specific date. The date was when I joined the College Republicans and wore a pin on my jacket.
rugrunner Offline
#110 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Draathar, you should be glad vicky isn't sticking his fingers in his ears and saying "watermellon, watermellon,watermellon!" That's what most liberals end up having to do.
Drathaar Offline
#111 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
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I've seen it many times from a guy at work who thinks he can debate. Its funny because he interrupts me and everyone else all the time. I try and jump in and he says "Can I finish? Can I finish?"! The hypocracy of the left.
rugrunner Offline
#112 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
I used to work with a guy like that in Chicago. After awhile I got tired of making him cry like a girl everyday. Okay, that's not accurate.

I never got tired of him cry like a girl. I think he moved to Asia to sell widgets or something after he couldn't take it anymore.
Drathaar Offline
#113 Posted:
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adroomi Offline
#114 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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Getting a little personal with the comments about prostitutes aren't you? Is that the best tactic you have?

I guess you really Pwned me, right.

What a loser.

Rug, are you really going to side with this guy? He's proving himself to be the board idiot. You're a much higher level than that.
8trackdisco Offline
#115 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
'..What a loser..'

Fourth personal attack in three days on two diifferent threads, with one obvious counterdiction.

Very well rounded of you, adroomi.

Hope you enjoyed your Easter holiday.
8trackdisco Offline
#116 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
Getting a little personal with the comments about prostitutes aren't you? Is that the best tactic you have?..'


You can only take that as personal if it mirrors the truth.
8trackdisco Offline
#117 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
(post 115 should say "contradiction".)
adroomi Offline
#118 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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Hey 8track,
What are you Drathaars little bodyguard now? Silly man.
8trackdisco Offline
#119 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
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No more than you are Tey's Master.
adroomi Offline
#120 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
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That's twice you've referred to Tey as some sort of "slave." What's your point 8track?

Do you have anything of value to add to this thread, or are you just here to create conflict as usual?

You're a pest. Knock it off.
8trackdisco Offline
#121 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
Sure it adds to the thread. You said earlier in the thread about how inexpensive American apples are compared with a type of Japanese apple, because immigrants pick the apples. And someday, if all the immigrants are gone, only a few people (like you) could afford apples.

Remember that? Or do I have to copy and paste it here for you?

You are rich, Tey is an immigrant. You therefor are his Master.

And as for me being a pest. Because I point out your inconsistencies, half truths and mistakes. Being held accountable really burns your ass, doesn't it?

Warmest Easter regards.
8trackdisco Offline
#122 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
Here you go adroomi, just in case you forgot what you said....

98. Author: adroomi Date: 04/16/2006 12:13 AM Reply

Yeah...that disease thing is a really bummer.

I really get upset at paying $1.50 an apple for a good Fuji apple in Tokyo because it's locally grown, when I could easily pay 5 cents an apple for an American grown apple in Tokyo (thanks to the cheap illegal immigrants that farm them).

What's next? The USA will get rid of illegal immigrants and I'll be paying $1.50 in America for an apple too?

Thank goodness I'm fortunate enough to have enough money to pay those prices. Once the illegals in America are gone, myself and a few other's will be the only one's able to afford apples. The middle class can eat cake....."

No need to thank me. Its the Easter spirit within me that is helping my fellow mankind this evening.

rugrunner Offline
#123 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Adroomi, the old carrot and the stick again. I'm smarter then that. Actually smarter then you, just less polished.

It was a nice try at bypassing my post to you about Paul Wellstone (didn't even scratch the surface on that one, just the funnier parts). Your better then that Adroomi, try going at it head on. You'll still loose, but you won't stay up all night mumbling to yourself what an ass I am.
adroomi Offline
#124 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
How do you know how much money Tey has? You're logic is skewed, and your only point is to create conflict on this board. Why don't you knock it off?

And yes.....I'm glad I have money. I earned it.

I don't celebrate Easter by the way. I find the secular commercialism of it all offensive.

