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Last post 23 years ago by usahog. 26 replies replies.
political bored
tailgater Offline
#1 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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a much more appropriate name for this ghost town...
#2 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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I have not been bored with your posts and I hope you have not been bored with mine. Rick
tailgater Offline
#3 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Nope, not you Rick. Just the lack of activity in general. Banter is much more fun with lots of action.
#4 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Perhaps you should start a post about the value of woman vs the value of a good cigar. If that doesn't work, try using words like c*&t and B*&*@h. If that doesn't work, there are always the anti-smoking groups and the women's libers groups have done more to emasculate the American male. If that doesn't work try this "Bush, the accidental President, is a complete moron who couldn't find water if he fell out of a boat. What about Clinton has done more for the American working family than any President in history and has shown a way to spice up sex in marriage. And there is always, Reagan had Alzheimers during his last four years and Nancy really ran the country. If you can't provoke response with any of these, go back to the cigar board and discuss the merits of Dominican vs Cuban cigars.
tailgater Offline
#5 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Not a bad start, but there are no women libers on this page. They don't smoke anything...
A J Childs Offline
#6 Posted:
Joined: 11-28-2000
Posts: 42
With my silver tongue, I am sure I could persude any of these so called womens libers to smoke mine...failing that I would convince them to let me put something warm inside them...a good meal of course...LOL
jjohnson28 Offline
#7 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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This isn't going to be as much fun with everybody trying to get along but here goes.Rick What you should have said is that American working families have done more for Bill Clinton than any President in history.Bill Clinton has only shown that oral sex is not really sex at all and that commitment to marriage is only for you know those people with morals and good judgement.This from the most ethical administration in history.Give me a break.Ronald Reagan on his worst day is 10 times the man Bill Clinton or Al Gore could ever hope to be.Oh **** did I just call Slick Willey and Al Whore men sorry I don't know what got in to me.
#8 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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OK Let's have some fun. Before Reagan was selected by the republican party to be their leader he had to have a meeting with the party leaders to tone down his so far right leanings, that he never would have been accepted. I believe the book was called "The End of Calif" or something like that. Remember he ratted out his friends, the so called communists when he was at the McCarthy hearings run by a man who was a drunk and so foul, they finally got rid of him. First thing Reagan, the so called union man, did was bust a union. Following directions by whoever led him, he deregulated the savings and loans causing a lot of old people to lose their life savings at a time in their lives when it was too late to recover. He threw the mentally ill into the streets causing this massive group of homeless people and making Grand Central Station in New York to look like Calcuta. He said ketchup was a vegetable. If you watch scenes of him walking with Nancy, a mother disowned by her children (read the biography by the youngest daughter) you will see her giving him the answers to questions shouted out by reporters. His speeches were so confusing, he was using lines from movies. "Mr Gorbechev, tear down these walls" was a short stage play. Make believe you don't know anything about him and read all the negative books written about him. Then bring them together with your original good feelings about him and see if some different light goes on. Now let's go to John Wayne. The American hero who never fought for his country except in the movies and who taught generations to hate the "redskins" and the "yellow japs". A wonderful example of prejudice, for which he got some hero medal by the government. I could go on, but this should raise some hackles.
#9 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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A.J. You are right on point. "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke" Rudyard Kipling
jjohnson28 Offline
#10 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Sorry Rick,I still say Reagan is 10 Times the man Bill or Al could ever hope to be.Even on his worst day :O).Now as far as John Wayne movies I've seen them all and I'm a far cry from being predjudiced by them.Say,your not one of those crack pots that think movies and music are responsible for people that do evil things are you?Lets try getting back to personal responsabilty for your actions.Put these Punks away and quit punishing law abiding citizens with more laws that only restrict freedom.
tailgater Offline
#11 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
Posts: 26,187
Bravo, JJ. Bravo! Listen to him, Rick. Common Sense and Responsibility: Two items missing from the liberal democratic agenda...
#12 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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Democratic Liberal agenda my rear end. It is a cliche. Every group has a lot of agends. I am not talking about adults being influenced by shot um ups, I am talking about kids who went to the movies in the 40's and saw john shoot the evil indians. What kid ever wanted to be the indian playing cowboys and indians? What kid was taught anything about the hardships the native americans suffered? The kids were taught to look down on a group of people. I am a crack pot. Why did kids all want pokeman, and before that there was an elmo, and before that adults spent $5.00 for a rock, and before that and before that. The constant repitition of how desireable these things are and the need to have one to be part of the group is what advertisement is all about. We don't smoke cigars to be accepted, and we would want to smoke cigars if no one ever recognized how much smarter than most people we are. See enough indians shot because they will scalp you, (started incidently by the whites), they will rape your woman, and torture you for no reason, and a child has been influenced. Remember the words of a church elder, "Give me your kids until they are 6, and I will own them for life." Of course you need to seperate from the rest of us, the people that will do harm, the criminal. You might also throw some of the tobacco execs in jail for lying about cigarettes, and some of the car manufacturers who hide and hid defects in the cars. Do you remeber the car about ten years ago that used to jump into gear and accelerate. What happened to the execs who knew all about the problem and hid it from the national safety board. Hell yes personal responsibility, but not just for you and me. Besides JJ wanted some heat on this board.