Quit buzzing around my bother me.
rugrunner Offline
#125 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Besides, you ain't getting a fuji apple for five cents here either. About 1.60 a pound with a 4 to 5 apple per pound ratio makes it .35 to .40 per apple here.
adroomi Offline
#126 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
Dang! I really like Fuji apples too.
8trackdisco Offline
#127 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142
I have no idea how much money Tey has. Its not the point. There is no way he could possibly be the wild success story that you are.

How do you like them apples?
victor808 Offline
#128 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038

I never took a history course in undergraduate (actually, thats not accurate, my senior year I took History of Colonial Brazil, because the professor was a friend's father. I don't know his political leanings, but if I had to guess they would be conservative.), I have told you, I was a science major. I took my sociology, history,music (cello) and english in High School. "Interesting college you attended"? Johns Hopkins University, is one of the premier science research institutes in the nation. Is this a problem?

1) "You can find the Zero in the same book I recomended for you above, by Dan Flynn. Argue it with him." If you are going to use a statistic in your argument, you have to be able to deal with logical questioning of that statistic. Since no one is required to state their political leanings, how was this study done which showed a national average of 0 right wing history professors? Were all colleges questioned and all of their professors asked about their political belief? I'm questioning the number because I think its BS. I offered you another set of statistics done in a clear manner (there is even a study cited). Deal with that.

2) Since college is voluntary, and since most of the colleges in the US are private, one has to wonder how this is a forced indoctrination? The students are choosing to go to college, they are choosing what courses to take and they are choosing their professors. They have CHOSEN TO LEARN WHAT IS BEING TAUGHT. If the professors were acting in a manner which turned the students off, then the school would face declining admissions and would be forced to get rid of them. Or are you upset because a majority of the college students are left leaning?

3) But you were able to show that the professor graded you unfairly and had your grades returned to the level which you deserved? If that is the case then the system works. There is currently an appeals process in place at universities to ensure that students who have been unfairly graded are able to rectify the situation. As long as your grades were changed back to whatever you deserved, then there is no problem with the checks and balances in the system, are there?
8trackdisco Offline
#129 Posted:
Joined: 11-06-2004
Posts: 60,142

Do you have an bullet point posts I can read? Every post need not be a novel.

No offense intended.
rugrunner Offline
#130 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
While college is voluntary, many students have to attend public institutions. They have little or no pressure on them to be fair. As long as they are well rated, kids will go.

I saw that as I was scanning you last post (gotta be to bed by midnight and didn't have time for all of it) and noticed that little gem of goofiness.
adroomi Offline
#131 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
"While college is voluntary, many students have to attend public institutions. They have little or no pressure on them to be fair. As long as they are well rated, kids will go."

Where did you read that? I missed it. I don't recall anyone saying that. That makes little or no sense to me.
Homebrew Offline
#132 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Just started catching up with this thread???
Yep wondering the same thing. I am yet to see an arguement that supports

1. That Ann Coulter has any more credibility, than Al Franken, just opposite sides.

2. That the majority of Professors are Liberal. I guess Drathaar had a run in with one, but that doesn't mean the majority of professors are liberal. But consider most of the folks around here, arkansas, see me as conservative. I guess anyone with more moderate beliefs than Drathaar, and rugrunner, are liberal. LOL
Wait till I tell my fellow Libertarians, that I am a liberal. LOL We reserve that term for democrats and republicans. Yep, the Dems are Socially Liberal, and fiscally conservative if you look at the actual spending. And Republicans, are socially conservative, which means they want to tell everyone else what is good for them, and fiscally the most LIBERAL party around. And they love to call the Dems Liberals, and themselves conservative. LOL
Oh Well let's let those to believe that they have actually won an arguement. As the "For Hockeydad" thread shows. Drathaar thinks he wind an arguement, even when totally out argued. I re-read that thread tonight. It is amazing how many times Drathaar changes topics, to get away from the fact that he is losing. LOL
OH Well.
Enough for tonight. I just worked 40 hours, out of the last 72, and I am tired.
Have a great night guys.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. Circular arguements are fun to read. LOL
rugrunner Offline
#133 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
I think you've seen this before Adroomi.