A J Childs Offline
#13 Posted:
Joined: 11-28-2000
Posts: 42
Do you guy's genuinely think that you have something close to politics on your side of the pond?...All you have is people that enjoy flags being waved at them...GOD help us if they have got their finger on the button!
jjohnson28 Offline
#14 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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"The need to have one to be part of the group is what advertisement is all about."No sir,the need to have everyone to be part of the group is what the Democratic Liberal Agenda,your "rear end" and the socialist public education system is all about.On Movies:you can take whatever you choose to from a movie,if you choose to take away hatred,bigotry and the like that would be your personal decision.I don't know about kids in the forties,but what I believe most kids in the 60's got from JW movies,was a Love for our country,personal responsibility,the concept of honor and dignity and to do the right thing no matter what the cost.Come to think of it thats pretty much what they were teaching us in school in those days also.Enter the Liberalism of the Mid 70's-80's and about all they are being taught is to be good little citizens the Government will take care of you.Independent thought is a relic of the past.Hell I used to be a liberal myself to some extent but then I saw what it was all is a quote in John Wayne's own words that I think pretty much somes it up."I HAVE FOUND a certain type calls himself a liberal . . .Now I always thought I was a liberal. I came up terribly surprised one time when I found out that I was a right-wing, conservative extremist, when I listened to everybody's point of view that I ever met, and then decided how I should feel. But this so-called new liberal group, Jesus, they never listen to your point of view." John Wayne.More Later:Jim
jjohnson28 Offline
#15 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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AJ,God help you if you ever need to go to war again :O)
Sorry buddy sure hope you can take a joke.Can you say Sig Heil.(sp)
jjohnson28 Offline
#16 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Remember the words of a church elder, "Give me your kids until they are 6, and I will own them for life."
Ricky whose church elder was this?Again,it pretty much sounds like the liberal mantra of the public school system.
A J Childs Offline
#17 Posted:
Joined: 11-28-2000
Posts: 42
Poor old JJ you really have lost it haven't you?...Sorry to remind you boys, but until Pearl Harbour all you guys were interested in was making a fast buck from Europe(mainly us!)...If you want to ask the question of who really helped US win the war then look no further than the state you tend to hate and downcry...yes youv'e guessed it the RUSSIANS...they were there from DAY 1!!!... not when "OOPS weve been bombed",lets do something about it"...only then did you wake up to the realities of what what was happening
Yes did you have the firepower, but also, yes did you get the interest repayments...don't patronise me and my for fathers by thinking that by JOINING the right side you did anything more than what you should have done in 1939...makes you cringe dosn't it?
BrentM01 Offline
#18 Posted:
Joined: 05-30-2000
Posts: 343
I agree with Rickmeister, it's the Republican's who applaud commercialism and are telling our children that it's ok to hate the Democrat's and their 'God forbid' liberal views on clean air, cleaning up the enviroment and stopping the use of bigotry like wielding a gun. If it were up to 'Conservative Repub's, our sky's would be black, the forests would be empty parking lots and we'd be boiling our drinking water. Are liberal views such a nasty word anymore or would you like to go back to the way things were? Liberals are responsible for more good then you give them credit for.
#19 Posted:
Joined: 10-01-2000
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I thank you all. Agree, disagree, not as important as the open forum to air all of our biased, self serving ideas. We are not supposed to agree. If we did, we would still be living in caves and trying to make fire.