2) Since college is voluntary, and since most of the colleges in the US are private, one has to wonder how this is a forced indoctrination? The students are choosing to go to college, they are choosing what courses to take and they are choosing their professors. They have CHOSEN TO LEARN WHAT IS BEING TAUGHT. If the professors were acting in a manner which turned the students off, then the school would face declining admissions and would be forced to get rid of them. Or are you upset because a majority of the college students are left leaning?

If anyone believes this to be the case, they have not been a student on or talked to a student on a college campus in a long while. Or they are so to left they see Joe Lieberman as a right winger and are in denial.
adroomi Offline
#134 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
no Rug,
You're quite wrong. In fact, you've got it BACKWARDS.

Public Schools (ie state universities and colleges) are even more strict in their teaching liberties. Professors are held to a more strict agenda, and flexibility is very little.

Inflamed grading scales mean that almost all students receive at least a 3.0 GPA (otherwise the money gets cut off).

Students do in fact pick and choose the classes they want in public schools too.

I dare you to find me ONE SINGLE student that was forced to take a class they didn't choose. If they did, it's because they didn't plan their schedule properly and had to settle for something they didn't want.

To state that colleges are liberal breeding grounds, might just mean that with education comes liberal thought. Therefore hard righters are the equivalent of non-educated.
CWFoster Offline
#135 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
"...Whether he should have been executed is up to the geneva convention. If you want to take our president at his word, we were at war with the Taliban, that makes Walker a POW and subject to all rights associated with it. "

But Walker is/was an American citizen, and as such, his actions were NOT the actions of a uniformed, and protected member of an enemy military, but those of a TRAITOR who was attempting to kill his own countrymen! Last I heard was that even though no one has been charged with it in a very long time, the punishment for treason is still death!
CWFoster Offline
#136 Posted:
Joined: 12-12-2003
Posts: 5,414
"I'm actually for a literacy test as well... Probably end up with a better president. ..."

First you have to have better choices!
adroomi Offline
#137 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
American Citizen or not, if Walker chose to fight on the Talibans side, that's his business. Being tried as a traitor is not an option in this instance is it?
victor808 Offline
#138 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038
CW has a good point here. This little "war against terrorism" has created a sticky position. As terrorists dont have an actual country to represent, their forces can be from any country, ours included. In this case which is more important, that we are officially at war with the organization they are allying with, or that they were originally US citizens?

Personally, I feel that their choice to work for the taliban makes them officially taliban fighters, regardless of where they are from. If we choose to be at war with the taliban, we need to follow our own rules even if the enemy doesn't.
victor808 Offline
#139 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
Posts: 7,038
I'm sorry, but I really do try to be precise when making a statement, I'm less likely to be misrepresented successfully at a later date. Because of this, I frequently end up typing more than I should. But it's a worthwhile read, I promise. :)
victor808 Offline
#140 Posted:
Joined: 04-20-2005
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College in general is voluntary. State colleges ARE funded by state and federal money and DO have a number of restrictions. Actually, all universities do have academic codes in place to ensure that students are graded on their capabilities not their personal beliefs. These codes may be violated in cases (and may have been in draths case), and there are a series of checks and balances in place to rectify the situation.

Private colleges are in many cases able to teach whatever they want, whether it be religious beliefs or liberal ideology. Its funny, but I would have never considered going to St. Martin, because it is Catholic. I chose a school because of my desire to learn specific things. Drath perhaps did not look into what was being taught?
usahog Offline
#141 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
Posts: 22,691
Walker should be sitting in a ****hole down in Gitmo...

he gave up his rights as a US Citizen when he went to aid and abed an Enemy. Taliban is a waring faction, they are and were not a known Nation.. POW status and Genevia Convention is only covered for Wars against Known Nations.. Not Terrorist Organizations who take up homestead in these Country's!