There was no vulgarity, no name calling, no nasty posts. We must get together after the playoffs, light up, have a drink or cappacciano, and chat again. Cigar smokers are the elite of the world!!!!!!!!
jjohnson28 Offline
#20 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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"I HAVE FOUND a certain type calls himself a liberal . . .Now I always thought I was a liberal. I came up terribly surprised one time when I found out that I was a right-wing, conservative extremist, when I listened to everybody's point of view that I ever met, and then decided how I should feel. But this so-called new liberal group, Jesus, they never listen to your point of view." John Wayne.More Later:Jim

jjohnson28 Offline
#21 Posted:
Joined: 09-12-2000
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Dear,Dear AJ or can I call you Andy I'm truly sorry if I touched a nerve,I may have been a bit off.But we have a saying over here.Don't dish it out,if you can't take it.If you want to bash heads over old polotics thats fine,if you want to talk cigars and the like my e-mail is [email protected] email me.whats yours.Later:Jim
tailgater Offline
#22 Posted:
Joined: 06-01-2000
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Rick, once again you missed the point earlier. You seem to Blame television and movies for the beliefs and actions of individuals. Let's go back to the HISTORY BOOKS of that time. Did the right wing republicans write those? Don't blame a political party for what profit minded movie execs put on the screen. Don't blame the actors for making a living (rather than accepting your welfare/socialism). Let's add another characteristic to the Republican slate: Responsibility. Much better than the "blame" attitude that the liberals seem to embrace on EVERY negative issue. I do believe in the multi-party democracy. I know that the democrats have added much greatness to this country, as have the republicans. But the focus and needs for today require the conservative leanings that the republicans represent. Three cheers for common sense! Hip, Hip.....
jjohnson28 Offline
#23 Posted:
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jjracoon Offline
#24 Posted:
Joined: 09-22-2000
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Call me a bigot. I grew up in the time when JW wanted the indians dead. Didn't like indians! Went to high school where the only black student's last name was White. Had no problems with blacks but those ****s were to be avoided at all costs. Real scum. Went to Vietnam and was told to kill them. Moved to Texas and started a company when I got back and hired mostly blacks,no spanish and some whites. My point is, we are influenced by what we see and hear be it from our surroundings or TV or movies. Movies like Jeremiah Johnson and Dances with Wolves changed my perspective of indians. I found it hard to hate the Vietnameese people enough to consider them all worth killing. Most of the blacks I hired, because I had no prejudgice against them considered me soft and took advantage of me(Am I forming another Prejudgice?) and when I started hiring those with Mexican heritage I found most to be hard working family oriented wonderful people. Go figure! When will we really start judging people for their actions, not by what they say they'll do or who others tell you they are?
mark Offline
#25 Posted:
Joined: 08-03-1999
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AJ- are you ****tin' me? WW2? In your own backyard it was brewing for years, and most of England wasnt behind it until years later. Churchill was the only one to see it coming (he was half American I might add). The rest of England was living in a fantasy world dominated by the past and their obsolete sea power. The russians? Like churchill said have always been nothing but a "peasant race". and the english,like Lindbergh said, "are a nation of lazy and weak minded people controlled by a small circle of geniuses" by the way, thanks for all that help in the balkans last year, anything we can do to help. jeezus, the damn English are becoming as bad as the French.
esplendidoschick Offline
#26 Posted:
Joined: 09-22-2000
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Forget the whole frigin' *race* thing...I'll never hire another person named 'Heather' again. That's a fact. Every single one of 'em have been D.W.'s (that's my slang for dim-whits).
usahog Offline
#27 Posted:
Joined: 12-06-1999
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This Post is Rolling... Good topics by all.. Bottom line tho is "when will" as jjracoon Asked... It is no ones place to Judge another but yet this happens.. allot of people in this world Steriotype others and mark them before they even open there mouths or show there worth.. That is in every Nation across this Globe it is no mans/womens Right to do this yet it is becoming more comin place.. Reason Media, Radio,Internet, Blame whatever you may.. Bottom line is You.. it is easy to get sucked into the Crowed around you day by day...But to Step back and Look/Really Look at yourself and surroundings then you know to make a change... and everyone of us know how and where to make that change be it Voting/or just a committment to yourselves... Take a look at esplendidoschick's post on Ashcroft and why they want him down for the count... Bottom line there is I think Bill and Hillary and the Party know that if Ashcroft gets the job.. they are going to Fry and there will not be a Hillary for Pres. in 2004, So play the media, play the nationalities of this country.... lets get back to seperation of Church & State.. What Farce that is Also took the teachings away from the Kids because of what??? now we have instances like Columbine High School and BS like this... Because Why? Blame it on the Parents? I think not... Look at the Divorce rate across this Planet... after the last 8 yrs in this country watching a President demoralize all the things that parents tell there kids are wrong.. where do we pick up the peices to get back on track?? It's Pretty Simple to figure out... but then again If I mention God's name in this then im a strong Right winged Church going Hipocrit who must belong to a Cult or Malitia Group somewhere, because just being a hard working Tax paying Citizen cannot be enough to say what I have here..."Give me a Break" While your Smoking that Great tasting Cigar, Crack the Book and read a few verses... Might just allow that person in front of you who is hellbent to get no where go ahead and stay in front of ya... then ya can just sit back and laugh at how he/she drives...
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