Look it up.. Item #3 under the US Citizenship rules and regs...

adroomi Offline
#142 Posted:
Joined: 05-10-2002
Posts: 10,143
You can't quite have your cake and eat it too.

First of all, I'm not going to defend Walker. As far as I'm concerned he should be dead. However, as a country, we claim our name to being the "fair" and "democratic" ones. We pride ourselves and stick our noses in the air to other countries as to how "perfect" we are, yet we have places like Gitmo. Gitmo is against all rules as we know them, and you know that. We call it a war, and then we don't give the enemy POW rights. Then we arrest "combatants" in the USA, and don't give them legal rights. We are a walking talking hypocrisy of a nation in regards to "doing as I say, not as I do," and the world knows it.

When you say he gave up his rights, you are wrong.

When you say that POW and Geneva conventions don't apply since the Taliban are not a nation, you are correct. However, GWB stated that this was a war, and that we are in a war with the Taliban. Which is it? We can have both. The fact is, we have a strange way of bending the issues and creating new rules as we go along. It's not right.

John Walker is the lowest form of human life there is. However, this is America, and even low forms of human life are guaranteed their rights. That's what you, me, and a few million others served for.....remember?
#143 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
Posts: 33,248
i believe walker was 17 at the time he "joined" the taliban. he was probably kept around as a souvineer.
i doubt that he did any fighting or shooting.

i don't think he qalifies as the lowest form of human life and should be dead. i could name a lot of people that did more harm to the world.

he was a 17 year old schmuck, who more then likely didn't have the vaugest idea what he was doing.

that doesn't excuss him, it explains him to some extent.

what happened to the youthful indiscretions that i heard about a while ago.
Drathaar Offline
#144 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933


Three Ohio State University professors have filed sexual harrassment charges against Scott Savage in response to the reference librarian's book suggestions for a freshman reading list. The university is investigating. Savage, a committee member of OSU's "First Year Reading Experience" program, suggested David Horowitz's The Professors, Bat Ye'or's Eurabia, David Kupelian's The Marketing of Evil, and Rick Santorum's It Takes a Family, after members of the committee recommended a series of liberal books. The complaining professors report feeling "unsafe" as a result of Savage's book suggestions.

FlynnFiles readers may remember last year at this time the story of a Western Michigan University women's studies professor who used class time to encourage her students to tear down fliers promoting a Pat Buchanan speech. This week, a feminist professor at Northern Kentucky University encouraged her students to destroy a campus pro-life display, which they promptly did. "I did, outside of class during the break, invite students to express their freedom-of-speech rights to destroy the display if they wished to," Sally Jacobsen admitted. "Any violence perpetrated against that silly display was minor compared to how I felt when I saw it. Some of my students felt the same way, just outraged."

UPDATE: Sally Jacobsen, the professor in the middle of NKU's "Cemetery of Innocents" vandalism case, didn't just encourage students to destroy the display, she helped destroy the display herself. The proof is in the picture (link to picture - Don't worry, you'll get the links at the end).

My Tuesday lecture at Portland State took place, amidst a lot of shouting, in something called the "Multicultural Center." In case anyone forgets what room they are in, the Multicultural Center is adorned with dozens of national flags, including the Iranian flag, and they all stand equal. Well, okay, there are a few flags hung a little higher than the Stars and Stripes, but it is the Multicultural Center, after all, and I'm sure--really I am--that it's just an oversight. In case anyone forgets what multiculturalism is, the Multicultural Center features giant cult-of-personality posters of Black Panthers Kathleen Cleaver and Bobby Seale. A wall-length mural dominates the front of the room and features the likenesses of cop-killers Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier, amidst a number of leftist slogans. If multiculturalism is about embracing other cultures, Portland State's Multicultural Center is a non sequitur. Judging from the figures lionized by the center, one might deduce that multiculturalism is about Americans, violence, or radicalism. Apart from the flag cliche, one would never guess it had anything to do with foreign cultures. And it doesn't.

Ok, the above were quoted at
The author of "Why the Left Hates America". Funny, but those are the State schools. Go figure.

Here's another one:

News that several groups had plans to show up, on threatening a protest, found Flynn unphased. For this 210lb, 6' speaker, any disgruntled audience at CC would be another to add to an impressive list; as he later shared with the audience, Flynn has been bitten, mooned, heckled, and his books have been the main element in a "Nazi-styled book burning at Berkeley...Berkeley is like Rome for the Left."

To enhance his point, Flynn brought along visual and audio media. Three items were of particular note. Flynn held up the cover of a University of Wisconsin magazine, in which a student of color had been cut and paste in with a group of Caucasian students, highlighting academia's desperate longing to appear multi-cultural. For Flynn, this incident illustrates the "fraud diversity" rampant on college campuses "Real diversity is diversity of ideas and diversity of viewpoints." While speaking of academia, Flynn expressed that "the kind of diversity you get at a place like CC, or any other liberal arts college in the country, seeks to have a faculty that looks like the UN, but with a mindset of a San Francisco coffee house," and also called attention to the fact that many politically conservative faculty are outnumbered by liberal faculty by more than 10 to one on most college campuses. (YOu see that? 10-1)

The above quote can be found here:

Here's some of Flynn's archives, interesting read:


Ooohhh, good stuff here:

This one is short but interesting. It has nothing to do with the topic though. But, this link and I think the first one touch on Kinsey. A while back doomi used Kinsey as a credible source and I told him Kinsey has been refuted and proved wrong. He touches on it on the two links mentioned:

So vic, is that enough for you? Do you still believe State schools are fair? If you do, you are blind.
Drathaar Offline
#145 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
doomi re: 114

Don't blame me when you are the one who plasters the picture forum with you and women PAID TO BE THERE. Paid to stand there and get ogled by horny businessmen. Hmmm...sounds like prostitution to me.
Drathaar Offline
#146 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933
Homebrew, I didn't change any subject. I was busy keeping up with doomi and all his incarnations, you, and a few others.

Speaking of which, doomi if you want everyone to believe you don't have an alias or two, five, ten, whatever do this: Give cbid permission to check it out and report their findings. Simple, no?
rugrunner Offline
#147 Posted:
Joined: 02-15-2004
Posts: 10,089
Wow adroomi. Why are you always trying to convince us all that what we see everyday just isn't real?
I have friends that attend and attended public colleges and universities. I even have a few that teach at them. They see it every day and at every school.

My last summer helper was going to St. Cloud State for a degree in aviation. He was made to take a diversity class and a women's studies class that where nothing but forced left wing indoctrination.

I don't have a copy of his transcripts to send you but it is on every campus. Why can't you be part of a conversation between thinking adults? IT always prove this and prove that to distract from the obvious. Grow up and converse like an adult will ypu please?.
tandblov Offline
#148 Posted:
Joined: 11-14-2005
Posts: 267

the tyranny of the obvious followed closely in second place by the decrepidtude of common sense..

I was forced to take a political theory class in college, nothing but right wing propoganda...

booga booga...
Homebrew Offline
#149 Posted:
Joined: 02-11-2003
Posts: 11,885
Hey Drathaar,
I have one alias, that I adopted recently. Fricken Liberal. That I adopted as a result of you and Rugrunner alluding that I was a Liberal, though I see myself as a moderate conservative. But As I read it, you changed subjects, no less than 4 times, on that thread alone.
Dave (A.K.A. Homebrew)
P.S. How many aliases do you have???????????????????
Drathaar Offline
#150 Posted:
Joined: 10-03-2005
Posts: 4,933

Oh this just keeps getting better and better! Please take up the offer doomi. Set yourself free!
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